Religious Victory

Ok yes, it seems if you delete that the UI/AdvancedSetup.lua file it works
Amazingly it recognises the Religious Victory still!
Spoiler :

Do you plan Economic Victory and ideology as well?
Devotion ideology is not implemented within this mod and has to be downloaded separately?
We talked about Economic Victory, but I don't think it really fits. I would like to add an environmentalist "Harmony" ideology that would also have Religious Victory as a focus, though!
Devotion is a separate mod yes, link is in the OP.
Can you elaborate why? I thought it was nicely constructed in the base Extra Victory Conditions mod. Tied to monopoly and gold iirc?
Yes in the original mod its based on having 1 copy of all resources and some large amount of Gold
Spoiler :
Economic Victory
Amass Wealth: Accumulate over 20,000 Gold (scales with difficulty)
Increase your Income: Maintain 400 GPT for at least 10 consecutive turns leading up to the end of the game (scales with difficulty)
Corner the Market: Obtain at least one of every luxury resource present on the map
My objections are:
1) Primary objection: I don't really understand why having a bunch of money would make you the leader of the world! Gold is an instrumental resource that helps with all victories one way or another.
2) To make a victory dedicated purely to Gold would completely upset its balance and one would have to do a lot of work to adjust it.
3) To be AI friendly, you need the AI to declare war on you when you get close to the Gold victory. However, currently, I don't see how this wouldn't end your chances of winning. One would have to introduce mechanisms to generate Gold on the level of international trade routes while at war with the world, but balancing that sounds like a nightmare.
4) Further to point 3) In other 4X where there is a Gold victory (I'm specifically thinking Endless Legends) it feels very uninteractive and you just end up hitting end turn.

So I think an economic victory probably has to be divorced from gold per turn. Perhaps one could use the Corporations system and say that you needed to have more than 20 Franchises, in addition to some number of monopolies. Then maybe you amass some amount of Gold (note the spy missing that steals 20% of your Gold...) But the only way to get monopolies is through war, so this becomes a pseudo-domination victory. Of course this also doesn't address point 1) above.

@pineappledan considered a case where you had some kind of debt mechanic, and then you won when you accumulated a certain % of the world's debt, effectively buying the world. This gets past my point 1) but then you have to introduce a whole new system into the game that is already probably complicated enough. The beauty of the Religious Victory is ultimately that it takes the already existing system of world domination and takes it to its logical conclusion!
For any amount of accumulated gold, you just sell all the buildings you have and immediately win.
I have a lot of mods enabled, including enlightenment era and future era as mentioned earlier in the discussion, and it appears that the game infinitely loads when starting a new game. The devotion ideology works perfectly and the game loads, but just the religious victory mod being enabled prevents loading. If there are any logs or tests I can send or run I'd love to help because a religious victory sounds sick.
Text says it still reduces faith costs by 25% on adopting fealty policy tree, I thought I was bugged by it not giving the discount in practice :crazyeye:
I guess its the text on VPChanges.sql?
@Lumpyacidfish The AI can win this victory, but they don't actively sort of "drop everything" and go for it, like they do (now) for the spaceship, for example.
So if an AI "accidentally" converts the whole world, they can buy the Sage and win. You will probably only see this on a pangaea-type map.

@DanielSPoA Yes that's right. It may be that you have another mod that overwrites the text. It also be you use my tweaks mod but didn't clear the cache so its loading in the wrong order.
Going forward I'm using the Replace() function for these sorts of text changes so we should get fewer instances of this (although it's probably desirable to know if two mods are conflicting!)
@Lumpyacidfish The AI can win this victory, but they don't actively sort of "drop everything" and go for it, like they do (now) for the spaceship, for example.
So if an AI "accidentally" converts the whole world, they can buy the Sage and win. You will probably only see this on a pangaea-type map.

@DanielSPoA Yes that's right. It may be that you have another mod that overwrites the text. It also be you use my tweaks mod but didn't clear the cache so its loading in the wrong order.
Going forward I'm using the Replace() function for these sorts of text changes so we should get fewer instances of this (although it's probably desirable to know if two mods are conflicting!)
I didn't explain myself properly, I meant the vpchanges file in your modfolder. It has the fealty discount still in the text, maybe I'm misunderstanding but I think thats the issue :)
Just achieved a religious victory with the new France UA. Authority + Teocallis + The UA = free win. My main complaint is that the AI kind of just let me convert their cities a little too easily. However, I did most of the converting post conquering. I most likely would have would have won through a slow war of attrition where I would have had to nuke Atila to finish instead. Great mod glad it's in my list.
(7/8 difficulty and Epic game speed)
Very nice. Was anyone a major religious contender at all?
Chola never gave up on his religion even when conquered and mostly converted, nor did Tibet. Atila was my main rival, and he never got to found a religion. He willingly let me convert his vassal holy city (Venice) and his empire with great prophets and missionaries. He had no real diplomatic penalties with me over it. He supported my efforts for my religion in Congress before he turned aggressive when I hit the conversion threshold to build a Sage and auto-declared war on me. I was generating so much faith through war that I could mass-buy missionaries and spam any city. I used my conquesting to sell cities back to my vassals to get them to vote for my religion through Congress. Both Atila and I went Authority>Fealty>Imperialism>Devotion with Atila choosing it first. Very fun us rushing to nuke each other pre-Manhattan Project.

Awesome mods btw!
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