Curse you, Gazebo!

OMG! It's like 2.5 years of work time (Assuming 8h per day and 250 work days in year)! When do you have time for that? :D

This is all your fault.
Cool, but Gazebo has more ) Don't remember in which topic a few month ago he say how many hours he have(but most of them are autoplay games)

Did you play all that time or some little percent were spend on sleep,smoke or something like that?

90% of that is on autoplay while I'm out or working. :)


Ya'll are making me look bad
7379 *hides face*
My veins are all popping out from Civ injections

Thats almost a full year...
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That moment when you realize you're a "little player"...
Well, it's still almost two months...

Bonus : 95 % of this was played in strategic view :D
The site isn't called civfanatics for nothing.

I'm still the new kid on the block, with a mere 639 hours (have played the game for 2 years and a couple of months more).
How about we make an AC (anonymous civholics) group for civ? For all those who keep telling themselves they are not addicted, yet have spent more time on the game than they are comfortable with.

this would be like forming a union to stand up against gazebo's oppressive updates :D
I "win".

It's a long, terrible story.

Also, I've yet to invent a board game or marry my cousin.
Civ V has been out for 8 years (since September 2010). Assuming you bought it on release, you played on average roughly 4.3 hours per day.

...How? I am truly curious.
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