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Culture Victory


Wild Potato
May 16, 2007
Las Vegas
I'm looking for a primer on the subject of culture victory. I have never attempted victory by this route, and since I have a good start playing as Balseraphs (first time played), this might be a good time for me to give it a try. Thanks in advance for any help. :goodjob:
The obvious strategy coming to mind is to build great bards and engineers (or great people in general) to enhance your cities by building great artworks and finishing wonders that grant culture. You can also massproduce acolytes and pump up cities by sacrifing them.
Don't forget to use the culture slider once you have the few technologies that you need. With the Kuriotates, this makes it ridiculously easy.
I have gotten a cultural victory before. I did it on a standard sized map with frodo. I spammed great bards and prophets, and IIRC founded OO. Note this was on a version before the Altar Victory condition.
Don't forget to use the culture slider once you have the few technologies that you need. With the Kuriotates, this makes it ridiculously easy.

I too won a cultural victory with the kuriorates, but can't say it was "ridiculously easy" .Well, I was not really challenged since I played it at chieftain level :mischief: , but you still need to
- tech far enough for some culture boosting civics;
- choose (and get!) early 3 good cultural spots (for the kuriorates, it means spreading a lot! = high risk game).
Ok, I exaggerate. I got my production up and built everything needed for city growth, and also pumped out four or five GBs. But rather than maximize research to get level 3 units, I put the culture slider on 50 to finish pumping up my cities. (Not really possible? Try it and see.)
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