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Cultural Diversity

Since you're getting quite into this, I'd recommend reading Kael's Guide, since that give some explanation to how the db works.

<Language_en_US> is a table held in another database (Localisation_Merged), but it's rare that you're gonna have to use it.

WHoward has a guide on SQL triggers, but you'll probably learn just as much from the SQLite syntax site.

Adding a sound file to an existing mod won't work; you'll have to create your own mod that imports the sound file, and then you may as well do the definitions in that. You can edit any file in a built mod, but you can't feasibly add files afaik. So create your own mod and make sure you set the sound file "Import to VFS" to true in the right panel in Modbuddy; if you get stuck then say.

Mods are probably gonna tell us to move, but eh :p
Getting back to the topic:

Enormous thanks to both chrisy and JFD for your tolerance with my dumbness! With the steps you provided and all the pointers to the right direction I finally managed to break the mystical problem that was everyone starting as colonial. Not only that, but I was able to succesfully further customize a civ I love, and now that I know how to do that, I'm able to do that to a bunch of civs. This makes a huge difference to me, so I couldn't thank enough - especially for providing such an amazing mod(s) in the first place!

EDIT: It's oh so amusing to hear the finnish civ actually speak finnish in game - such a huge immersion ehancement for me as a native Finn! :cool: It just makes me smile. I don't know if Hypereon uses these forums, but I'd also like to thank him for providing this civ in the first place, eventhough that's a little off-topic in this thread. Just thought I'd get this all out here.
Actually, I'm wondering if you are going to completely stop with civ v mods when unavoidably moving to vi? Since I got this idea that as a concept would compliment the features of culdiv pretty nicely.

Basically, unitsounds per era. I'm thinking that wouldn't be an easy task to achieve, but I just now realized that it's rather possible to add unique unitsounds to each custom civ, and since the actual audio files can be compressed to take up practically no space at all, I was thinking of starting to work on unique unit sounds for some of the civs.

Then I realized that some of the styles that'd fit a civ's cultural background (e.g vikings grunting and shouting, british talking a bit more properly etc.) don't really fit every era. For example, I just now realized how much it breaks immersion to have proper modern-age soldier formations answer to their commander (player) with brutish grunts when playing with civs that have the CulDiv tag of northern. Also it feels rather odd to be a very early settlement from 4000BC talking wild-west style colonial american.

So I was thinking if it was possible for me to change the soundset each era, to more properly fit in the game and the atmosphere.

I quickly realized this isn't something I could do, but this kind of feature would definitely compliment the CulDiv mod, at least that's what I initially thought. I'm not sure if this would be hard or easy to do for someone who knows how to code, but it would seem to be a rather short bit of code at least, however hard to come up with. This is kind of a request I guess, if this kind of functionality could be added to this mod's base, just existing there for custom civ creators to make use of. I know it's giong to be a hard job to gather enough samples of each cultural background for this base mod to include any, but it'd just be there in the background, if someone wanted to make use of it.

I, for one, would love this feature, since I'm looking to further add details to some of the civs I play with, and possibly some I would create if I ever learn how to do just that. But unfortunately I do have to admit that I'm not able to do this kind of bit at all.

Either way, if you're planning to make similiar amazing mods over there at vi circles, definitely consider this possibility. I'd think that would almost revolutionize the custom civ experiences, if something like this became somewhat a standard among the custom civ creators. In the end, the more immersion, the more enjoyability and depth there is to the gameplay.

EDIT: Is culturally divided pools of great people already a part of this mod? If not, would that be hard to achieve? I know there are some external mods that do something like this, but I believe they don't really make use of CulDiv's cultural classifications, which most civs generally do support in some way at least. If this is something easy to code, I'd be more than happy to help pooling up some great people from different cultures, starting with the european culturetypes, and extending to every culturetype if need be. I'm thinking the actual building of the xml files with the names is the most labourous part, in which I'd be ready to do work on, but maybe the actual coding of a feature like this wouldn't be that hard?

EDIT2: Actually, nevermind the first part, the actual post. I just read up on lua and found that there's a function GetCurrentEra. I guess I can make my own mod to adjust those for every civ, just need to figure out a dynamic and modular way to do it so that I don't have to edit this to every custom civ seperately. Doesn't sound terribly hard to me, especially with such a function existing and assumably easily workable.

EDIT3: Even further, actually scratch the EDIT1 as well :D Now that I'm starting to realize that there's already a wide array of different kind of functions for specific game purposes, I'm pretty sure there's a bunch that help getting this kind of pool done and just applying a different pool for a different culturetype externally.
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Starting with Mesopotamic civs doesn't seem to give me the extra pop.
JFD, any chance for a quick fix? :) I can take no extra :c5citizen: Pop and just play, but it also "blocks" an opener bonus from the CBO Progress tree ( :c5science: Science for a new :c5citizen: Citizen). It activates again after 4 :c5citizen: Citizen is born.
Question: What's the easiest way to identify which civ or civs are responsible for loading the culdiv table with the wrong number of rows because it isn't listed as a referenced mod? I have a long list of modded civs and a slow laptop, so one-by-one testing is impractical. I've tried logging, but with so many civs active at once, it's an absolutely disaster trying to figure out what did what, especially for a latecomer to messing with mods like myself who doesn't really understand much about the process.

Alternatively, is there a list of "known culprits" that I should avoid using in conjunction with culdiv?
You can use the Stopwatch and the Database logs to work out which mod the errors start appearing after. Just bear in mind that you might be there a whlie, since multiple mods might have the same issue.

As for a list, I'd go with "anything old"...
Downloaded Version 13 (both Soundtrack and Core). Works OK - Except...
When the AI plays one of my mods all I hear is my mod's Soundtrack!

For example, my mod (TRINIAN) is geared up to play the 'WesternBritish' Soundtrack. The Soundtrack plays beautifully as long as I'm actually playing TRINIAN, including the added tracks ('Hark, the Herald Angels,' etc.)

BUT, if I play any other Civ (Japan, Sweden or Rome) with TRINIAN in game, all I hear is WesternBritish! It's most disconcerting to listen to 'Jerusalem', 'British Grenadiers', and 'It's a Long Way to Tipperary' whilst playing as Mongolia!

Previous incarnations of CulDiv worked fine. How come this version doesn't?
So I downloaded the most recent version yesterday and started a new game. All the CSs in my game (set up from CCSDD) seem to have the Colonial trait. Is there a way to make it so CSs don't get CulDiv bonuses?
The Mesopetamic and Bharata bonuses do not appear to be working, and I haven't seen anything in the logs to indicate why.
Hey JFD I had a question bout cultural diversity. I'm playing Tojo's Japan when I begin playing is says my culture group is authoritarian. However oriental music is played and the era splashscreens are Japanese. Was Tojo switched to the Japan subgroup or is the mod having a glitch? If so do you know how to fix it?
I think this is a Cultural Diversity bug:

I'm playing as Cornwall (using several gameplay mods: CP, E&D, JFDs, EE, HR - all latest versions) and when inventing Optics, thus advancing to the Classical Age, I get a "texture load error" pop-up:

"Unable to load texture [Era_CULTURE_JFD_COLONIAL_Classical.dds]"

I get it 2 times, then Optics-research-finished screen, then once more with a red screen where normally an era-change screen would be. Luckily I can click the pop-ups away and am then able to proceed :)

Just in case the logs attached

PS Thanks for the recent updates to CiD and RtP.. .can't wait to finish a game and have the full experience


  • Logs.zip
    186 KB · Views: 55
I have noticed an issue, maybe it should be this way but the older versions don't.
When starting a new game all civs and CS have huge cultural borders. I mean from one tile to two tiles wide. Any ideas ?
I have noticed an issue, maybe it should be this way but the older versions don't.
When starting a new game all civs and CS have huge cultural borders. I mean from one tile to two tiles wide. Any ideas ?

Colonial civs receive extra starting tiles; might it just be that all the ones you've seen are Colonial?
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