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custom civ

  1. hokath

    The Garamantes for VP v 2.1

    Based on the mod by Tomatekh Discussion thread: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/the-garamantes-for-vp.693426/
  2. H

    (WIP) Hinin's France - Louis XIV for Vox Populi

    Incoming civilization - Don't hesitate to commentate on the design while I'm working on it. The code is entirely sql and all the art is there, so this shouldn't take much time. France - Louis XIV => art by Janboruta from this mod by JFD UA - Grandeur +2 :c5production: Production and...
  3. gwennog

    Gwennog's France - Philippe II Auguste for Vox Populi

    France (Requires VP4.2 at least for full compatibility) Download Here Leader - Philippe II Auguste UA - L’Homme Providentiel Each worked :c5greatperson: Great Person Improvement gives +2 points of its type to the nearest city. When a :c5greatperson: Great Person born, gain +1%...
  4. gwennog

    Gwennog's France - Philippe II Auguste for VP v.6

    To talk about it. Artistic Credits (All Rights Reserved to original authors): Peace Theme: Annwn - Douce Dame Jolie (from Guillaume de Machaut) War Theme: La Capella Reial de Catalunya - Grupe Sufi Al-Darwish - Hespèrion XXI / Artistic direction: Jordi Savall - Chevalier, Mult Estes Guariz...
  5. hokath

    Hokath's Afghanistan for VP v 5

    See discussion thread here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/hokaths-afghanistan-for-vp.689898/ Based on the mods by Lastsword and Colonialist Legacies.
  6. P

    How to update a , custom civilization, mod to be compatible with newer version (civ6)

    ello, so i came across some custom civ mods, like sikh empire, toussaints shoshone/ iroquois but they arent compatible with the current version of civ 6, how do i fix this my self, bearing in mind i dont have alot of modding experience, i just want to use these civs for God sake!!!
  7. A

    [GS] Problems with custom civilization traits and features

    Hello everyone, A while back I started creating a mod for CIV 6, which is my own custom civilization. I used an old template, which I later changed to the ModBuddy template. Anyway, I was editing the leader and civilization's unique abilities, which are: I tweaked with the numerous modifiers...
  8. N

    [GS] Help with custom modifiers and Iteru modifier

    I'm attempting to make a civ with the following unique ability: +1 Faith for every floodplain tile with an improvement. +5 Science for every city center built next to a river. Districts, improvements and units are immune to damage from floods. (Similar to Egypt) Unfortunately this is as far...
  9. gwennog

    Tomatekh's Kyivan Rus' (Yaroslav the Wise) for VP v.4

    Adaptation of Kyivan Rus for Vox Populi. Does not require the original mods. To talk about it Credits: (All Rights Reserved to original authors) Original mod Tomatekh's Kievan Rus' (Yaroslav) Leugi: Leader screen. janboruta: Leader, UB1, and Civ icons Danrell: Unit graphic Andrew Holt: DoM...
  10. gwennog

    Tomatekh's Kyivan Rus' (Yaroslav the Wise) for VP

    Kyivan Rus' (Requires VP4.2 at least for full compatibility) Download Here Leader - Yaroslav the Wise UA - From the Varangians to the Greeks :trade: Trade Routes with :c5citystate: City-States generate +1 :c5influence: Influence per turn per each owned :trade: City-State Trade Route (up to...
  11. T

    Creating a Civilization with 2 follower beliefs?

    I'm attempting to create a new civilization whose civ ability gives them the ability chose a second follower belief instead of one of their other beliefs. I know that there is a piece of the code for the beliefs file which determines the maximum number of each type of beliefs all civilizations...
  12. gwennog

    JFD-US-DMS-THP-G&H's Ireland - Brian Boru for VP v.7

    Adaptation of Ireland from several great mods for Vox Populi. Does not require the original mods. To talk about it Credits: (All Rights Reserved to original authors) For JFD's Ireland (Brian Boru) JFD: Author. Janboruta: Art (Civ Icon, Leader Icon, Unique Component Icons, Leaderscene,)...
  13. S

    Custom leader no peace once war declared

    Hello Civfanatics, Would it be possible to make my custom civ leader not to be able to make peace at all once war is declared either way? I am trying to achieve what the forever war mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1402754200 does, but just for my civ leader, perhaps...
  14. gwennog

    G&H's Catalonia - Guifré el Pelut for VP v.5

    Adds Catalonia, led by Guifré el Pelut. For use with VP and optionally MUCfVP To talk about it Artistic Credits (All Rights Reserved to original authors) : Hespèrion XXI & Jordi Savall - Mare Nostrum : Peace Theme - El Cant dels Ocells Jordi Savall - La Capella Reial de Catalunya - Le Concert...
  15. D

    [GS] leader mod

    I think i learned how to mod leader for this game but still one problem for me is ArtDefs, is there any way to get 80x80 icon but not blurry? and I learned the mod from a video tutorial from 2017 so it's probably outdated, is there any tutorial out there that can be used? I tried to download to...
  16. A

    [GS] Help editing custom civilization traits and features

    Hello everyone, So I followed the guides on how to make a custom civ and its modifiers, but I'm really confused on that last part. I searched through the root files of the game, and found the IDs. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my traits to work, and I really find it hard to implement them. I...
  17. pineappledan

    Manchus for VP

    Manchus Download here (Mega Link) Use with Promotion Flags highly recommended (in-game settings option) Using Squads Group Movement by L. Vern also Highly recommended Leader: Kangxi UA: Eight Banners Non-Siege Land Military Units Gain the Eight Banners promotion. Whenever you gain a land tile...
  18. pineappledan

    Jarcast & pineappledan's Hittites

    The Hittites Does not need the original mod Download Here Leader - Suppiluliumas I UA - Bond and Oath: Gain 1:c5influence: influence per turn with City-States you have a Declaration of Protection with, scaling with Era. Your :c5war:War Supply is your starting :c5production:Production for all...
  19. H

    LastSword's Viet Nam for VP

    Viet Nam Empire Download here (requires Vox Populi 2.2 or later) (Made with LastSword's authorization) Leader - Le Loi UA - Nam Quoc Son Ha When entering War, spawn an Ranged and a Land Melee Unit, and Military Units gain +20% :c5strength: CS against Civilizations with more :c5citizen...
  20. H

    LS's Viet Nam for VP V.4

    Adds the Viet Nam Empire, led by Le Loi, for VP and optionally MUCfVP. To talk about it Credits : - LastSword : Original mod, Original CivIcon, Leaderscreen, LeaderIcon, Map, DoM picture, UU1 UnitIcon, Original Research, Writing - TPangolin : UImprovement 3d model and Icon, UU2 3d model and...
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