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We text but it's mostly dried up on her end. I definitely don't tell her she "has to" do anything as it's ineffective (and also I always hated when anyone told me that). When I see her we spend like 95% of the time talking about whatever she wants to & I try to sprinkle in advice & personal questions here & there.

The problem on my end is also emotional detachment, when you lack power in a situation emotional detachment is an inevitable reaction.
I wouldn't want to get to personal here but if it ok with you, I would ask you a provocative personal question....oh no, nothing sexual....
Yes, and those technologies are called methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine ;)
I love it!, not even close! Convoluted anatomy bleeding into vague circuits of redundant systems equipped with positive and negative feedback loops that work with multiple substances sparked by tonic and phasic depolarizations that all feed back on each other to produce epigenetic changes....is the easy part!! :lol:
They are still experimenting with them and now they can gather data from afar and manipulate them in real time and see the results.

You no longer need to lock people up to experiment, they voluntarily click the user agreements.

There was a waiver that they wanted me to sign in order to be interred, and it had something just glancing at it to do with organ harvesting, something, something, should I perish in the facility. 😲

Yikes! 😬 That's when I just tried pretending to be normal just so I didn't have to sign the waiver, and blamed it all on lack of sleep.
They used to dispose of those people in asylums to kill em off faster. Experiment with them as well.

And they sort of still exist, at least I was almost interred inside a modern rendition of one.

Yes and no. Asylums were abused in some cases, and I know of those. But they also adressed a real perceived problem of that time, what to do with those who didn't adjust to society as it was. That problem didn't vanish and will never vanish. The means have changed. Are they better now? Some of those that would have beee housed in asylums (and probably lived many years, not to be killed faster) now die homeless in some city street. It is now rationalized that "they arer there because they don't want help" because there are all thse government and ONG organizations supposedly to help them. A nice lie for peace of mind as we pass them by.

What happens to the malajusted is always a problem, however society is organized. But a society that produces a bigger percentage of maladjusted will have a bigger problem.
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Neither party has fundamentally altered inequality or environmental issues since well before I was born ('79).
That’s not true, one party ballooned inequality extremely fundamentally changing, well, almost everything, including the reason you haven’t seen much change since when we had more equality and democracy before that big change.

speak for yourself
I did and then spoke to validate your point.
What is the left? What is inclusive?

The left is in bed w corporate interests as much as the right. They'll give you a bit more benefit and pay lip service to your struggles and not be as openly bigoted.

Neither party has fundamentally altered inequality or environmental issues since well before I was born ('79).

Empathy is great but impotent empathy (at best, often 'the left's' empathy comes across performative) is merely painful and it's understandable why people turn away from it.
When you say left, you mean liberal. Left by definition cannot be in bed with corporate interests. You've restated my take on liberal behavior, which I stated is terrible about this topic.
You lost me here.
Yea, sadly not surprised.
Convince me that isn't a No True Scotsman?

Is the grouping of individual efforts itself antithetical to The Self Is King?
That’s not true, one party ballooned inequality extremely fundamentally changing, well, almost everything, including the reason you haven’t seen much change since when we had more equality and democracy before that big change.
Inequality has steadily increased. If magic were happening under democratic regimes the nuts on the right wouldn't have a chance but it isn't. the problems steadily accumulate.

Power to the people is a good slogan but when you're 10% about it (to be generous) and 90% about corporate interests like the other guys it hits flatly.

Politics is like a boring movie, even tho the good guy is obstensibly good, people find themselves rooting for the bad guy simply because he's got more verve and pizzaz. Like people like Scarface, because, like Trump, the guy is honest even when he lies whereas Joe and Kamala, they're like the adults in Peanuts animation wah wah wah.

I don't like Scarface, btw, terrible role model.

Yea, sadly not surprised
Don't be sad just let explain yourself better.

I think this is the left issue in a nutshell, head shaking self satisfaction rather than actually trying to make a case.

Like a bullied kid sitting in the corner feeling superior to all the troglodytes with your superior intellect (which clearly isn't all its cracked up to be otherwise you'd be able to improve your status)
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Inequality has steadily increased.
And before you were born, was steadily decreasing. There was a huge change after you were born, and it was instigated by one party.
And before you were born, was steadily decreasing. There was a huge change after you were born, and it was instigated by one party.
Don't tell me that one factor that change everything is him? There's an undeniable correlation there.
It's fun to see communal statements of faith outside the church bulletin.
Funny how Scarface is mentioned above. I remember the period quite vividly and it is reminiscent of what is happening now at our borders. Difference being that 1/2 the US government is aiding the rest of the world so that they can "do a Castro" on us :lol:.
Put those Satan bones back in the dirt where you dug too deep. Fire and shadow!
Don't be sad just let explain yourself better.

I think this is the left issue in a nutshell, head shaking self satisfaction rather than actually trying to make a case.

Like a bullied kid sitting in the corner feeling superior to all the troglodytes with your superior intellect (which clearly isn't all its cracked up to be otherwise you'd be able to improve your status)

Corporations are a creature of the liberals. The left has always abhorred the idea of corporations. As in private corporations. When it comes to large enterprises there are other models, from state control (with the attendant bureaucracy and the political problems it creates) to cooperatives. But certainy not private corporations.

Liberals != left

The western contries since the late 1980s have been ruled by a liberal uniparty presenting itslef to elections under many different names. In Europe you can easily pinpoint the moment of the triumph of the liberals in each country by the date in which they "privatized" strategic national assets, enterprises and public services including roads, railroads electric grids, etc. Until that is undone you can be sure that the country is ruled by a liberal party.
And before you were born, was steadily decreasing. There was a huge change after you were born, and it was instigated by one party.
Instigated... There's the impotence again. Bill Clinton had eight years and Obama has eight but I guess the momentum was too much for them.

Dems are like the guy who tells sweet nothings but got a soft dick.

Waah, Ronald Regan's fault, boring cope
There's also the shining cities on the hill.
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