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Daoming Sochua everywhere


Mar 16, 2013
Brasília. Not the faction.
I have not researched every tech nor build every wonder yet, but I'm with the strong impression that Daoming Sochua's intellectually arrogant and scientifically amoral quotes are far more numerous than other leaders quotes. And they're close followed by Fielding's and Hutama's quotes, while there seems to be very little quotes from Rejinaldo, Kozlov and Barre in comparison.

Is there some database of tech and wonder quotes already? If not, could someone give a more detailed and trustful perspective?
I did every wonder in my capital with daoming on Gemini <3

Didn't manage every tech before evil Elodie won though QQ.
I have not researched every tech nor build every wonder yet, but I'm with the strong impression that Daoming Sochua's intellectually arrogant and scientifically amoral quotes are far more numerous than other leaders quotes. And they're close followed by Fielding's and Hutama's quotes, while there seems to be very little quotes from Rejinaldo, Kozlov and Barre in comparison.

Is there some database of tech and wonder quotes already? If not, could someone give a more detailed and trustful perspective?

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Quotes/CivilizationBeyondEarth is probably not exhaustive, but it's a start.
I despair that despite centuries of literary references available to them, humanity still insists on using the name 'Floatstone'.
— Élodie, "Remarques"

Best quote in the game :lol:
Mathematical proof is the only foundation for ethics that I can respect. Progress in mathematics is progress in morality.

If objective morality exists, we should be able to describe it mathematically. Please provide the calculation you used to determine this alleged immorality.
Counting from the in-game Civilopedia:

Spoiler :
Tech Quotes:
Barre 8
Daoming 15
Elodie 7
Fielding 8
Hutama 13
Kavitha 6
Kozlov 11
Rejinaldo 9

With 9 quotes unattributed to any leader

Wonder Quotes:
Barre 3
Daoming 1
Elodie 3
Fielding 3
Hutama 2
Kavitha 4
Kozlov 2
Rejinaldo 4

With 7 non-leader quotes.

Barre 11
Daoming 16
Elodie 10
Fielding 11
Hutama 15
Kavitha 10
Kozlov 13
Rejinaldo 13

On balance, Daoming and Hutama get about the same number of quotes, but nearly all of Daoming's quotes are on technologies, and a little less than half the techs that you need for one victory or another have a quote of hers attached, which probably adds to the impression that she's everywhere. Kozlov and Rejinaldo are tied for third place, with everyone else more or less even. I'm not sure why Fielding would seem more common, although she does have a quote on Planetary Survey (which I assumed everyone always gets), Swarm Robotics (needed for Transcendence Victory), and Alien Biology (a useful tech and a likely early choice when going Harmony). She also has a quote on the Quantum Computer wonder and the tech for Holon Chamber, so if you tend to play Harmony or you like building wonders for free techs, I can see how she might seem more common.
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