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Community Call to Power Project

..do I need some patch for CIV 5 before I install this mode and if so can you give me a link of patch and crack if its needed.Thanks!

Yes you will need the latest version of civilization 5, the game is currently selling at 75% off on steam making it only $12.50.
@revollt: At the moment Continents and Archipelago map types work.

This isnt good. We know that the AI plays really bad on Archipelagon and (small)Continents :(

Since this mod uses custom resources, the resource generator doesn't work on many of the official map. That's why you're not seeing any resources. Try playing with pangea or another in-game generated map.

Do we have a list with all the supported maps, so we "newbies" dont have to test them all to know which one works and which one not? ;)
This isnt good. We know that the AI plays really bad on Archipelagon and (small)Continents :(

Do we have a list with all the supported maps, so we "newbies" dont have to test them all to know which one works and which one not? ;)

a confirmed list of the map types that do and don't work would be helpful, any takers? At some point I would like to create a custom game setup page for cctp but my hands are way too full ATM with the breakthrough system :)
Soooo after banging my head at my unexplained error for 4hrs+ last night I went to bed(still thinking about that error). After getting up this morning with a fresh head, I found what was causing the error in less than 5m :crazyeye:, sleep is amazing :D

So on this note, I have a working AssignStartingPlots.lua that places resources on ALL map types. Unfortunatly it only ever places a quantity of 1 for all resources, I am in the process of askign the community for help on this you can follow my post here.

Attached to this post is the fixed AssignStartingPlots.lua, I have been testing this with the Resource Generator mod removed from CCTP(since my changes in AssignStartingPlots will do the same thing). In order for you to test this lua you will also have to remove said files from CCTP.


Firstly Download the rar file at the bottom of this post.
Now Navigate to:- ......MyDocuments/MyGames/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/MODS/Community Call to Power Project (v 1)/Terrain/New Resource

Select these 4 files:- AddNewResource.lua, ResGenerator.lua, ResGeneratorFunctions.lua, Saveutils.lua

Move them to ...MyDocuments or zip them up into a Zip file and delete them from the folder(Keeping the zip archive of them).

Open the file you downloaded from this post. You will find 3 files inside.

Extract ResourceNew.xml too :- ......MyDocuments/MyGames/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/MODS/Community Call to Power Project (v 1)/Terrain/New Resource
Extract AssignStartingPlots.lua & Community Call to Power Project (v 1).MODINFO too :- ......MyDocuments/MyGames/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/MODS/Community Call to Power Project (v 1)

Overwrite when promted to do so.
And your done.


New Copy of AssignStartingPlots.lua, sussed how to adjust the quantities for resources placed. Should be alot more balanced now, for CCTP. Most are set 1-3, others like titantium/copper/rare earths are 2-6(These Quantities will change depending on the option you choose at start up(Low, High ect)).

Great Plains and Highlands show a Fire Tuner error, even thout they seem to load up okay, resources are there ect.
Horem does this file make oil out in the oceans again?

Ya it should do(I have not checked, since well I have not got a game past early renassiance yet :) ).

The Code is there:-
Spoiler :
function AssignStartingPlots:placeOilInTheSea()
-- Places sources of Oil in Coastal waters, equal to half what's on the
-- land. If the map has too little ocean, then whatever will fit.
-- WARNING: This operation will render the Strategic Resource Impact Table useless for
-- further operations, so should always be called last, even after minor placements.
local sea_oil_amt = 4;
if self.resource_setting == 3 then -- Abundant Resources, increase amount.
sea_oil_amt = 6;
local iNumLandOilUnits = self.amounts_of_resources_placed[self.oil_ID + 1];
local iNumToPlace = math.floor((iNumLandOilUnits / 2) / sea_oil_amt);

--print("Adding Oil resources to the Sea.");
self:placeSpecificNumberOfResources(self.oil_ID, sea_oil_amt, iNumToPlace, 0.2, 1, 4, 7, self.coast_list)

An im not familiar enough with the Fire Tuner to get it too skip forward ears without CIV5 crashing.


While at work today I had a brainstorm an thought it would be awsome to have completely random quantities of resources, instead of the set values the current game has. I have included all 3 files required too play/test this because I removed the old one from the above post.

Please see post above, about 5 posts up, for install instructions

Luxury and Bonus resources should only spawn with a quantity of 1-3, Strategic Resources are 1-7.
Incase you were not aware, these values change depending on the setting you chose at start(Low, Normal, High(Any setting above these will use the High Quantities)).
Wouldn't mind a bit of feedback on it tbh ppl :)

8 Views so around 8 of ya playing with it, how do you find the placing(I have not messed with it yet), are resources clumping too much ect, to many of a given quantity and not enough randomness, quantities to high to low overall.

I'll give you a brief rundown of how the resource quantity are chosen so you know a bit more about what should be going on:

To get the random quantities I am using a Diceroll to chose the quantity, these rolls are split into 3 categories(Standard Resource setting):

Quantities 1-3 - used by Luxuries/Bonus resources
Quantities 3-5 - used by Minor Strategic resource placing
Quantities 5-7 - used by Major Strategic resource placing

I only use a diceroll of 3, 1-3 determing the quantities(1-3 or 3-5 or 5-7), in theory if there is not enough randomness I can double the die roll to 1-6(then 1-2 would be 1, 3-4 would be 2 an 5-6, 3) and it should give it a bit more randomness.

As to clumping(1 game I was play testing there was 3 lots of 9 Iron all with in 4 tiles of each other), this can be adjusted by adjusting the resource radius, I think most Strategic are either 0-1 tile between ea or 1-2, Bonuses 2-3 and well I don't know about Luxuries.
Confirmed 2 custom mapscripts, This & This, to be working with AssignStartingPlots.

By rights should work with most if not all custom maps/map scripts that generate random resources.
@Horem: Haven't played but I appreciate the work on making more maps available; I think it was really hindering civs like England and Polynesia from being as viable since most playable maps were land heavy. Of course, the AI still doesn't have the best naval capabilities, but........
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