Deathmatch: the Bears' enclave

For anyone who's still watching this thread I've decided to try and turn the tables a bit. I sent a infantry army and 2 cavs with more to follow this turn to Der Wall which is the border city on General W's front. I don't think they realize that I got a MGL on defense last turn so hopefully this will come as a total surprise. Niklas goes first so hopefully he won't be able to tell and General W might have to scramble since I think I've destroyed most of his arty and cut off roads for his infantry to retreat. Hopefully I can survive their onslaught this turn but even though we're even militarily they still have the advantage.
So you did destroy the arty? Pics? We are all still following. Im sure if you solicit opinions other people will pop up.
OK good to see we have some lurkers.

So you did destroy the arty? Pics? We are all still following. Im sure if you solicit opinions other people will pop up.
Yep wiped out about 12 or so arty pieces and disbanded 17 workers. I used two of the captured pieces to destroy incoming roads to the Perf's Avatar front but the rest are gonzo.

I'll post pictures next turn and anyone is welcome to chime in.

One thing you'll notice about the other team is they've been swapping workers with each other to keep costs down. Beorn and I haven't needed to do that except for a few instances since our unit support cost has been kept to a minimum.

The more I think about the infantry army the more I wonder if it was the right call. If I had probed Der Wall with a cav first I would've noticed that they didn't have any cover in Gen. W's city Der Wall and could've taken it down with a cav army. Problem with cav army is it easier to wipe out and taking the city would be all that was accmplished.

Another question is whether I should continue to rush armies or go full tilt on research again.
I am lurking and am happy to see you guys fighting back :goodjob:

I won't comment though as I have been lurking both sides.
I am lurking and am happy to see you guys fighting back :goodjob:

I won't comment though as I have been lurking both sides.

Same here. I'd love to interject, but even the slightest comment to either side could inadvertently tip something--I don't want to risk it!

Add another entry to the lurker's list.

I will say, though, that the choice between army-rushing and full-bore research is a risky one. Hold the front without rushing armies and go full-bore research, and you'll have a decisive advantage once tanks and bombers come in -- but you risk being overrun.

Slow down the research pace, rush armies every turn, and you shouldn't have a problem blunting the enemy advance -- but you risk being in the middle of researching Combustion when the first bombers start flying overhead.

I'm on the edge of my seat, watching this match! :)
Thanks for continuing to lurk.
OK here's the status at this point. I'm waiting on a little confirmation or idea sharing with Beorn if he's around today since you guys can't talk to me. :p

Anyhow, here's my thoughts...
On this front I want to wipe out the barricades and roads that connect Kraken and Fabrication. Both Gen. W and Niklas have given me some respite by not forcing the action at Perf's Avatar. I have a feeling they fear the damage I can do with the army on the other front and no arty to counter with.

I have 12 arty ready to do the job and if it takes less the two galleons will transport the arty back from Donut Nugget Island back to the Donut (really it's more like a Cruller) continent.

My plan here is to move the army back one space now that I've given them something to think about and will move two workers 2 SE of Da Bears so I can rail up and attack either barcicade next turn. Beorn has 9 cavs to work with and will have some arty (depending on road damage) to soften their positions. They don't have arty to work my position down since Gen W lost his and Niklas will be cut off from moving that direction. Cavs is their best defense against this potential counteroffensive.
Oops...I'm hoping I didn't show them that explorers can cut rails behind lines. I would hate to road mountains leading up to the southern front.
Keep up posting updates. Just recently found this one out, very interesting situation developed here.
OK steel and refining are finished this turn. Beorn will research combustion and hopefully the oil is on the island so they don't have access. Doubtful but we'll see...
I thought about researching espionage but honestly I don't know if stealing is an option in a locked alliance all war game.

Things still look pretty dim but hopefully we can hold out for a little longer.
OK we have 3 oil spots (2 outside cultural borders) in Iroquois lands on the tundra and none in Roman lands. They have some inland that I can see on desert but none on the coast that I could see. I'll look again because it may be under a city.

Two of ours can be pillaged from the sea so a new city will planted on one so that we have 2 secure sources.

Combustion is started and the Romans will help fund the research. It should be due in 8.
I checked to see whether steals are possible through the embassy and it appears getting espionage would be a waste when there's locked alliances so no steals. Kind of a bummer. Bombers will be what changes the stalemate we're experiencing right now.
Hey B. Good to have you back!

Here's the current status. We have a statemate on both fronts and it appears we have a race towards tanks and bombers. I turned off your research temporarily so we could rush a army and accelerate research towards combustion. It might be time to turn on research again and start a prebuild towards Hoovers. I am average to them but you are weak to them so it might be worthwhile for you to get it.

They're not threatening your borders but have massed at my borders. They have a lot of units in the area and honestly I'm not sure what they're waiting for. I think they're afraid to lose lots of arty on the attack.

I had a couple of your frigate heading south to take care of some of the pirate ships they have that are bothering my coast. Most of my frigate production has gone to destroyer prebuilds so I don't think I'll have many more frigates built.

I've been trying to protect the gems which it appears for the first time was successful against Niklas' bombardment. I was building a fortress on the mountain as well. You may need to transport back and forth some healthy infantry in place of the injured ones on the mountain. I think it can hold with enough support which eventually we'll need on the island as we approach marines.
12 turns?? Someone must have picked up my pace :lol: ;):p
So I had a first look, it doesn't like outright grim, so the situation has improved, but I'm not sure what's to be our priority orders either.

Research looks feasible, but I got hit very very hard. If we are average/weak, then it's a bad sign. I'd propose no research for me until we can branch out for tanks/planes, with whoever is faster going planes.

They have kept playing hard to get all game, so it's not surprising that they're holding back now - I guess this will only change once bombers have started decimating us.

At this point it's an air race, Hoover would be of doubtful cost-efficiency.

I'll try to dig up an old Fighter interception data thread, see what we can do.

So, what should we put on the menu? Gems, infantries, fighters?
You know building coal plants is not very expensive. They're 160s and most of your cities can get that done between 3-5. The pollution is a nuisance that can bust a build sequence however the way I see it that only is impactful on the last turn of a build. The other times something can be rushed to fill in the gap.

I think the priority is most definitely bombers, flaks and I'm not sure about fighters. I'll have combustion in 5 with a 80gpt deficit so I may need 30-40g at the end of the cycle.
I would hide the army that's being built since there's no need to show them everything we've got on a counterattack. Right now, they can only reach my one city with arty attacks. The problem with their attacks is it's a city on a hill with walls and rax. Our return fire is on a fortress.

The gems can be protected but it might take 4 infantry to do it. It also works against them since we'll see any counterattack they try to pose since Niklas would never move his foot soldiers without arty support.
Sounds good, I'll shoot for shield optimization, let you work on flight and try to match you on mass production. 4 infantries for the mountain.
B: Miss
B: 3/4 Infantry => 1/4
B: Miss
B: 3/4 Infantry => 2/4
B: Miss
B: 3/4 Infantry => 2/4
B: 2/4 Infantry => 1/4
B: 2/4 Infantry => 1/4
B: Miss
B: 3/4 Legion => 1/4
B: 3/4 Cavalry => 1/4
B: 4/4 Archer => 2/4
B: 3/4 Horse => 2/4
B: 3/4 Archer => 1/4
B: 3/4 Archer => 1/4
B: 2/4 Horse => 1/4
B: 2/4 Archer => 1/4
B: Miss
B: Road destroyed

Tabarnack. Free crater too :cringe: They'll pay!
The happy hit wasn't much: only 2 cities rioted, one of which has no production anyways.

More MM, more picky tweaks.

Niklas' Frigates are coming in 4-strong towards my western bay, I'm regrouping ships out of his sight to counter.
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