20K in 1792.
I managed to keep some notes, posted below. I settled northeast (in the same spot as Ruin), happy with the hills, wines, and bonus grass, even through I don't have any coast, and did 20k in this town. I build 2 warriors, a temple, and a settler before starting on AA wonders.
I ended up in an early war with Rome, but they didn't have iron yet, so it wasn't a big deal. The Dutch attack, razing a town that I can't reinforce quickly enough, but then play nicely for the rest of the game. After that, as enemies declare on my I wipe them out (at least mostly - I leave some with single towns on an island). For me, there was a lot of early-ish warfare, but I didn't get a MGL until 1650. I leave China and the Dutch mostly alone.
Turn 0 – worker east, sees desert & coast, suggests water to north is salty. Settler NE to settle – give up on coastal capital since this is so nice – 4 BG, 5 hills, fresh water, wines.
Settle, CB at max, worker to BG
2 warriors, temple
Hut gives map
Hut gives pottery
Hut gives warrior code
Meet Rome, trade Pottery and WC for Alphabet + 10 g
Temple in 2850.
Settler, pyramids
Hut gives maps
Hut gives mysticism
2430 settle east on desert/coast
Hut gives barbs
2150 meet Babylon, no trades possible
hut gives maps
1475 Rome demands writing, I decline, they declare
1225 Meet Dutch. Hold off on trades due to philosophy soon – they have writing
1150 Sell writing to Babylon
1100 Finish pyramids, start oracle. Rome arrives
1025 learn Republic, revolt. Have killed 3 Roman warriors, hut gives 50 g. Trade mysticism to Dutch for iron working and 60 g
800 Make peace – Rome has hooked up iron but no units yet. Trade techs for worker, gold, techs
750 settle by cow and iron on east coast
630 MoM, start golden age
590 Library, start oracle
Dutch land near Pasagardae, move units to retake it
They destroy it instead, but are then killed
470 Crashes, start from autosave
Finish Oracle, start Glib
660 CE meet Greeks, Chinese, Sumerians. Trade for monarchy and invention
1020 Babylonians declare, I ally Romans
Wipe out Babylonians
Wipe out Romans
Sumerians have declared war, so I then ship units over to take them on, in search of an MGL. Greece also declares, so I attack them, too.
1650 Finally get a great leader, make an army, start Heroic Epic
1695 China demands dyes, I give in, they attack anyway. Somehow their riders do not manage to destroy any of my mech infantry
1705 Egypt joins in due to ill-advised MPP with Sumeria. My power graph is 3x as big as everyone else put together, while Egypt has 2 towns. I just need to not cross the domination limit while waiting to hit 20k. I’m currently quite far from it, though.
1715 Eliminate Egypt, kick Sumeria off the continent and make peace with them; they have one town left.
1720 make peace with China.
1730 Kick Greece off continent and make peace; they have one town left.
Wait for the end.