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COTM 167 China Emperor

i just tried again, worked now for me also!
I assume that AlanH hasn't gotten around to reviving the QSC page.

Currently it reads the QSC submissions as now closed, even though I'm not sure anyone was able to submit a QSC.
I achieved a Space Ship Victory at the millenium, but only barely. Early on I conquered three continents and they supplied all the strategic resources I needed for victory. That allowed me to build peacefully for a good while. I built the U.N.and at one point I might have managed a Diplomatic Victory, but I mishandled that and by the time the option to vote came everyone was furious with me.

Victory seemed assured via Space but then I suffered very significand land invasions on all three of my continents from the Mongols and the Dutch. Even my home continent! I managed to kill all the invaders but it nearly depleted my forces and by the time peace was declared I was weary indeed.

Thanks to whomever made the map. It was a good game.
Won domination in a halfway decent time (for me) 1180 AD and only 45 hours of play time. Did use C3X so idk if it will be accepted. Was fun regardless.
I assume that AlanH hasn't gotten around to reviving the QSC page.

Currently it reads the QSC submissions as now closed, even though I'm not sure anyone was able to submit a QSC.
Sorry, no. Life has been kind of busy!
I played out to 1000 BC for the QSC, but didn't go further. I took some notes:

4000 BC - Check Opponents and see we have no one scientific. Move worker first to cow, then settler north off of the bonus grassland.

3950 BC - Worker roads first, then will irrigate. Start research on Pottery with a prebuild of the Pyramids on a granary.

3350 BC - Swap from BG to lake so that the Prebuild doesn't have overrun in shields and Pottery finishes sooner.

3300 BC - Meet The Celts. Trade them Warrior Code for Pottery, Ceremonial Burial and 7 gold. Swap tiles to forests and cow and change prebuild to a granary. Start research on Alphabet.

3250 BC - Trade Masonry and 2 gold for Bronze Working from The Celts. Stop using the cow so that the capital can get 7 shields this turn to finish the granary in 2 turns.

3150 BC - Granary Completes and start on barracks.

2510 BC - Silks hooked up.

2310 BC - See 9 food in the capital as I forget to swap from the silk forest tile to a lake tile last turn! :(

2230 BC (turn before 2190 BC) - Learn Alphabet and start on Writing.

1990 BC - Tacitus puts us 5th in power.

1600 BC - Learn Writing. Start on Code of Laws.

1475 BC - Spain builds The Colossus.

1450 BC - Spot Borders on another island.

1425 BC - Meet Spain who has 245 gold!

1400 BC - Our curragh floats!

1325 BC - Kuhorsehockye galley rows towards us.

1275 BC - Learn Code of Laws.

1250 BC - Spot Yellow borders to the left on suicide run.

1225 BC - Someone sunk my curragh (not a barbarian unit)!

1200 BC - The Celts have Writing now.

1175 BC - Another curragh sinks somehow.

1150 BC - Contact The Dutch. Trade Spain Code of Laws for Mathematics and 21 gold. Trade The Dutch Code of Laws and Mathematics and 6 gold for The Wheel, Iron Working, and Mysticism. Trade The Celts Code of Laws for Ivory, Horseback Riding and 18 gold. Trade Spain Horseback Riding for 43 gold. Build an embassy with The Celts. Entermont is size 7, working on the Pyramids and making a mere 5 shields per turn! Our capital has had twice the production and growth for ages now. They look pitiful overall. Learn Philosophy and The Republic. Revolt using "What's the Big Picture". Draw 5 turn anarchy.

1025 BC - Become Republic.
I do wish I had submitted my retired game from 1000 BC, but I forgot to do that in time. I wasn't sure if I'd play things out and try to win.
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