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Welcome little one :salute: ... looks like we got a whipping boy :D

You shall never be alone here at the Council ;)

Wish I had Civ to play when I was 13 :(
I remember watching my older brother play (he's 22 now) when I was 4. He taught me when I was 7, and I've been pretty much addicted ever since.
*Stumbles in*

Hey, everyone.

I joined this team because I think it would be interesting using Korea in a multiplayer game. I was on Team Doughnut last game and was turn player for 160-180. Hope to do just as well or better this time.

For the first page:
I'm in the US
I'm a diety or sid player in single player
I will be vocal if I disargee with the current plan or have something to say, otherwise you might not notice I'm here
thanks my MSN is not set up yet but will be
Well I guess I'll sign in then!

I don't have aim, but I do have MSN and my hotmail is danilobliekthebest (at) hotmail (dot) com .
I live in the Netherlands, this is my first demogame, and you see I am new to this site.
Also, I don't own conquests but I do play the normal civ3 without any expansion packs. Meh.. maybe I should get one.
Welcome sirdanilot! We try to make it easy to follow along so even without Conquests you can contribute to The Council. Thnaks for joining us
Cubsfan6506 is here.

You can contact me at yahooemail same name.
No aim, and i'm american.
Welcome cubsfan!

As you see several posts above, I am new here aswell, but I have the feeling
I am beginning to fit in nicely and I am sure the same will happen to you aswell.
Hi there, Cubsfan! You've chosen wisely, as you and I are lucky to be on a team with such great people. (Not Great People - that's over in the civ4 forum ;))

If you have any questions at all, don't feel shy about asking. We'll be happy to try and answer as best we can. The Played Turns thread will have the most up to date info on what's going on in the game, as well as the Embassy threads (we've met Saber and Free so far), and the Grand Strategy - for the big picture stuff.

Glad to have you aboard :salute:

remember - if you don't speak up, we all lose!
Welcome, cubsfan!! I, myself, am a Red Sox fan and feel your pain at the demise of the cubs this year!!

Isn't baseball season just starting? Are the Cubbies really done for this season or is this some Boston jive talk?

Anyway, welcome cubsfan6506!
Isn't baseball season just starting? Are the Cubbies really done for this season or is this some Boston jive talk?

Anyway, welcome cubsfan6506!

only 5 games out.
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