Deathmatch: Council Spoiler Thread

oh... Thanks Chamnix! :blush:

I guess I should have switched that citizen to another forest tile. That's what I get for trying to play in a hurry before work!
New exploration shot from turn 15:


Seems the coast extends far south. I don't like this one bit. :hmm:

In other news Abstraction has finished its barracks and will now build three vJags over the next 6 turns, then a settler. I was hoping to have found the proper route by now, but it seems I'll have to keep looking for a while longer.
Are you sure that's coast? Maybe it's a lake?

It'll be very interesting if there's just 1 or 2 choke points of access to the other side... would make it a very high priority for Summeria to get a city over the asap and fill it up with Enkindus to make sure your Jags can get over to the other side.
Is that your CIV experience talking again? If Sumeria builds a city on a choke, poor Aztecs can't pass no matter how good allies we are. If there are choke points, all the better for us since I'm the most likely to find them, and claim them, first.

Please some help on where I should build my second city.
I would build it right on top of the furs - It would be on a river, have instant access to a couple bg and could still use the cow if the opportunity presented itself

You also need to get a 2nd worker ASAP as you need to road and mine at least 3 BG tiles. Once that work is complete (and there's a granary in Ur) you'll have a 4-turn settler factory. Have that city pump out settlers while every one else builds military. If you can find a 2nd 5fpt site, make that a worker factory.
I agree with denyd, like we've said before, put the town on the furs.
Well well, whaddya know, seems like there is hope for a land connection not too far away after all:


Full speed ahead! :salute:
The settler is moving towards the furs.
Keeps looking promising:

:eek: :eek: Encounter! :eek: :eek:


So this road leads to Rome, very very nice. For now, my scout is more valuable than his, and I don't want to give him any WH. So I evade for now:


He will likely move E and I can move SW-W next turn, giving him no chance to strike me.
Now it gets interesting!

This encounter shows the major power of the jag fast scout ability... and the need to beat Rome to that choke point!
It's actually not a true choke point, since you can move straight east from where the Roman warrior stands. So to block it you would need two units. But yes, it would be great if we could get some Enkidus up here... But there might be a similar land bridge down south as well, so I would suggest to cubsfan that his next Enkidu goes scouting west.
Settled the furs, sent an enkidu west, worker in 1.
Strange, the bearskin warrior has moved W instead of E:


I feel safely protected by the river at my current location.


My next scout, a vet, is five turns from that point counting this one. He is followed by two more two turns behind. They won't keep me out for too long. :evil:
Right, he was trying to start my GA, I hadn't even considered that! Need I say this is my first (non-MTDG) multiplayer game? :blush:

As for having a second town, I most certainly hope so. I will settle my second town on turn 27, and this was turn 20. It won't matter much though, my GA will not do much for me whenever it comes. I'm just hoping I can make sure that the others won't get any GA at all, by pillaging their roads. ;)
Right, he was trying to start my GA, I hadn't even considered that! Need I say this is my first (non-MTDG) multiplayer game? :blush:

As for having a second town, I most certainly hope so. I will settle my second town on turn 27, and this was turn 20. It won't matter much though, my GA will not do much for me whenever it comes. I'm just hoping I can make sure that the others won't get any GA at all, by pillaging their roads. ;)
And then what is plan B?
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