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Deity spying

With that fort routine, we could then target that other island, and still pull back to safety, while grabbing a second air-base. Then from there we can go for the capital with 2 secure bases.

Or... just head for that island city of his now (and pray we don't get ambushed)... and use that as a base before going for the capital?
Hmm! Even if we can build a fort on NEUTRAL lands, we'd have to ship a worker (at least one) there, and wait for it to be built. And and if the AI did something stupid in the mean-time like settle a city on a 1-tile island with 0 food resources, there goes our fort.

I would really like to try and formulate a battle-plan now. One which gives significant gains & is quick, instead of getting into some sort of grinding war which many nations have fallen into without a real decisive objective.
I guess ships also aren't allowed then. I'm not sure it's worth settling a city there just to exploit that. I'll take yet another analysis of the map again.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing - why not just plop a city down there instead. If we leave a rifle or two, Ragnar won't be able to take it.
The bigger issue right now is how to ship our units to his shore without getting picked off by his destroyers. I think two airships can scout the ocean (one from our side and one from Brennus's) but it's still a risky proposition to send lightly escorted shipments. Unless Brennus has destroyed Ragnar's navy.
Or simply a cease-fire to be certain...

It's not like we want to vassal Ragnar and risk the wrath of GK/Brennus before we're ready. Grabbing Mining Inc though could have its uses...
Well... as I said, I see at least one Destroyer by Ragnar which can nail us. Mmmm...

If we are not going to vassal Ragnar, then I guess keeping our war-success is not big deal. So perhaps we should then make peace now...
Took a look at your current save. I think your situation is not desperate if you're not GK's current target and I think it's the case.

Some suggestions:

1. You can build factories and plants NOW.
2. You should not dream on invasion on other continent before you defeat GK as those extra land barely helps. Intercontinental invasion requires superior navies and air units.
3. If you are not that unlucky, GK will probably forget your beg after he stops his war. You'd better immediately use this beg to survive the most dangerous 10 turns of peace treaty.
4. Not sure whether you are allowed to build research. If so, it's better to finish Communism yourself after factories and plants.
Are you suggesting that we try to throttle GK and ignore the other continent? We'd need a ton of siege to pull that off...

And I haven't forgotten this game... just super busy with stuff.
I don't think you are capable of laying your hand on the other continent. Inter-continent war is much harder. Also you won't get much from Viking.

I think you'd better plan for a war with bombers and that's not very far away given the size of Mongolian empire, You might need to focus you EP on GK now since there's no guarantee that William can get those techs.
To add on that:
We might as well keep our "invasion fleet" to tackle Brennus if he comes closer to cultural.

With enough bombers... it might just be possible to tackle GK... that would be an Epic David vs Goliath fight.
Just joined and read a couple o' threads. U r seeming doom & gloom has taken u this far. I think u have proven that spying in this game is overpowered and gets stronger as game goes on. Good luck and I hope u kick Genghis off your island.:)
Nah, it's not gonna die.

If necessary, I'll play it to the end one of these days - but I'd rather keep the SG format. It's just taking a lot of guts to play any turn I guess :D
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