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Deity spying

Uhh... GK had far more than 60 units ages ago.

Anyhow, I'll take a quick sift through the game now. Defending against GK who right off the bat captured a second capital and then vassaled Willem is pointless. If he dow's on us then it's game over. We tried everything here...
Alright, I took a look and I don't like what we see. For example, we have workers building farms over terrible ugly brown tiles... and even the TUNDRA that will NEVER be used. Meanwhile we have an extra silver in our useless silver city that isn't even roadded yet, nor has a worker near by?!

Grrr. We really need to be MM much better than this. It's looking like monarch-rookie land.

We have a chance to go for Liberalism and then trade. I'll make a run for it. I'm not going to switch out of Org now, we need to possibly get off from Brennu's hate List. It may just work in 10-20 turns.

However, how to beat down Brennus.. looks like he must have DoW on Darius and took his whole empire as well, and then some... But the idiot is going after culture victory, so his later tech will drop off to nothing (I hope).

I see also we have no spies in place because all the rest got caught on your turn. I also see we have even more - relations with GK due to culture!? I guess we shouldn't have gifted more cities, all this did was dig a bigger hole for us. What a wonderful mechanic.
Brennus goes weehorn. And so does Ragnar after we meet him. Darious' situation is much worse than I was hoping. He doesn't have 3 cities left, he only has his capital! At least Ragnar capitulated him, but I'm not sure what's going on. I HOPE Ragnar went weehorn on Brennus and not us, but who the hell knows.

GH moved a scary stack next to our border, I beg for just 1 gold, and he refuses AGAIN! Just typical. he's got stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks of advanced units all over the board. Any human would have been so bankrupt here they'd never get out in a thousand years.

Anyhow, I stole Lib, traded it for some stuff like feudalism, etc. Then I stole Nationalism this turn. Iv'e had problems because stupid Willem catches us EVERY GOD DAMNED TIME! Even when we finally steal the tech, and even when just sitting idle in his city.

I built NE with a marble trade in our draft city. Sounds stupid but there was no other suitable place, so too bad.

I built a few units in case Raggy lands a small DoW party, but it isn't enough... so many things to do. I also got our crab city up and running now... I haven't switched out of slavery yet because I'm too scared what Raggy may do.

As soon as our theatre is done in glob city we should have out 6 already done and can work on getting the Globe up next.

Also, never underestimate the stupidity of a Deity AI...

And you'll probably want the save...


  • turn 190.CivBeyondSwordSave
    318 KB · Views: 77
If there is an over-seas invasion we won't get there in time. We simply don't have the boats. Stop building silly Moai in Iron Hill, and instead get the damn galleys out so we can upgrade them later. We are going to try and draft soon and we need that damned invasion fleet.

There is no real other city that can make anything on the coast with this PoS map.
Well, we're still alive. I'm really starting to think that GK is planning an overseas invasion - which is why he still hasn't done anything. Here's the current tech situation:

So we're actually starting to catch up in tech somewhat. It should really pick up once we get democracy and hopefully communism. The downside is that Willem's teching is starting to slow down a LOT. I don't know how we're going to get around that bottleneck, short of maybe gifting off a city to Brennus/Ragnar. If we can get them to have cities on our continent, we should be able to stop them from an SS launch. Which would mean we just have to stop culture (nukes I guess). I traded for maps so we can see their continent now too.

I haven't drafted as I just don't see muskets as being offensive units worth drafting. I'd reconsider if we get rifling.


  • Spying! AD-1400.CivBeyondSwordSave
    336.3 KB · Views: 64
Well what would be the point of drafting muskets, when we still didn't even get a single transport unit out. I see we are still building that silly Moia.... so we can gain 1 hammer?
Hmm, this is surprising. When I saw GK's SoD moving north I thought it meant DoW the next turn.

Oh well, this allows us to feel more pain XD
He's parked the MAIN sod 2 tiles off our border... I guess because he doesn't know how to build boats. I warned you, never underestimate the STUPIDITY of a deity AI.
*Lurker comment*

You guy's seem too hard on yourselves. you've done an excellent job to get as far as you have.
Genghis Khans worst enemy is Darius, as it is 4 Brenus.

Trouble is with the BTS AI I"ve found, it'll start plotting war, immediately it sights you, regardless of is ability to reach you (or is that Inability.)

Fun variant. Look forward to how it all turns out.
Kossin, where are you?

Anyway, this turn immediately switch to Rep + Slavery. We are losing a lot of beakers without rep, also Ragnar is already in weehorn so stupid monarchy isn't doing us much good at this point. Whip the lighthouse in our crab coast, and then OF into granery. Whip that soon as you can too. We are going to have to whip boats, soon, I don't see any other choice.

Worst of all, why the hell is it not even defended? AI's love to make snap moves when they see undefended cities in range. It's asking for trouble. Anyway, why do we have the HE and we are not even making any MP units? What a waste of hammers. Stop making gold in dump city and instead put hammers into LBs. We can upgrade them later, or burn them off when/if ragnar lands a small attack party. We may not win if Bren attacks us, but Rag isn't advanced and often he botches up his attacks. But as the game is now, we are asking to lose a scenario that we could still defend from. Again, this is looking like Monarch-Amateur night here. Run 3 spies in dump and the other hammers go into LBs. Also, get the other spies in the other cities up and running. And.... next turn work a jail in Globe city, then whip it turn after and assign full spies to gain max NE bonus. I put it in there for a reason.

Also, which one of you WISE-GUYS decided to delete my scout? I burned precious turns early on to get that as we needed them to see what was going on. And now that I'd like to still scan around in GK's cities, and get it ready to drop over on the main land, I see I'll have to make another scout yet again!
My time is limited for a few weeks. I can play tonight but you can swap me if that's too late.

I was also looking for the scout in my last set :(
I was also looking for the scout in my last set

Ahah! So, I think I know who to blame then....

I guess we can let you run a set tonight, so Shy can get in a few pointers, and perhaps a good excuse!
I deleted the scout way back in the BCs/early ADs when we were hemorrhaging cash.

We aren't supposed to be doing manual research so representation beakers are useless.

The AI will not base war declarations based on city defense but will make city attack decisions based on city defense (and it has perfect vision of all of our cities for that purpose). If we are revolting out of hereditary rule, then military police isn't very useful (except for the single unit requirement).

Having Ragnar/Brennus pick up cities on our continent isn't a bad thing - it'll give us an avenue to steal techs. Willem is slowing down so we will need a new EP target soon I think.
I agree Rep isn't really needed, our EP will do most of the job by itself but we might as well save some EPs/Spies and getting some of the low-cost techs by ourselves.

Will attempt to steal Democracy and then start on Rifling techs. Astronomy would be useful but I'd rather build galleys at low cost and upgrade them.

We'll need some turns of Slavery right away I think to whip some infra in the ice cities and possibly Security Bureaus.

We still need to get spies so I'll resume spy production as well.

GPs: GE will be saved for rushing something hopefully. GSpy will make Scotland Yard in Copper city. Anything else is kept for Golden Ages.

I'll see if I can build another scout to look at GK's cities. Or possibly Stables+Chariot for a medic unit that can be used later on.

Other than that what has been said already sounds good. I'll play in a couple hours so if anything jumps up feel free to point it out.
We aren't supposed to be doing manual research so representation beakers are useless.

WHAT?! It was just stated that the science slider wouldn't be used. If we can't even run a damn scientist then what were they doing running in the crab city (and elsewhere) for then.

Running a ton of spies, but ignoring Rep just seems beyond silly now.
Or possibly Stables+Chariot for a medic unit that can be used later on.

Better to make a sentry.
Well I didn't play very far before this:

I suggest we do this:

Then try begging for 1 gold to give us 10 turns to put some units in there.
What is interesting, is he went Wehorn before he even had Astronomy. So he plans to attack before he even has the capability of attacking (and possibly never).

Well, hopefully Brenus attacks him in the next 10 turns. But this just means ragnar has nothing to denfend and we'll have to fight again vs a 30 city leader. This is absolutely a hellish game, but this is particularly why I was upset our HE hasn't been making any defensive units this whole time. We are just sitting around waiting for this disaster to happen. Now we just have another problem on our hands that we are not prepared for.

Anyway, since GK hates Rag's vassal, will gifting this to Rag also cause GK to now get upset at us too? I can't tell what is what anymore with the vassal nonsense.
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