Sumeria - Turn 11 Update:
Ur: EkWarrior ”BigD” finished. Start Granary (due in 10)
Worker“Farm Boy” continues chop: eta 3 turns.
“Enkindu Ambassador” heads further north
“Enkindu BigD” fortifies, pacifies new citizen.
Science still at @ 100% - Iron Working in 9 turns
Empire shot:
Very good timing on the city of Ur. It grew to size 3 interturn, and the governor assigned the citizen to work a 2 shield tile, finishing the EkWarrior a turn early… so he immediately went on pacification duty. Science stays at 100%! Plus I shave another turn off the journey to iron working, thanks to that commerce from the river tile.
Granary is now being built, due in 10, but it’ll be much faster than that, thanks to the chop.
Oops… just realized as I’m writing this that I meant to do a settler, not a Granary!
Oh well, I’ll switch it next turn. There’s not a penalty for that on this difficulty level is there?
My culture expands, and I spot some furs to my south. So now I have to decide if I want my settler to go get those furs, or head for the floodplains for faster growth/worker factory duty.
I’m thinking the luxury from the furs would be very helpful, and if I build on that hill right by furs, I can shuffle EkWarriors between my cities in a single turn and improve my defense in case of an early attack if Niklas fails to keep them busy enough.
Thoughts on that?