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Couldn't building quests just be like unit perks?


Aug 27, 2014
Building quests seem like an odd standout from the quest decisions mechanic. They are highly predictable and there's not much actual "questing" to get them. Plus, from MD's streams it looks like they really clog up the "completed quests" list since there's so damn many of them.

The biggest issue, as lots of people have noted, is that potential enhancements aren't listed in the building's tooltip in the tech web, meaning you have to remember them all in order to know a building's actual function and determine whether it's worth researching. I'm no Civ analyst, and I'm going to have a big problem with remembering them all.

On the other hand, building quests seem to have a lot more in common with the perks you get for affinity upgrading your units. It's a choice you make once that improves every instance. And it seems intended for the same purpose: to add a degree of customization and situational strategy to your research and production path.

So why not integrate building choices with the unit perks? Give us a panel (or extra drop-down within the unit perks panel) where we can see the building upgrades we've already chosen and ones we could choose for future buildings. I think this would be a lot better for strategic planning and a lot more helpful to newbs like me trying to puzzle our way through the tech web one step at a time.
One of the co-designers, Will Miller IIRC, said in a preview vid that the Quest format gave the designers a way to slip in bits of game lore into the regular rhythm of play. Perhaps that is why it is set up the way it is in BE.
That kind of just sounds like they ran out of other quest ideas to insert lore into... And as much as that may have been the genesis of building quests, they have become a major strategy element and we have to be able to effectively plan strategies around them.
One of the co-designers, Will Miller IIRC, said in a preview vid that the Quest format gave the designers a way to slip in bits of game lore into the regular rhythm of play. Perhaps that is why it is set up the way it is in BE.

Just have it as flavor text in a building upgrades panel. Those choices aren't really quests anyway.
I would not be surprised to see such innovative elements of BE like quests incorporated in Civ 6 down the road. Of course, if they are seen as irrelevant or annoying, in which case that may alter their appeal.
Ways to solve the problems while keeping them quests
1. You should have the info available in the civilopedia for building quests (linked to the building)
2. Have the ability to exclude "building quests" from the quest display

The advantages of keeping them quests are
1. you get some more flavor text possibilities
2. there is the random wait from the time you Build the building to when you get the quest, that is interesting

That said....
If you have something like the upgrade screen, it would be interesting because it could have a list of all your buildings and just the answer you chose (with flavor text)
I definitely want to see all the possible perks (quest related or otherwise) listed somewhere in the Civilopedia for reference purposes.

If there is lore to be followed for some particular purpose (i.e. a clue leading us to the next quest or perk) then by all means have it in the fabric of the game...but somewhere in the reference material as well. If need be, list it under "Possible Lore Spoilers" so no one will be surprised if they don't wish to be.
they are exactly like the unit perks, just not unlocked by affinity progress
The advantages of keeping them quests are
1. you get some more flavor text possibilities
2. there is the random wait from the time you Build the building to when you get the quest, that is interesting

I didn't realize there was a random wait involved -- I thought you just got the quest as soon as the first building finished. The random wait does make it seem more legit as a quest. (although I hope there's a max wait which is reasonable, since part of researchng a building like ultrasonic fence or trade depot will definitely be the quest upgrade...building it and not getting the quest at all would suck)

gunnergoz said:
I would not be surprised to see such innovative elements of BE like quests incorporated in Civ 6 down the road. Of course, if they are seen as irrelevant or annoying, in which case that may alter their appeal.

The quests mechanic itself is super interesting, and I really like what it adds to the game. I liked it in the Communitas mod and in Sukitrakt's Events and Decisions as well and I'm glad to see the Civ team playing with it. Hope it will be in Civ 6 too.

I just feel like quests should be less significant to long-term planning -- things that add some variance, but don't force you to rely on RNG to get the build you want. Although I'm fine with a few techs/buildings that will launch quests, it seems strange to me that you would choose to research buildings specifically for the quests you know they will generate (like trade depot). I'd rather that just be an inherent feature of the building, that you know about and can reliably count on in planning, just like a unit perk -- and keep quests about making decisions between affinity paths, or culture vs. science focus, stuff like that.
Just like to point out that Quests are not "innovative". This isn't the first civ title to have quests. Everything old is new again.
Just like to point out that Quests are not "innovative". This isn't the first civ title to have quests. Everything old is new again.

Yeah I thought this was the case... I remember Communitas saying they "brought back" the mechanic from an earlier Civ game. BTS maybe? I never played it.
I believe it was Civ2 that had a Random Event system that included quests.

While some of the scenarios in Civ2 might have done that, the base game did not.

It's the Beyond the Sword expansion to Civ IV that introduced quests (and other random events) there.

SMAC also had some interesting random events but no quests. However it did have some logic. If you had X building at the time, you got a bonus, otherwise you got punished.
I would like more than 2 choices or more quest variants based on random or maybe the planet type. ATM it seems really more like a disguised promotion system.
I think if the building quests offered affinity points, that would go a long way in adding variety.
Take the old earth relic for example. The choices are an extra culture or save an energy - well I will usually pick the culture every game. I clearly want culture or I wouldn't have built the thing in the first place.

Maybe if there were affinity associated with each option, I might choose the maintenance if it matches my affinity for that little boost. But, the boost would be small so it might be worth it to go for the culture regardless. It just adds a little more weight to the decision and actually make you feel that these choices are actually guiding the way your people view humanity and the planet.
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