• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Cool Pictures 14: no , it wasn't me who painted Mona Lisa

Pinterest can lead in some weird directions.

I've got a chapter or two of my story that involves chess, so I went on a Pinterest hunt for medieval-style chess sets. Somehow I got sidetracked into Christmas stuff, and ended up with this. Depending on your point of view, it's either the coolest Christmas tree ever, or the tackiest Christmas tree ever (I lean toward the latter):
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View attachment 677821

If that is tacky tacky is the best ever.
I don't put up a tree every year, but the last time I did, the ornaments included penguins and some homemade snowflakes I cut out of miscellaneous pieces of paper and candy wrappers. I made a "garland" out of colored paper clips (it was a small tree).

No Daleks.

Attributed to Ner Tamin
I ran across this sweet little tuxedo cat. The artist is apofiss.


That's a lot of remoras!
Steampunk can simultaneously be really beautiful and really creepy:


clearly not me . Never have been in a Star Wars movie or TV production .
what , at like 10 years of age ? ı have been only in THIS kind of Star Wars , this one sadly unfinished since 2006 or whatever . No , my name is not Jas .

before people forget here is Steampunk Star Wars at its best ...28-11-2023a.jpg

meanwhile this is the 2001 Migbus , probably for those who would pay like 20 or 30 thousand dollars for a jet ride as it was fashionable and available in the cash strapped Russia of 1990s .

MigBus 2023

hah , don't fall for it . He can't write what the Germans thought about it so he is showing up some usual decrepit bus from somewhere . It is still going , isn't it ?


northern Maine is the reported location . No , this is not mocking , as it is perfectly understandable for 1930 , as in why not . ı understand stoves on (auto)buses existed here as well for quite a while .

this , on the hand , is mocking . Not on a personal basis but as a general outlook of the US that leads the pack in anything .

Spoiler :


northern Maine is the reported location . No , this is not mocking , as it is perfectly understandable for 1930 , as in why not . ı understand stoves on (auto)buses existed here as well for quite a while .
We spent two winters in rural, central Maine in the early 1970s. That horse-drawn school bus makes perfect sense. Two horses likely needed for the hills.
In 1910, in preparation for the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, color photos were taken of the battlefield and many other places in Russia. The three-part glass negatives now reside in the Library of congress.

Prokudin-Gorskii Collection​

Looking towards the French lines from the fleches. A monetary was built on their site.
Borodino pic 1.jpg

Looking north towards the Raveski Redoubt monument from the fleches area
Raevskii mound and Semenovskii ravine,jpg.jpg

Kolocha stream

the entire collection:

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