No, it wouldn't.What if someone honestly did not see any referance to Joe's move, and saw the potential move and did the legitimate research and then posted it. Would that also have been "invalid" and "tainted"?
No, it wouldn't.What if someone honestly did not see any referance to Joe's move, and saw the potential move and did the legitimate research and then posted it. Would that also have been "invalid" and "tainted"?
I think the future of the Demogame (which I never really wanted to play due to it's complexity) lies in the format of the SG Pharoah...
Here's what I see.
At the begining of the game, have a list of Citizens and a Chief. Then, hold elections for each Ministry position. These positions will be held until they are voted out of office, or they resign. Every turnset, there is a referndum on each minister and the Chief, where they are either re-confirmed, or voted out.
For the fun of it, different Government civics could add flavour here as to when/if elections are held, and the majority number needed to pass. It could also affect the powers of the officals/citizens.
In addtion, there is a lottery each turnset, and from the citizens pool, governers for each city are chosen, and they can do whatever they want in that city for that turnset. Of course, there would be limits here, as choices could bring them into competition with the wishes of advisors, as well as other cities...I could see some serious bidding going on..."I want the Zeus HERE!"
The Citizens themselves would have the job of looking on and discussing, what to do next, and trying to influence the Governers/Ministers/Chief.
I think the biggest point here is that while creating a system is important, it's valuable to remember human nature is not always...erm...perfect. The conflict that arises with self-interest is a natural part of such a social experiment, and therefore cannot (and is best not) surpressed.
I truly do believe this would work well here, escpecially drawing the SG crowd, as this format would not be as rigid as the present one.
Another thing I've thought about is donsig's proposal of 1 turn a day, continuus play (or whatever it was called). ...<snip>
I think that the game would have to be played at quick though, to prevent the game lastin ages.
I don't think it would really slow things down.
Idea is 2 turns per day... that's 14 turns per week. Last I checked that was about, if not more then we've averaged most of the time.
EDIT: Though I'm not fully convinced that it's the way to go though.
1 turn a day is 7 turns a week though, which (I guess) we pretty much averaged during the active part of the game.
I think it's an interesting idea, that deserves some discussion.
I'll reply to this one, as some of the others seem more interested in debating again (Which is their good right of course).
First of all, having a list of citizens and a chief at the start, for the whole game could be a problem, since games like this tend to last pretty long (8-9 months). A lot of people will drop out over that period of time, and a lot of newcomers will want to get in.
The lottery idea is quite fun to be honest, but it isn't really democratic. It's a very interesting idea for a succesion game, but for a democracy game, it would have to be changed to give citizens real power.
What level is it played on now?
Also, I would definately use BTS as opposed to Vanilla. After all, you don't have to even OWN the game to chat here.
The game also seems to lose interest once it becomes obvious were going to win. Maybe we should play on a higher difficulty level.
I'm always torn on the subject of Expansions...
On one side many people have them, and they tend to add more flavor to the game, address certain balance issues, etc. There are also people who just can't imagine going back to Vanilla because they prefer the expansion so much and don't want to relearn their old Vanilla based strategies.
On the other side, there are many people who don't have the expansions and feel left out. Yes, they can discuss in the forums and Role play, but they can't directly view the save (an ability I find indespensible) or participate as a Designated Player. Inability to view the save and lack of experience with the Expansion's revised mechanics also makes it impossible for any Vanilla only players to become Officials, as people may not have confidence in their ability to make good strategies.
So this is a case of Fun vs. Fairness.
Daveshack was/is right as far as Joe's move... it was invalid as it was played outside of the scheduled window and it was an irreversible move.
Even so, there was nothing to prevent us from officially doing the same move if we so chose. That was the purpose of my poll. Rather than let the vote go ahead to a conclusion DaveShack repolled and JoeHarker went ahead an played before the poll finished. Need I go on to say that when Joe did ply he was outside the scheduled window which would make EVERYTHING he did in that game play session invalid using your reasoning.
Re: expansions. This is supposed to be a forum based game. We should not all have to open the save to see what is going on. If we got rid of the chats and brought the focus back to the forums so that information about the game was readily available to all then there's no reason we can't use a version we don't all own. I don't have BTS but would play IF there is enough information readily available about what's going on. This has not been the case for several demo games now.
Why is playing more turns bad? Often there are times when all there is to do is hit enter 4 or 5 times in a row, like when your only scout got eaten by a lion and the next build is many turns away.RE: continuous play. I think I suggest two turns a day but that was just a guess at what would work best. The main idea to play everyday the same number of turns. What that number is would be negotiable. What would be bad would eb playing more turns when things are boring and less when things get interesting / complicated. For the idea to work I think we'd need a steady pace.
Why is playing more turns bad? Often there are times when all there is to do is hit enter 4 or 5 times in a row, like when your only scout got eaten by a lion and the next build is many turns away.
It is bad because then we'll never be certain how many turns will be played and it keeps alive the mentality that all we have to talk about is the upcoming turns. If we play two turns a day and have to hit enter 6 times that's only three days of real life DaveShack. We can use those three days to discuss the kind of civilization we want to build, where we should explore next, and other mid and long term goals.
@ General Falcon: The new DP wouldn't have gotten roasted if he had waited a few hours to allow a controversial poll to close. If you do that you deserve to be roasted whether you're new or experienced.
This Demogame should be at a high enough level that it's always an exciting fight to the finish.
I agree. IMO if it's too easy players lose interest, as there's no challenge. This game IMO was way too easy. If we play at around Monarch or Emperor, than there will be more of a challenge and maybe players will stay more interested. Unless I'm remembering wrong, I want to say this game is on Noble difficulty.