It seems there's a new vampire action RPG in the making.
Distributor (Kalypso Media) and developer (Realmforge) are both german, that's probably why there is currently no english media out. EDIT: There's an english forum post at GOG (link) and at RPGwatch, but nothing in the news.
The setting seems to be a modern world, and the story begins with you in a night club and amnesia, so you have to find out whatever happened to you.
The press release talks about special abilities like teleporting and that you have to suck blood from your enemies.
Else it doesn't tell us very much, but hopefully there'll come more this weekend at the role play convention.
....so...is this the long awaited inofficial successor of the Vampire series?
I mean, a Vampires 3 would be awesome. I hope the gues from Realmforge will do their best, because my expectations are already high