DD12A - Build Them All

GPS to Rodent
GPS to Denyd
GPS to Cyc
Thank you, Sir. :goodjob:

gps to Remake20.
Wow that was fast, I can't play until tonight

A turn a day is what is strived for but rarely achieved, so enjoy it. A lot of games are happy with a turn a week. I think 2 turns in a single day (a Saturday) is my record.
GPS to Rodent
GPS to Denyd.
GPS to Cyc

gps to Remake20.
GPS to Rodent

This is really going fast.
GPS to Denyd

Remake, make the name of the save shorter.

DD12A and the date should do fine
GPS to Cyc

Things will probably slow down once contact is made and trades start being negotiated.

Also as a heads up, I'll be out of touch for about a week in early July (11th to 17th). I'll post a reminder later.
gps to Remake20.
GPS to Rodent

Has anyone found another Civ? Denyd I will be gone 27-15, I should be able to play aroung the 7th or 8th through the 15th.
No contact yet. I'll be on the beach drinking margauritas celebrating my birthday all next weekend. But I'll be taking my laptop, so keep those saves a comin'.
I've spotted the Greek border, but won't make contact until next turn. I also spotted a goody hut (everyone else should have found at least 1 by now).

No problems on the vacations gentlemen, it is summer after all. The turns will be waiting when you get back.
GPS to Denyd
GPS to Cyc
gps to Remake20.

A friendly tribe gave me maps of the area.
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