Converting PBEM to Pitboss - Turn style


Jan 10, 2006
We have a PBEM game going, but we'd like to convert it to PitBoss. I can load the save up in PitBosss, but the turn style stays the same. How can I change my turn style to Simulatneous Turns? Is there anyway to add a turn timer as well?


I've done some more poking around and it looks like this can't be done - at least not through the interface.

Playing with some hex editing I can edit the Simultaneous Turn flag, but when the game is loaded, it still wants to force anyone logging in as the next player in line. For example, connecting to the server immediately asks you for the password of the civ who currently holds the turn. It would appear there's a 'next player' flag in there as well. I haven't found that yet, but I'll keep trying.

Does anyone know of a Saved Game Editor? Not a map editor, but an actual saved game editor?

Is there any information on the Saved Game file format?

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