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Community Call to Power Project

@ Chrome you should try it :), Terra Incognita can give some very intresting maps, and with the random quantities it can becoem quite diverse. Had 1 game where the resources nr me were mostly 1's with the odd 2 or 3, then another game were they were mostly 3's :)
Speaking about the resources, I've been thinking a little about the distribution as well. Just an idea I want to throw out where, instead of having many resource plots with only 1-2 resources, I think that fewer, but more productive plots (4-6) would make more sense. This way, you can limit the number of cities that can build the resource buildings (forge, monopolies), while keeping the same number of resources on the map. Another outcome of this change is providing something closer to the uniformity scale of Call To Power (II). If the resources are all concentrated, then, on a standard map, there could be only 2 or 3 nodes that combine for 16 or so of that resource. If a player gets lucky, the resources can spawn in the same region. More likely, a war will probably be waged to control the other node. Note that this suggestion would only apply to luxury/bonus resources: making strategics highly concentrated would provide an unfair advantage to that lucky Civ. :please:
These are the breakthroughs for the renaissance era

I like the idea of higher quanity of resources (4-6), might cause less slowdown/crashes.
I still get random crashes on changing improvements. So less number of resource tiles means less chances of having to change imporvements when new resources are discovered.
I still get random crashes on changing improvements. So less number of resource tiles means less chances of having to change imporvements when new resources are discovered.

Still? I have not come across this bug. Has anyone else suffered or is suffering from this?
Do you have other mods active as well as CCTP?
Also do you have logs for these crashes? And if not, could you please zip up the log files(Have to turn debugging on in Config.ini) when it crashes on you next time amd post them here please.

What View are you using? Strategic or normal when these crashes occur? If its normal, try runnign the game in strategic mode and see if you still get random crashes.

Just playing the English and noticed that you can build a King George V Battleship without an industrial shipyard. The file I gave you with all the WW2 units has this modified.

Also I noticed that when allied with a CS who discovers Oil before you, oil becomes an available resource (even though you have no idea what to do with the black goo :lol:)probably a vanilla bug.
Still? I have not come across this bug. Has anyone else suffered or is suffering from this?
Do you have other mods active as well as CCTP?
Also do you have logs for these crashes? And if not, could you please zip up the log files(Have to turn debugging on in Config.ini) when it crashes on you next time amd post them here please.

What View are you using? Strategic or normal when these crashes occur? If its normal, try runnign the game in strategic mode and see if you still get random crashes.

Yeap and I have mentioned this before on the last page. So far its only when changing a farm land to something else. It doesn't happen in default game, only in this mod. I still suspect it to be that map download this mod is dependent on.

Thanx for the debug log information hint, I was not aware of this. If I get the crash again I'll post what it says.

Is it this option in the config file to enable logging?

; Enable the logging system
LoggingEnabled = 0
Been playing around for a bit, but I have noticed a bug. The 3D graphics for the Panzer are missing. The sounds, icon and unit exist, but once it gets into combat, I get a crash to desktop. Since I only play Bismarck, this really puts a crimp on the industrial era.
; Enable the logging system
LoggingEnabled = 0

Aye thats it.

I still suspect it to be that map download this mod is dependent on.

If your using my Modified AssignStartingPlots.lua, the mod isn't dependant on any map script. And Most Custom maps will work, IF, they have random resources(Not placed, even thou these will work, you will have none of the 13 new eresources).

If you try a map and it fails, feel free to tell me here and I'll have a look see.
Well, after much testing I have found that theres a massive problems with CCTP and custom maps(Like LEM or YNAEM) that causes Civ5 to crashe with and Assertaion Failed Error, and I have no idea what is causing it(cant see anything that would cause it) or why its happening :(
Guys, I have been playing your mod for a few games and I think it's great! :) It adds the kind of decision complexity I always wanted in Civ games, in particular in government issues. I didn't like very much the mechanics of Civ5 original social policies, where benefits are cumulative and "stay there forever", like e.g. the skills of an RPG character ("+15 climbing", "+25 sword fighting", etc). Definitely, societies are not RPG characters, and abilities are lost when the society changes. With original Civ5 rules, your nation could be a "Monarchy-Aristocracy-Republic-Democracy", all together, which was weird. I like mutually exclusive choices and I like the government system of your mod, where, from time to time, you do have to switch your governments/policies even if you lose some bonuses.

By the way, since the happiness was removed from most 'good trading buildings' (compared to Procyclon's v9 version), managing the unhappiness is a real challengue in the mod, even in low difficulty levels! And I like it :) Choosing wrong political choices (or delaying too much the technologies required for temples, colisseums, or theaters) implies being stuck with unhappiness for many years. After expanding your number of cities, new luxuries contained in the new land will not be there to save your happiness, as before! Nothing bad with that, I like domestic politics challenges! :)

Keep that good work, guys!
I tried the new plot assignment lua from Horem and could not get a game going, whatever the map type I chose after setting the map I got the splash screen saying I was defeated without even starting! It does not happen if I don't install Horem new files though... Anybody had the same problem?
Downloading this! I originally got Civ V because I knew there would be some excellent mods for it. I haven't been disappointed, and I'm looking forward to trying this one out!

Oh, and NPcomplete, I agree totally with your point, but:

With original Civ5 rules, your nation could be a "Monarchy-Aristocracy-Republic-Democracy", all together, which was weird.

That pretty much describes the UK in the early 20th Century!
great mod!!!

at the end of a 20 hour game I found a funny bug ;)

my gold jumps from around 20.000.000 :c5gold: back to zero (+1.500.000 :c5gold: per turn)
and my main city wasn't able to build anything anymore :D
its production:
base: 43.420 :c5production:
citymodi: 200%
playermodi: 155%
should be: 240.891 :c5production:
but was: -214.463,72 :c5production: :D

I think thats a problem with the range of the variables in CivV and only in this mod you can reach this limits :)


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@ Alex: glad you enjoy it. I think the production is hard-capped (like the gold). I can't think of any way to lessen that except reverting back to the 1 point scale (from the 5 point).

Anyways, I am starting to get that itch again for modding. I have structured my class schedule so that I don't have any Friday classes, so I should be able to put at least some time in every week. Before I get started though, I want to reiterate a plea from before: If anyone is knowledgeable in LUA programming, please either post here or send me a PM. There are several things that haven't been put in (Governments being most notable) just because of lack of know how. If you are able and willing to help, I will be more than grateful. :D
I tried the new plot assignment lua from Horem and could not get a game going, whatever the map type I chose after setting the map I got the splash screen saying I was defeated without even starting! It does not happen if I don't install Horem new files though... Anybody had the same problem?

You have put the files in the right places? These 3, then this one after the first 3. Overwrite when promted to do so. You must also remove the Custom Resource Generator. Instructions incase you missed them.

Spoiler :

Firstly Download the rar file at the bottom of this post.
Now Navigate to:- ......MyDocuments/MyGames/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/MODS/Community Call to Power Project (v 1)/Terrain/New Resource

Select these 4 files:- AddNewResource.lua, ResGenerator.lua, ResGeneratorFunctions.lua, Saveutils.lua

Move them to ...MyDocuments or zip them up into a Zip file and delete them from the folder(Keeping the zip archive of them).

Open the file you downloaded from this post. You will find 3 files inside.

Extract ResourceNew.xml too :- ......MyDocuments/MyGames/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/MODS/Community Call to Power Project (v 1)/Terrain/New Resource
Extract AssignStartingPlots.lua & Community Call to Power Project (v 1).MODINFO too :- ......MyDocuments/MyGames/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/MODS/Community Call to Power Project (v 1)

Overwrite when promted to do so.
And your done.

Also, set CiV to allow firetuner to connect (in Config.ini i think), Start up Fire Tuner before you start Civ V to allow it to log any issues, which it will do since your getting a blank map script, 99% sure AssignStartingPlots.lua is failing somewere, Firetuner will let you see where and what is causing it.
Hi Horem, I thought I followed properly your instructions even though I am sure I did not read anything about Fire Tuner :confused:
Also the two links you are giving in your last post are pointing to 2 different versions of the same file: AssignStartingPlots.lua.
Would you be so kind as to give us a definite set of instructions and links to the proper files? Sorry for the bother and thanks for your efforts :goodjob:
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