Civ 7 releases in a few months and i have a lot of concepts for civ 6 laying around soo im gonna post them by region across some weeks cuz theres a lot and i dont wanna spam this thread with too many concepts (yet). These are all of my concepts centered around south america & the carribean!
Argentina - Evita
They have a tier 5 starting bias towards resources improved by camps or pastures.
(La Reina del Plata): The capital gains +15% production towards districts, buildings and world wonders, and world wonders built there gain a great work slot for any great work.
(La Madre de los Descamisados): Cities with a specialty district gain +1 amenity. +100% production towards neighbourhoods.
Ciudad Evita: Tries to build lots of districts and wonders in her capital city, but dislikes leaders that do the same. Likes leaders with underdeveloped capitals.
Gaucho: Argentinian unique unit that replaces the cuirassier. Costs 330 production, 1320 gold, horses and needs 5 gold to maintain. Has 4 movement, 67 combat strengh and 2 sight. Gains +5 combat strengh and heals at the end of every turn, even if it has moved or attacked, if within 4 tiles of a camp or pasture; has 1 build charge, can build camps and pastures in their specific resources and can clear terrain, both these actions cost 1 build charge and can also remove tile improvements, this action doesn't cost a build charge but the Gaúcho needs to have atleast 1 build charge to do it; ignores enemy zone of control, and is unlocked with Nationalism.
Tanguería: Argentinian unique building that replaces the Broadcast Center and is unlocked earlier, with Opera and Ballet. Costs 440 production, 1760 gold and needs 3 gold to maintain. Gives +6 culture, (+4 culture more than the broadcast center), and additional +1 culture for every specialist in this district, but isn't able to be powered, not gaining the additional +4 culture if powered that the broadcast center normally gains; +2 great musician points, and +1 great artist point. Has one great work slot for great works of music. If it's home city is happy, all great works there give +1 culture and +1 tourism, these additional yeilds doubling if the city is ecstatic.
Tupi - Cunhambe
Has a tier 2 starting bias towards woods and rainforests.
Tupi (Cunhadismo): Having a declaration of friendship or alliance with a foreing leader grants you the ability to choose to construct the unique districts, buildings and tile improvements and obtain the unique military units that leader can normally obtain. All usual restrictions still apply, such as technological requirements or construction rules. Leaders that have a declaration of friendship or alliance with you can construct the Oca unique tile improvement.
Cunhambe (Tamoyo Confederation): All unique military units you control gain +3 combat strength. Obtaining a city from a foreing civilization doesn't remove or replace the unique districts, buildings and tile improvements there. Owning a major civilization's or city-state's capital grants you the ability to construct the unique districts, buildings and tile improvements and obtain the unique military units that major civilization's leader or city-state can normally obtain. All usual restrictions still apply, such as technological requirements or construction rules.
Morubixaba: Always tries to declare friendships and establish alliances, and likes leaders that accept these. Refusing a declaration of friendship or an alliance request from this leader permanently damages your relationship with him.
Ibirapema: Tupi unique unit that replaces the Warrior. Costs 40 production, 160 gold and needs 0 gold to maintain. Has 2 movement, 20 combat strength and 2 sight. Gains +5 combat strength against anti-cavalry units, +3 combat strength against unique units, ignores the movement penalties of woods and rainforests and, upon defeating an enemy unit, it heals up to 30 HP.
Oca: Tupi unique tile improvement. Is built by a builder, unlocked with Craftsmanship and gives health from plunders. Gives +1 housing and +1 food, additional +1 food if built on woods or rainforest, gaining +1 food from this bonus with Mercantilism, and +1 culture for every different unique district, building or tile improvement adjacent to the it, including another Oca, gaining +1 culture from this bonus with Urbanization. Can only be built on Plains, Plains Hills, Grassland or Grassland hills, adjacent to a resource, and can improve woods or rainforests.
Guarani - Sepé Tiaraju
Doesn't have a starting bias.
Guarani (Land Without Evil): Settling a city grants +1 era score. The first shrine, opy and worship building that you construct grants a free settler in that city, without losing a population.
Sepé Tiaraju
(Seven Reductions): Gain +1% faith in all cities for every city you own. Units bought with faith gain +1 movement.
Indigenismo: Tries to settle lots of cities, and dislikes civilizations that own more cities than him. Likes civilizations that own less cities than him.
Ka'aguygua: Unique unit of the Guarani that replaces the scout. Costs 30 production and 120 gold. Has 3 movement, 10 combat strengh, 15 ranged strengh, 1 range and 2 sight. Has a ranged attack and, when escorting an unit, that unit is affected by this unit's promotions and inherits its higher movement speed.
Opy: Unique building of the Guarani that replaces the Temple. Costs 120 production, 480 gold and needs 2 gold to maintain. Gives +4 faith, +1 great prophet point and a citizen slot. Has 1 relic slot. Faith purchasing units in this city is 15% cheaper. Settlers don't remove a population if the city has this building. Allows the purchasing of apostles, gurus, inquisitors (after an apostle uses it's launch Inquisition ability) and warrior monks (with the proper belief).
Muisca - Nemequene
Has a tier 3 starting bias towards resources that can be improved by mines, quarries, farms or plantations and a tier 5 starting bias towards lakes.
(Gwatibita): Lakes give +3 gold. Gain faith equal to 10% of your gold output. Resources improved by mines, quarries, farms or plantations give +1 gold.
(Code of Nemequene): Military units gain +5 combat strengh in tiles that provide gold, including districts, buildings and wonders. Cities gain +0.2 loyalty for every district, building, wonder and tile improvement that give gold. Districts, buildings, wonders and tile improvements in your empire gain +1 gold for every foreign military unit defeated there.
Zipa of Bacatá: Likes civilizations that have both a strong military and strong gold or faith outputs. Dislikes civilizations that are strong in military but weak in gold or faith.
Guecha Warrior: Unique unit of the Muisca that replaces the Crossbowman. Costs 180 production, 720 gold and needs 0 gold to maintain. Has 2 movement, 30 melee strengh, 40 ranged strengh, 2 range and 2 sight. Gains additional combat strength equal to half of the gold output of the tile that it occupies.
Bohío: Unique building of the Muisca that replaces the Granary. Costs 85 production and 340 gold. Gives +2 housing, but doesn't give +1 food, instead, districts, buildings, wonders and tile improvements that give gold gain +1 food. Costs more production (85 vs 65).
Haiti - Touissaint Louverture
Has a tier 3 starting bias towards resources that can be improved by plantations.
(For Liberty): Can choose an extra dedication in Dark Ages and Heroic Ages.
Dramatic Ages game mode only:
(For Liberty): After entering a Dark Age, lose no cities and all your cities gain +4 loyalty and +1 amenity.
Touissaint Louverture
(Father of Haiti): While in a Dark Age or Heroic Age, gain +25% production towards all units, and upgrading military units costs 25% less gold and strategic resources. In all ages, your Citizens exert loyalty pressure as if you where in a golden age.
*In the Dramatic Ages game mode, the Heroic Age bonuses are removed.
Haitian Revolution: Likes civilizations that are in a dark age or heroic age. Dislikes civilizations that are in a normal age or golden age.
Armée Indigène: Haitian unique unit that replaces the musketman. Costs 240 production, 960 gold, 5 nitre and needs 4 gold to maintain. Has 2 movement, 55 combat strengh and 2 sight. Gains +5 combat strengh against anti-cavalry units, has a chance of capturing non-barbarian units and transforming them into another Armée Indigène after defeating them and only need 5 nitre.
Hounfour: Unique building of Haiti that replaces all worship buildings. Costs 190 production and 380 faith. Gives +3 faith, +1 faith per specialist in this district, and a citizen slot. Gains the yields and special effects of worship buildings from religions with at least one citizen in this city (+3 faith and +2 food if it's a Gurdwara, +3 faith and a great work slot for great works of art if it’s a Cathedral…), and plantations in this city gain +2 faith, +2 culture and +1 production.
Taíno - Anacaona
Has a tier 2 starting bias towards resources that can be improved by fishing boats, farms or plantations.
(Zemis): Shrines have a great work slot for relics. Fishing boats, farms and plantations gain +2 food and +1 faith if there is a relic in their home city.
(Cacica's Areítos): Cities with a Batey have access to the Areíto Project, which costs a high amount of production and can only be performed once per city, but grants a relic upon completion.
Golden Flower: Tries to have the maximum amount of relics, and likes leaders that have less relics than her. Dislikes leaders with more relics than her.
Areíto Project: Táino unique project when Anacaona is their leader that is performed in the Batey district. Can only be perfomed once per city but, upon completion, grants a relic. Costs 65 production. Its production cost increases based on the amount of technologies and/or civics its civilization has discovered.
Macana: Táino unique unit that replaces the Warrior. Costs 60 production, 240 gold and needs 0 gold to maintain. Has 2 movement, 23 combat strength and 2 sight. Has higher combat strength than the warrior (23 vs 20) and gains +5 combat strength against anti-cavalry units, barbarians and if on or adjacent to a coast or lake tile.
Batey: Táino unique district that replaces the entertainment complex. Gives +1 amenity, additional +1 amenity for every 2 adjacent districts, +1 housing for every adjacent district, and +1 appeal to adjacent tiles. Costs half the normal amount of production of an entertainment complex, and isn't considered a specialty district, not requiring population to build. Can only be built adjacent to the city center and cannot be built in a city that has already built a water park.
Additional Leaders:
Brazil - Juscelino Kubitschek & Pedro I
Juscelino Kubitschek
(Cinquenta Anos em Cinco): The capital gains +1% production for every great person your civilization has ever recruited. Cities gain +30% production towards all projects.
Anos Dourados: Tries to work on projects, and likes civilizations that do the same. Dislikes civilizations that don't work on projects.
Pedro I
(Independência ou Morte): Gain a inspiration everytime you recruit a Great General and Great Admiral. +100% Great General points and Great Admiral points. Great Generals and Great Admirals have an extra charge and their passive effects affect units within 3 tiles of them.
O libertador: Likes civilizations that don't recruit Great Generals and Great Admirals. Dislikes civilizations that recruit Great Generals and Great Admirals.
Maya - Pacal
(B'olon Yej Te' Naah): Cities gain +1% production towards districts, buildings and world wonders for every citizen there. Districts and world wonders gain +1 food for every adjacent farm and for every adjacent plantation, and gain +1 housing.
K'uhul Baakel Ajaw: Likes civilizations that have built more districts, buildings and tile improvements than him. Dislikes civilizations that have built less districts, buildings and tile improvements than him.