Wow. Really wow. That very music changed me whislt I was young and I have forever loved it since. And seeing that excellent footage combined with it...well, the first word I said in this post summed it up. Absolutely excellent!
Warlord you could see it? It took me 2 hours to upload it yesterday. I had to try twice and I was not sure if the whole thing was done. It did that during a summer between my freshman and sophomore years. It was when I was first starting out in animation.
Wyrmshadow do i have to upgrade my media player to see the video? I was thinking that it would make a GREAT intro for the mod. Just like BeBro did for his mod. What do you think?
The destruction of the artillery on Horsell Common.
probably. But I hope you dont get dissapointed by not seeing any tripods, it's only the manta ships. It's also very dark so you'd have to increase the brightness on your player.
Thorgrim, that's NOT Horsell Common. If it was then it would be actual field artillery and not a 40mm Bofors AA gun and the troopers would be in British Redcoat uniforms, not wearing WW1 helmets. That is a painting of the 1938 Halloween broadcast when they landed in New Jersey.
Actually Wyrmshadow according to the book the invasion took place in 1902. Wells states;
Late July/Early August, 1894 - During the opposition of Mars, a great light is seen on the illuminated part of the Martian disk.
1896, 1898 - Strange marks seen on the Martian disk during opposition.
Midnight, August 12 1900 - First jet of green gas seen erupting from the surface of Mars by Lavelle of Java.
Midnight, August 13-22 1900 - Jets of green gas spurt out from Mars at 24 hour Intervals.
June 1902 - He doesn't give the day in June just Day1: Friday
Midnight - The first Martian cylinder lands in Surrey on the Common Between Horsell, Ottershaw and Woking.
11 PM - a company of soldiers form a cordon around the edge of the common. A squadron of Hussars, two Maxim guns and 400 men of the Cardigan regiment.
Day2: Saturday
5pm - A field gun reaches Horsell for use against the first group of Martians.
6pm - A clash between the Martians and the soldiers around the first pit on Horsell common occurs.
7pm - The artillery at Horsell Common is wiped out by the first of the Martian fighting machines. As told by the Artilleryman when talking to the journalist when they were hiding in the house.
I may be wrong but if i remember correctly by 1902 the British army was using the khaki colored uniforms and steel pot.
If i am wrong i stand corrected.
Here is a picture done in models of the magazine cover i took the artillery from. You are right about the type of gun Though. Since i am graphicly challenged (I.E. NO TALENT) i must use what someone more talented than myself has created. For that i apologise.
I am starting the mod in 1895 just so i can use the British redcoats and colonial era troops which were more colorful than practical. Being the romantic at heart.
Don't quote me but I think they were just begining to phase in the Khaki uniforms at the turn of the century because of the Boer Wars. Those Boers loved picking off those bright red coats at a distance. On another note I've never heard of the british army using steel pots before WW1, they would still be using the cloth garrison caps and service covers. The tin helmet you see in that picture was not used until WW1. I was wrong about the artillery, what I took for a damaged Bofors gun barrel just looks like a stoker for the barrell or something in your new picture. But the soldiers still look like US 1938 troopers.
Here's a little side project I've been working on for about 5 years on and off: A Martian city of canals.
Wyrmshadow you are absolutely right about the Boer war and i stand corrected. I love your Martian canal cities. Do you think you could do city graphics based on them? What i had in mind for the cities was town=landed cylinder Then your canal cities as the others. Oh btw do you use a compression on your video? I updated my media player and i still get the same error. When i start Quicktime it states the the compressor type was not supported. I would not at all be disappionted by seeing the Martian Mantas. I was going to use them as the Martian Flying Machine.
I have loved the War of the Worlds since i first read it back in 1968 when i was 6. I believe the best version of the tripod was Jeff Waynes version.
Here's some various picture I've picted up over the years about WOTW. Ive thought about making cities for civ but my rendering programs is a real pain when it comes to making small pictures, it leaves out a LOT of pixels and I don't even know where to begin about making the city-view graphics. I have my own project to worry about right now so I can't really help you on that
No my version of media is 8 i am still using millenium. What program did you use to get the images from the Game. Also where can i update my version of media player. Oh well i wish you the best of luck on your project. Would you mind if i used your movie as the intro to the mod?
I got the images from the game from their official webiste.
Just go to and download the newest version. Window's Me sux, it crashed my computer on a daily basis, my XP is much more stable.
Sure you can use my movie, its got "A Wyrmshadow Production" as one of the opening pictures.
Thanks very much. Would i be able to interest you in doing some of the Martian Machines? What if i sent you some renumeration your way (i.e. bucks) i realise that your time is valuable. This is a labor of love for me and i want to show my affection for the novel the best way i can so i want this to be the best War of the Worlds mod made. The only way i can do that is to get talented artists such as yourself to assist me. I will do what is nessasary for me to complete this project. Iwas hoping there was someway that you identified yourself in the movie.
BTW if anybody reading this post likes the War of the Worlds i highly recommend you purchase this cd. You can get at Borders Books for $14.99
Sorry but I'm not THAT talented. I may redo the manta for you because the colors are just awful. But I did not make that model nor the tripod. Only a few of my things did I build from scratch and those were not it.
Ooh! Wyrmshadow-
Couldja PM or email me pics of the martian canal city? I'm just fascinated by the pics...And btw, Thorgrimm, couldja give us a rundown on how the mod is comin' along...I'm willing to help if it doesn't involve makin units or leaderheads...
I realise i am a bonehead, but i do not know how to take screenshots in windows. So if somebody could tell me how i will take screenshots of the map & other things.
@Amenhotep7 if you could do buildings that would be appreciated.
Here is the civilopedia description of HUMAN FARMING:
Since the Martian physiology required only the fresh blood of their prey animals to sustain them they developed the ability to harness Humans as a food source. They harnessed the Humans to a draining facility which takes only so much blood per day. The Humans are first lobotomized so there is no resistance, then the marrow is geneticly altered to produce 10 times more the amount of blood per day than a normal Humans. If the Human is not "milked" once per day they would die within a week.
you can use only JPG and GIF images in the forum. Not much to show too, it looks like on the original picture, just with correct size and palettes to fit the game
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