F11 screens, before and after the scorched earth:
The frontline, after:
I'm controlling the Ocean pretty well against Niklas but Gen just might come around anytime now, so I'll try to take a destroyer potshot but mostly will retreat all this turn.
I made 2 mistakes on the island: forgot to pre-place workers for colonies and found out that pillaging a fortress takes away all movement points (not true for baricades, though). That had me crank lux up to 50 or 60, which is ludicrous. I also could not really break enough roads to my liking. I'm afraid it will have to do though
I kept an incense city that was out of reach, and a town that was best defensible and closest. I built a barrack in it and I'll use it to survive as long as I must to evac as much as I can. My cavalry army is up on there for the pillage phase and I'll probably try to get it out second to last. I'll get every useful unit out and disband archers etc to leave nothing behind.
There was an Aztec Galleon East of the island, I took it out, so I'd be wary of something happening through that channel.
On a more cheerful note, they get to defend the island, which means additional spread and bomber vulnerability. They get high ground for their bombers, in a way, but we get to pick them off more easily as they disperse.