Designing a War of the Worlds Scenario & Modpack

Originally posted by Bluemofia
oh yes, how big is the file going to be?
Thorgrimm tells me that it will be about 185 megs (yes 23 more than SOE)
Here's the unit/author breakdown.

Albatros- Kinboat
American Rifleman- Nemesis Rex
AV7- Kinboat
B 36- Wyrmshadow
*Black Smoke- MarineCorps
Bloch 510- Wyrmshadow
Boer Rifleman- Wheel Gator
*Bombarding Machine- Wyrmshadow
Bomber- Firaxis/Kryten
British Rifleman- Nemesis Rex
Carrier- Akula
*Casemate Battleship- Wyrmshadow
Char B1- Hunter
Cruiser- Akula
*Defensive HeatRay- Wyrmshadow
Dewotine 520- Wyrmshadow
*Digging Machine- Wyrmshadow
Dismounted Cavalry- Elsilhe
EUcasemate Battleship- Smoking mirror
Euro Battleship- Akula
F86 Sabre- BeBro
Fighter- Firaxis\\Kryten
*Fighting Machine- Wyrmshadow
*Flying Machine- Wyrmshadowshadow
*Cylinder- Wyrmshadow
French Rifleman- Nemesis Rex
FW 190- Wyrmshadow
G3M- aaglo
General- Incubus0223
German Rifleman- Nemesis Rex
Gloster Meteor- Wyrmshadow
*Handling Machine- Wyrmshadow
HO 229- Wyrmshadow
Horse Artillery- BAP
Horse Commando- Doragon
Ironclad Frigate- Smoking mirror/shrunk by Wyrmshadow
Japanese Carrier- Akula
JS 3- Ripptide
KhaGo- Kinboat
Krupps Howitzer- Kinboat
La 5- Wyrmshadow
Lancaster- Wyrmshadow
M13- Ripptide
M26 Pershing- Ripptide
Martian Marine- Level
*Martian Transport- Wyrmshadow
MC 202- Wyrmshadow
ME 264- Wyrmshadow
Meiji Rifleman- Dom Pedro II
Mig-15- BeBro
MkIV- Kinboat
Motorized Infantry- Wyrmshadow
P-51- Ripptide
P-80- Wyrmshadow
Panther- Ripptide
Renault FT17- Ripptide
Royal Oak- Akula
Sb 2- Wyrmshadow
Sopwith Camel- Ripptide
Spaviero- Wyrmshadow
Spitfire- Ripptide
Steam Cruiser- Hunter
Steam Transport- Drift
*Thunder Child- Wyrmshadow
Torpedo Ram- joebasstard
Towed Artillery- Wyrmshadow
Tribal class- Hunter
Turret- Recon1591
*Wading Machine- Wyrmshadow
WWII Cruiser- Akula
Zeppelin- Wyrmshadow
B-17- Wyrmshadow
M3A1- Ripptide
Martian Infantry- Morpheus
Sdkfz halftrack- Ripptide
*Nautilus- Wyrmshadow
Bedouin Raider- Dom Pedro II
Calliope- Ripptide
Camel Rider- Dom Pedro II
City Bunker- Ripptide
*Curtiss Jenny- Wyrmshadow
Carl Morster- Ripptide
Fokker- Wyrmshadow
FW200 Condor- Wyrmshadow
JU87 Stuka- Wyrmshadow
Katyusha- Wyrmshadow
Mexican Rifleman- utahjazz7
Scandanavian JU86- Wyrmshadow
Shinden- Wyrmshadow
*Wright Flyer- Wyrmshadow
Wurfrahmen- Ripptide
*Zclass Destroyer- Wyrmshadow
*CV-1 Langley- Wyrmshadow
*Tempest- Wyrmshadow
Antonov-1- Wyrmshadow
Martian Manta- Wyrmshadow
ME 262- Wyrmshadow
Zero- Wyrmshadow
AustinMk2- Ripptide
B 29- aaglo
Chinese I16
Chinese Infantry
Gloster Gladiator aaglo
Handley Paige Wyrm
Hotchkiss ArmoredCar Hunter
M16 AAAhalftrack Ripptide
M7Priest Recon1591
Mk8 Hunter
Nieuport17 Kinboat
Ottoman Rifleman
P 47 Ripptide
Projectile Cannon Wyrm
Prussian Cavalry
Russobalt Ripptide
Sdkfz71 Ripptide
Wespe Ripptide
M4A3E8 Sherman Ripptide
T34 76 Ripptide

Russian Infantry-Firaxis
Japanese Infantry-Firaxis
Italian Infantry-Firaxis
German Infantry-Firaxis
American Infantry-Firaxis
British Infantry-Firaxis
French Infantry-Firaxis
Jet Fighter-Firaxis
*=Denotes special to WOTW
*Flying Machine- Wyrmshadowshadow

Just a minor error, but you probably don't want it to say "Wyrmshadowshadow" in the readme. I'm trying to be critical or anything, I just though you might not have noticed. BTW, I can't wait to see all of the units I haven't yet... One more day...
its been taken care of
Actualy gofg it's more like 5 more hours ;) but Wyrm knows about the error, I did the file he corrected any mistakes.
Originally posted by Wyrmshadow
A moderator bans the project manager of a MOD one day before it's release under the impression that all posters are all somehow equal. That is it. Why should Thorgrimm just think of it as water under the bridge?

"Drift you are quite wrong. I made this mod mainly for myself and the people who love WOTW. And I do not care if one or a million DL it. And if you think defending myself and catching someone in a lie is overeacting, my friend I would hate to see your version of "justice" Thorgrimm
[color=600f0f]According to site policy, all posters ARE equal. That is it. All bring different strengths to the site, but NO-ONE is placed above anyone else! NOBODY here is indispensable!

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