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Design Thread - For Discussion and Review

In similar vein, have one of my old designs, and also... I think my favourite. =]


Kingdom of Arles (Conrad I)
Start Bias: Grassland
UA: Arelat Imperial
Gain points towards a :c5goldenage: Golden Age every time you make a Major Civilization declare war on another Major Civilization. Units gain a +1% :c5strength: Combat Bonus for each foreign Unit in your empire, whether Military or Civilian.
UU: Hospitalier (replaces Knight)
Stronger and faster than the Knight it replaces. Starts with Shock I as well as a unique promotion, "Conrad the Peaceful", that grants a +5% :c5strength: Combat Bonus while attacking for each City-State Allied to Arles and a +10% :c5strength: Combat Bonus while defending for each City-State allied to the enemy unit's owner. Cheaper to buy with :c5faith: Faith, but more expensive to build and cannot be bought with :c5gold: Gold.
UB: Barbegal Leat (replaces Aqueduct)
40% of the :c5food: Food is carried over after a new :c5citizen: Citizen is born. Additionally, Cities with a Barbegal Leat generate +2 :c5goldenage: Golden Age points per turn while the Empire is under the terms of a Peace Treaty, and also generate +2 :c5food: Food during We Love The King Day.


A slight adjustment, yeah (mostly reworking the UB and renaming the UU - I didn't know the Knights Hospitaller had their Grand Priory in Arles, because derpgrace gonna derp) but it's still a design I absolutely love. Now to get Jifford or someone to code it.


As for the White Russians, UU should be vodka, UB should be milk. I jest, of course; the UA's promotions are really interesting, and would work well with Autocracy (which may well be the point), and I like the idea of a UU you can only get from City-States, but I think the UNW is... not so great. I like the idea of it, but, well, the primary purpose of the East India Company is to bolster your trade. Have a slightly different UU instead of it:

UU: Wrangel Fleet (replaces Battleship)
Upon construction while at War with another Major Civilization, receive a random Land Military Unit for which you have the technology from any Civilization not in the game. Faster than the Battleship it replaces, it also confers the Amphibious promotion to any embarked Land Unit within one hex. Upgrades to Missile Cruiser.
In similar vein, have one of my old designs, and also... I think my favourite. =]


Kingdom of Arles (Conrad I)
Start Bias: Grassland
UA: Arelat Imperial
Gain points towards a :c5goldenage: Golden Age every time you make a Major Civilization declare war on another Major Civilization. Units gain a +1% :c5strength: Combat Bonus for each foreign Unit in your empire, whether Military or Civilian.
UU: Hospitalier (replaces Knight)
Stronger and faster than the Knight it replaces. Starts with Shock I as well as a unique promotion, "Conrad the Peaceful", that grants a +5% :c5strength: Combat Bonus while attacking for each City-State Allied to Arles and a +10% :c5strength: Combat Bonus while defending for each City-State allied to the enemy unit's owner. Cheaper to buy with :c5faith: Faith, but more expensive to build and cannot be bought with :c5gold: Gold.
UB: Barbegal Leat (replaces Aqueduct)
40% of the :c5food: Food is carried over after a new :c5citizen: Citizen is born. Additionally, Cities with a Barbegal Leat generate +2 :c5goldenage: Golden Age points per turn while the Empire is under the terms of a Peace Treaty, and also generate +2 :c5food: Food during We Love The King Day.


A slight adjustment, yeah (mostly reworking the UB and renaming the UU - I didn't know the Knights Hospitaller had their Grand Priory in Arles, because derpgrace gonna derp) but it's still a design I absolutely love. Now to get Jifford or someone to code it.


As for the White Russians, UU should be vodka, UB should be milk. I jest, of course; the UA's promotions are really interesting, and would work well with Autocracy (which may well be the point), and I like the idea of a UU you can only get from City-States, but I think the UNW is... not so great. I like the idea of it, but, well, the primary purpose of the East India Company is to bolster your trade. Have a slightly different UU instead of it:

UU: Wrangel Fleet (replaces Battleship)
Upon construction while at War with another Major Civilization, receive a random Land Military Unit for which you have the technology from any Civilization not in the game. Faster than the Battleship it replaces, it also confers the Amphibious promotion to any embarked Land Unit within one hex. Upgrades to Missile Cruiser.
Since the East India Company replaced the National Treasury I figured it wouldn't be to odd and I wanted something to help influence city-states. But I do very well like the UU you thought of (Though what was the inspiration for the first part?). As with with your opinion on your design (very good design, who doesn't love food and golden ages) if I ever make a civ it would probably be the White Russians (depending on difficulty of coding).
I've decided to throw this over here because I was just reading about it:
Vichy France​
Marshall Phillipe Petain
UA: Révolution Nationale
Upon completing a :c5culture: Social Policy Tree immediately enter a 5-turn :c5goldenage: Golden Age, during :c5goldenage: Golden Ages receive a Military Unit :c5production: Production bonus in Cities and it may be extended by denouncing or signing a Declaration of War against an opposing Civilization (max.30 turns)
UU: Milice (Infantry)
Unlike the Infantry it replaces the Milice may offset :c5production: Production penalties from :c5unhappy: Unhappiness in Cities it is garrisoned in and may move after attacking.
UB: Ilag (Constabulary)
Much cheaper to build than the Constabulary, in addition to spy ineffectiveness if the Ilag is built in a conquered City it provides a flat amount of :c5culture: Culture for every :c5citizen: Citizen within the City upon construction
any thoughts?
Heres a little joke civ made out of boredom:
Free and Independent Republic of West Florida
Fulwar Skipwith
Bonnie Blue Rebellion
Military Units upon being defeated in Enemy Territory will immediatly spawn a Rebel Version of itself with an increased :c5strength: Combat Strength, Defensive Buildings provide a random Unique Promotion* to Units during :c5war: War
West Florida Dragoon (Cavalry)
Starts off with the Great Generals I Promotion, gains +1 :c5moves: Movement when starting its turn adjacent to a Military Unit and a +5% :c5strength: Combat Bonus for every adjacent Enemy Unit.
Stronghold (Arsenal)
Military Units produced in this City begin with an additional +5 Experience for every other Defensive Building built, Enemy Units adjacent to this City suffer attrition
Unique Promotions*
"Forever Rebel"- +10% :c5strength: Combat Bonus
"50 Years Later"- Provides an Experience boost to adjacent Units upon defeating a Unit
"Spirit of La Lousiana"- May cross Rivers without experiencing Movement Penalties.
First new Civ in a while, what do you think about this one?

Kingdom of Macedon:
Leader: Philip V
Unique Ability: Scion of the Monophthalmus: Gain +2 happiness for every civilization and city-state you are at war with. Capturing cities from enemy civilizations and city-states gains 20% less unhappiness, increasing to 40% upon capturing the capitals of enemy civilizations.
Unique Unit 1: Hypaspistai, replaces Spearman: Increased combat strength (14 vs. 11). If in defensive position, it increases its strength further vs. attacking units, and can move at half the movement points while defending. More expensive to build.
Unique Unit 2: Sarissaphoroi, replaces Horseman: +1 Movement and increased combat strength (15 vs. 12). Comes with Drill I, Shock I and Charge Promotions.
Capital: Pella
20% less, I take it.

Either add a signal or add "less"/"more" to it.
Fair enough, I actually had the idea thought up literally an hour before I had to go to work, and I just wanted to write that one down quick before I forgot.
Heya guys, could you give your thoughts on these variations for a redesign of the Huns? I'm pretty content with the UU but I'm not so sure on the UA and UI:

The Huns
UA: Scourge of God
  • Conquering or razing an enemy's Cities may trigger :c5occupied: Resistance in an enemy's Capital or Holy City if they have founded a Religion. Chance every turn for an enemy Civilization's units to defect to your side depending on their Unhappiness. Double City razing speed.
  • Conquering or razing an enemy's Cities may trigger :c5occupied: Resistance in an enemy's Capital or Holy City if they have founded a Religion. Yields from a City being razed are sent to the :c5capital: Capital, and double city razing speed.
  • During war, can boost :c5unhappy: Unhappiness in an enemy Civilization by conquering or razing its Cities. Chance every turn for enemy Civilizations' units to defect to your side depending on their Unhappiness. Double city razing speed.
  • During war, can boost :c5unhappy: Unhappiness in an enemy Civilization by conquering or razing its Cities. :c5razing: Razing a city heals adjacent Units, and double City razing speed.
  • Yields from a City being razed are sent to the :c5capital: Capital. :c5razing: Razing a city heals adjacent Units, and double City razing speed.

And for old times sake, the city name stealing shall remain but it will unlisted and it will be given conditions (not all conditions need to be met):
- You must have units from that civ that have defected to your side
- You must have settled near that civ when they are unhappy
- You must have conquered a city from that civ

UU: Steppe Cavalry
  • Replacement for the Chariot with slightly stronger defense. Can damage enemy Cities by pillaging nearby Improvements.* When in enemy lands, yields from an Improvement the Steppe Cavalry is stationed on is sent to the :c5capital: Capital.

*I figure a workaround to there being no pillage event for lua could be that it's a custom action that allows the unit to 'attack' and pillage in one go. So the unit checks if it's on an enemy improvement, then if that check is true, it fires off an invisible attack at a city that's around 3 tiles away or less (the attack wont be animated and it wont move the unit). Then only after an attack it pillages the tile it is currently standing on. Can someone confirm whether this would be a valid workaround?

EDIT: Also, if in the situation that the unit is directly in the middle of two cities, the city with the most HP will be damaged.

UI: Hunlun Hunlu
  • +1 :c5food: Food and +1 :c5production: Production, additional Production if built on Pasture resources. Free Experience and +20% bonus to flanking for Mounted Units beginning their turn on a Hunlun Hunlu. Can be built on flat land and in neutral territory, but not adjacent to another Hunlun Hunlu. Available at animal husbandry.
  • +1 :c5food: Food and +1 :c5production: Production, additional Production if built on Pasture resources. Mounted or Ranged units may respawn on a Hunlun Hunlu if killed nearby it. Can be built on flat land and in neutral territory, but not adjacent to another Hunlun Hunlu. Available at animal husbandry.
  • +1 :c5food: Food and +1 :c5production: Production, additional Production if built on Pasture resources. Free experience and +1 :c5moves: Movement for Ranged and Mounted units that start their turn on a Hunlun Hunlu. Can be built on flat land and in neutral territory, but not adjacent to another Hunlun Hunlu. Available at animal husbandry.
  • Mounted or Ranged units may respawn on a Hunlun Hunlu if killed nearby it. +20% Bonus to flanking and +1 :c5moves: Movement for Mounted and Ranged Units beginning their turn the Improvement. Can be built on flat land and in neutral territory, but not adjacent to another Hunlun Hunlu. Available at animal husbandry.
Imperial Portugal!

Kingdom of Portugal
Luis I
Royal Rotativism
Cities have a free "Regenador" Specialist Slot which provide +1 :c5culture: Culture for every Social Policy you have adopted and upon advancing to a new Era you may re-choose the Specialist which provides a small :c5culture: Culture boost, +1 :c5science: Science from Ocean Resources
Rio Canhoneira
Unlike the Frigate it replaces the Canhonneira does not require Iron and is much slower and cheaper, +25% :c5strength: Combat Bonus against Infantry and other Naval Units and ignores Enemy ZOC
Unlike the Hydro Plant it replaces it provides +2 :c5science: Science, +1 :c5science: Science from every 2 River Tiles, provides a small :c5science: Science boost upon the discovery of a new Technology
I like it. Though, frigates require iron, not oil, unless you want it to replace another unit...
(Also, +2 science from hydro planet... Isn't that helpful.)
For the aquarium maybe it should be +1 science from every 2 river tiles? Every tile might be a bit much. Other than that, the design seems pretty neat.
Culture based USA:

The United States of America​

+25% :tourism: Tourism. Recieve a bonus great person whenever you reach Influential status with another empire (Each bonus person can only be chosen once).

B-17 (Bomber)
Starts with Siege I and Evasion.

Hollywood (Broadcast Tower)
Generates +2 :c5happy: Happiness and +1 :tourism: Tourism.
Hmph. I made a similar design.

United states of America(Barack Obama)
UA: Americanization
No :tourism: tourism penalties from ideology, and :tourism: tourism to their civs is increased by 5% per each trade\ agreement you have with them. Units gain +15% :c5strength: strength in enemy territory.

UU: Navy Seals
Replaces Paratrooper. More expansive, but has +1 :c5moves: movement and the amphibious promotion. Additionally, it is stronger(72 :c5strength:) and may attack after paradropping.
Brazil during WWI was very interesting regardless to say:
Republic of Brazil
Venceslau Brás
The Calogeras Plan
When War is declared between to major Civilizations, Military Unit :c5production: Production is increased by 5% for every :trade: Trade Route shared with your Ally and upon declaring Peace receive :c5culture: Culture based on the length of the War.
Gains a :c5strength: Combat Bonus dependent on far it is from the :c5capital: Capital and generates :c5culture: Culture for every Level it has earned when garrisoned in City, Unlike the Great War Infantry it replaces.
May transport Units and has an additional +2 :c5moves: Movement, and starts off with Supply and Range, unlike the much stronger Frigate it replaces.
But the Cobras Fumantes are WWII... and called Pracinhas.

Changed I must have missed a big header in the article I was reading :p I doubt my sensory skills.
Isn't the Foreign Legion only available via Volunteer Army?
I need thy collective wisdom!

Storm Clan
UA: Thunder Fleet - Naval technologies* are researched (35%) faster. Gain massive amounts of Culture and Gold upon capturing a City with a naval unit. Coastal cities have +1 Production for each 4 Citizen.
UU: Lightning Shak’ar - Replaces the Swordsman. Available at Optics. Get a ranged attack and +1 movement while embarked. No movement cost for embarking/disembarking. Pillaging gives nearby friendly units a +25% Combat Strength against cities for a turn.
UU: Fire Condor - Naval unit that replaces the Catapult. Available at Metal Casting. Is destroyed after attacking and has +600% CS against Cities. Unable to take cities. Coastal Rider I promotion.

*Naval Techs:
Spoiler :

This is for my bonus pack in Warlords BattleCiV.
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