Consult what High Coucil where?!


Mar 10, 2002
Nijmegen. The Netherlands
I've been playing civ II for quite some time now, but I still can't figure out what the "Consult High Council" pop-up box wants me to do, cause whether I click to "Consult" or "No thanks, too busy", nothing ever seems to happen... I wouldn't mind finally meeting this infamous High Coucil, but I DO"N'T KNOW HOW!!!!

Please help
I'm sorry Ayoub78 but the real question should be.....
Consult High Council Why? IMHO

I consulted them once but now I don't bother, they never have anything sensible to say, and that Elvis character is so annoying.


Actually the Science adviser is useful; particularly before you have embassies. He tells you if you are first in science or not. I like to know. I use it in Multi-Play too.
Originally posted by Duke of Marlbrough
Do you have the CD in the drive when you are playing? IIRC, the council only runs off of the CD. You can also try to meet with them on your own by going to the 'advisors' menu and selecting 'consult high council'.

:confused: Hey Duke, what about the wonder movies? do they only run off the CD too?? :beer:
Hey Duke, what about the wonder movies? do they only run off the CD too??

IIRC, they do need the CD to run. I think even dooing a 'full' install of the game leaves the wonder moves and Council on the CD.

I have always had them turned off though, so I have not had a lot of experience on what they need to run. :)
Originally posted by Duke of Marlbrough

IIRC, they do need the CD to run. I think even dooing a 'full' install of the game leaves the wonder moves and Council on the CD.

I have always had them turned off though, so I have not had a lot of experience on what they need to run. :)

If you wish, you can copy the movies onto your hard drive and they will run without cd. A full install won't do this, you need to do it manually. Just copy the movies folder from the cd into your civ2 directory. But the council always needs the cd.
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