[C3C] COTM155 Babylon Emperor -- Discussion and Spoilers

Più Freddo

From space, earth is blue
Jan 26, 2005
Vienna, Austria
COTM155 The Code of Hammurabi

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In this game, you will rule as Hammurabi over the Babylonians. This is an Emperor-level game. The Babylonian Unique Unit is the Bowman, an Archer replacement with stronger defence. The story of Hammurabi begins thus. Will you bring it to its end?

Hammurabi now found himself on the rich Plains below the high Hills, where in an
ancient mine guarded by Holy Priests the Seven Tables containing the Enuma Elish
were kept. This was his religious endowment. He had also gotten a scientific
endowment. He had in his hands the plans for a better Government and in his head
the idea to carve these plans, the Code of Hammurabi, into a hard rock for all to see:
Hammurabi's Stele, a Small Wonder, would you believe it. If only he could
remember those funny signs of writing again... What was it called? Right,
Alphabet. That's the ticket.

The First Minister, a certain Più Freddo, now came to brief him. OK, so I know
Warrior Code, but no Bronze Working. Funny, I could have sworn I'd known Bronze
Working? Whatever, Warrior Code comes in handy, as it lets me fit out Bowmen.
Yes, extra strong Bowmen with one extra hit point. Good Minister! This was to
Hammurabi's liking. There seem to be Barbarians all over this place! I can smell
them already! Before you know it, filthy foreign bounty hunters will be swarming
like little bees as well.

What was he saying now? Some of that Tobacco is sweet as sugar? What's that
supposed to mean! And there are no Agricultural or Expansionist Tribes around
and no exceptional sources of food except Wines. In the whole world! As if he
would now? Does he think the created the world himself! And wrote the Enuma
Elish! Nuts!

Babylonian Bowmen have one extra hitpoint.

The Code of Hammurabi is a Government like Despotism where the tile penalty is removed. It is available with Alphabet.

The Guards of the Seven Tablets cannot be rebuilt. They defend like Spearmen but cannot move. You pay no upkeep for the Guards of the Seven Tablets. All secrets of the Guards have not been revealed, and may never be. They cannot start a Golden age.

Hammurabi's Stele is a Small Wonder which costs 40 shields. It is also available with Alphabet. It doubles the Combat Strength against Barbarians and makes one Citizen happy in each city and one more in the city where it is built. It produces one culture point per turn and is made obsolete with the discovery of Monotheism.

This game was created by me, Più Freddo.

Starting Position


Scope of the Game

Normal Map
Continents with 60% ocean
Raging Barbarians
There are 11 other tribes in this game.

Time Plan

The game is released on April 1, 2021.
Submissions are due by June 30, 2021.


Game Release Page

Game release page

Spoiler Limit

Industrial Times or Game Submitted

Spoilers are allowed covering the game up until reaching Industrial Time or having submitted the game. The results of getting and trading bonus technologies at this stage are a permissible topic as well.

No spoiler information from after fulfilling the spoiler requirement is allowed!

(This limit will be changed as the game progresses.)
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Ah, Più Freddo is demonstrating true flair in the creation of this game. Unique units, governments, and wonders! That could not have been easy at all to develop.
The starting location is a thing of wonder! I look forward to playing it, and at Emperor level I will be struggling to survive but realistically hoping for a win of some sort. I would hope for 20k with this set-up, but not for me at Emperor level I don't think.
(To avoid confusion I will manage the Greeks first in GOTM, then roll over to COTM when that is finished.)
I've play tested (not to the end) Military, Scientific and 20k approaches with satisfying results. Take some time to think through what the changes really imply, especially the Government!

I'm expecting a new record on 20k with this map and just hope the result is not too far off the normal. I promised ignas, remember?
Nice set up, Più!
Some questions:
1. "The Guards of the Seven Tablets" has MP ability?
2. Is it mine already under The Guards of the Seven Tablets?
3. Can other AIs use The Code of Hammurabi is a Government?
Regards, I. Larkin
1. "The Guards of the Seven Tablets" has MP ability?
2. Is it mine already under The Guards of the Seven Tablets?
3. Can other AIs use The Code of Hammurabi is a Government?

1. I would assume so, since they have a military capability. They can't move, so you'd have to settle on that hill.
2. Yes. And a road.
3. Yes they can, and they will.
I've play tested (not to the end) Military, Scientific and 20k approaches with satisfying results. Take some time to think through what the changes really imply, especially the Government!

I'm expecting a new record on 20k with this map and just hope the result is not too far off the normal. I promised ignas, remember?

Yes, I do remember! Was waiting for this COTM. What results, dates did you get in your test games? :D The new early government seems to be a early powerful boost for human and AI. A food bonus somewhere nearby would be nice too. I'm inclined to move 1NW to get an extra bg and forest.
The Government is the food bonus. No other food bonuses are on the map except Wine and, I guess, Sugar. No Wheat, no Cattle. For no one.

I didn't get any date, I didn't play to the end. I started new many times in order to try out many different strategies for different goals. So I never played long after The Republic. Most games are settled by then.
The Government is the food bonus. No other food bonuses are on the map except Wine and, I guess, Sugar. No Wheat, no Cattle. For no one.

I didn't get any date, I didn't play to the end. I started new many times in order to try out many different strategies for different goals. So I never played long after The Republic. Most games are settled by then.

I see, interesting. The start seems promising for quick culture/science victories. Unless we are all alone on a small island blocked by seas and oceans from AIs...
I'm inclined to move 1NW to get an extra bg and forest.
1 NW is onto the tobacco. The original post says, "Some of that Tobacco is sweet as sugar?" This makes me wonder if some tobacco tiles give a food bonus. If so, I wouldn't want to settle on it.

I'll want to check out the possibility of food on the tobacco and whether the water to the east is fresh or not (I expect it is a small lake, but one can hope) before deciding where to settle.

Clearly we need to get alphabet ASAP. It is a crowded map. Maybe we'll get lucky and meet a neighbor with it early on. Raging barbs shouldn't be too bad with Hammurabi's Stele built and extra hp on bowmen, and the "foreign bounty hunters" bit suggests that we have plenty of neighbors to trade with and to help deal with the barbs. The catch is that Hammurabi's Stele goes obsolete with monotheism, which means it will likely disappear right at the barbarian uprising as we enter the middle ages.

This game looks very interesting.
1 NW is onto the tobacco. The original post says, "Some of that Tobacco is sweet as sugar?" This makes me wonder if some tobacco tiles give a food bonus. If so, I wouldn't want to settle on it.

I'll want to check out the possibility of food on the tobacco and whether the water to the east is fresh or not (I expect it is a small lake, but one can hope) before deciding where to settle.

Clearly we need to get alphabet ASAP. It is a crowded map. Maybe we'll get lucky and meet a neighbor with it early on. Raging barbs shouldn't be too bad with Hammurabi's Stele built and extra hp on bowmen, and the "foreign bounty hunters" bit suggests that we have plenty of neighbors to trade with and to help deal with the barbs. The catch is that Hammurabi's Stele goes obsolete with monotheism, which means it will likely disappear right at the barbarian uprising as we enter the middle ages.

This game looks very interesting.

Good points! I wasn't reading the text in italic. We can make conclusions that: - there are other civs around; - we start with WC instead of BW (can start training bowmen right away); - no civs starting with Pottery so it's a debate which tech to start researching first.

I wouldn't want moving and would settle in place if tobacco has extra food (but how to check that in Despotism?). I might consider moving if the water is salty and that would sacrifice shields but you would get Colossus.
I wouldn't want moving and would settle in place if tobacco has extra food (but how to check that in Despotism?). I might consider moving if the water is salty and that would sacrifice shields but you would get Colossus.
You are right, I don't know how to check in despotism. Possibly the civilopedia entry will tell us, but not likely.

I will move to the coast if it is salty. The Colossus and other coastal wonders are worth it to me, and the shield loss doesn't appear to be that great - there are more BG than settling in place and there can't be more than a couple of water tiles. Plus launching boats from the first town is quite helpful to me. I rather doubt it is salty, though. Plus, I just realized that we likely won't be able to see the water from the actual start - is it worth waiting a turn and wasting some worker turns to check? I don't know.
It is on grassland, so the tile gives two food. If the tobacco gives one more food (like sugar does), that would be three food, which would drop to two in despotism. We could find out by irrigating the tile, of course, but that won't happen before settling. The only way to know after opening the save and before deciding whether to move or settle in place is if the civilopedia entry for tobacco was edited to tell us it gives a food bonus or if it gives more than one food.

"Maybe he just likes to smoke" suggests happiness rather than food. Maybe you just like to confuse us. :)

Speculating before opening the save is fun.
Please let me clear some of that confusion: Only one tile is special, it has some resemblance to a typical Sugar tile. Think "tile", not "bonus". The stats of Tobacco as such or of any other Bonus have not been changed.

And, alas, I have no way of editing the Civilopedia entries of your installations, since the text is included in an installation text file and not in the save file. Some of the content of the Civiliopedia is, however, automatically generated from the information in the save file. So for Hammurabi's Stele, the Civilopedia entry gives the correct stats, but it has the text (and picture) of The Internet, upon which it was based. I chose The Internet as template because the picture seemed to fit the best.

In a future open-source version of Civ III, we shall make sure to include Civilopedia and PediaIcons entries as well as graphics in the save file... :)
I have finished the game but I have a question for the authorities:
I achieved a victory, but then the game crashed and I was not able to retrieve a valid save. I went to the AutoSave file and replayed the game in the same way from the last point just before victory, but things had changed a little bit. The Ai behaved a bit differently the second time, and even though I did the same things my victory was essentially invalidated (I'm trying not to give anything away) and I needed to play on. 55 game years later I won the game under the same victory condition and was able to submit the save successfully.
Is there any problem with that?
Things shouldn't change. Did you change your moves?

I don't think that that is a big problem if it was made in good faith. The game sometimes crashes, and we have, as far as I know, accepted games restarted from an Autosave directly after a crash.
Point of Order: In the future, please post this kind of inquiry in the Game Control Thread.
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