[Development Thread] BtS Unofficial Expansion: World of Legends

Any art that was done would've been done by dutchking or cybrxkhan. Neither is on frequently. No programming was done so far as I know. I never saw so much as an XML file of this project, so I have no idea how much of it was actually completed.

Sorry if this sounds depressing, but I really can't help you because I have no access to the files. :dunno:
Dutchking did quite a bit of art for the throne rooms as I recall. I remember seeing something with huge Australian flags draped all over it. :D

As to how this would've been coded, I have no clue. I have never done a new game screen before. Presumably (as I told the project members), you could take the spaceship screen and work from there. The throne room was one of the main reasons I got involved with this project, but it's also one of the hardest features to implement.
I know that this mod was going to have hero units. Were any models made or were they just in the planning stages?
I don't think so.

TO all the others please send pm's off to DK or cybrxkhan (here or at CU) as they was the main coders.
Salvage World of Legends? Y/N ;)

Personally, I'm not much of a modder (you could say I'm a modder on an L-plate) and I'm busy with my own projects, but I'll be happy to help if there's enough interests to revive the project.
Personally, I'm not much of a modder (you could say I'm a modder on an L-plate) and I'm busy with my own projects, but I'll be happy to help if there's enough interests to revive the project.

not necessarily with what was said above
... aaarrgghh... this will teach me to read a whole thread before I d/l & try the game. I got a couple of hours into gameplay & kept crashing every time I attempted to build the oasis, a UB for the Uighur empire. Now I know why :P

EDIT: And I think I just revived a dead thread. 2 n00b moves in one day. Go me!

The Unofficial Expansion to Civilization 4:

Civ4: World of Legends

Turn your civilization into a Legend!

For all the latest news about World of Legends visit our website or subscribe to our ModDB page.

:eek: :eek: News alert:eek: :eek:

We are in need of modders to get though all the XML work which needs to be done, if you are interested please post in this thread and join up so we can get this out sooner.​


“World of Legends” is an “unofficial expansion” mod to Civilization 4. Although occasionally we will include additions that probably would not make it in a true expansion (such as the addition of “Modern” civs like Brazil), we are trying to keep close to an “expansion” format; the mod will feature new civs, units, buildings, wonders, leaders, core features, and even scenarios. There will also be other additions for game balance, aesthetics, and fun.


So why are we wasting our time, coding, to make this mod? Well, we have two main reasons:
  • Entertainment: We are here to make something lighter than the hardcore mods like “Total Realism” or “Rhye’s and Fall of Civilization”, but still make something more exciting then “New Pholish Civilization Mod”. :)
  • Parody: We’re trying to mimic an expansion here, so all features of a real expansion, good AND bad, will be introduced, to give all a feel of a new expansion.

The main feature of the game will be the addition of “hero” units, similar to that of Fall from Heaven. Each civilization can build three unique heroes; they will be super-powerful military units whose capabilities could mean the difference between victory and defeat. However, heroes must also be used with caution, as once they are For each civilization, there are two “military” heroes, and one “national” hero. The “national” hero, although much weaker than the military heroes (but still powerful in his own right), can construct the civilization’s unique national wonder, which can provide the civilization remarkable benefits. Military heroes range from Robin Hood to Zheng He to Cteshwayo. National heroes range from Imhotep to Merlin to Henry the Navigator. National wonders include those such as “The Art of War” for the Chinese and the Chartes Cathedral for the French.

Mercenaries are now available for hire! Quickly created units, mercenaries can be useful at times – but also costly. Many mods already feature mercenaries, but in “World of Legends”, there are different types of mercenaries to hire.

Other Features:

- Global Warming will be improved greatly for more realism, danger, and depth.

- Throne Room: Its the return of the throne room! :D Just like in earlier games, there it is - the pointless, aesethic part of the game, which you can view to see your splendor. This time, however, each civilization receives its own unique throne room - so you'll be seeing the American flag in the American throne room, or oriental dragons in the Chinese throne room, or Persian rugs in the Persian throne room!

Leader Traits:

Three new leader traits will be introduced to make room for more leaders.

Progressive: +15% science boost in cities, ½ cost of Recycling Center, Levee

Agrarian: +1 food on spaces generation 2 or more food, ½ cost of Grocer, Supermarket

Seafaring: Free Navigation I promotion for all sea units, caravels and galleons cost 1/2 original cost

In addition, the Protective trait will now grant only Drill I to archery and gun units, but it will also give +2 espionage points in each city.

Additionally, some of the leaders traits have been rearranged for balance and “historical accuracy”. For example, Shaka is now Aggressive and Organized, and Tamerlame has taken the Aggressive and Expansive traits.

16 Civilizations:

Rampage through ranks of puny enemies with Vietnamese Battle Elephants, trade your way to victory with the Indonesians, or defeat the not-deserving-place-in-BtS HRE with Polish Winged Cavalry! 16 civilizations and their corresponding leaders are available in total. Their statistics are listed below:

Spoiler :

Leader: Kamehameha (Seafaring, Agrarian)
UU: Teewana (Galley) - +1 movement, +1 cargo space
UB: Fishery (Lighthouse) - +15% Food

Leader: John A. Macdonald (Expansive, Financial)
UU: Mounties (Cavalry) - +Woodsman I, II; +1 First Strike
UB: Outpost (Barracks) - +1 happiness, +1 health

Leader: Dom Pedro II (Imperialistic, Industrious)
UU: Fatherland Corps (Rifleman) - +Woodsman I, +1 First Strike
UB: Football Stadium (Coliseum) - +15% gold

Leader: Simon Bolivar (Protective, Philosophical)
UU: Liberator (Cavalry) – 25% withdrawal chance, +1 First Strike
UB: Resort Hotel (Broadcast Tower) – +15% gold

Leader: David (Spiritual, Organized)
UU: Macabee (Axeman) - +33% city attack and defense
UB: Kibbitz (Bakery) - +15% production

Leader: Sobieski (Aggressive, X)
UU: Winged Hussar (Knight) - +25% vs. melee, +1 First Strike
UB: Keep (Castle) - -15% Maintenance

Leader: Franz Josef (X, X)
UU: Jaeger (Rifleman) - +25% vs. gun, +2 Chance First Strikes
UB: Musical Academy (University) - +1 culture, +1 happiness

Leader: Tamerlame (Agressive, X)
UU: Steppe Rider (Knight) - +50% city attack
UB: Trading Center (Market) - +10% gold, +1 trade route

Leader: Suppiliuluma I (Aggressive, Organized)
UU: Heavy Chariot (Chariot) - +50% vs. melee, +1 First Strikes
UB: Smelter (Forge) - +15% production

Leader: Songsten Gampo (Spiritual, Agrarian)
UU: Dob-Dob (Maceman) - +25% city attack and defense
UB: Gompa (University) - -30 cost, 1 free priest, + 1 culture

Leader: Trung Trac (Agrarian, Charismatic)
UU: Battle Elephant (War Elephant) - +50% vs. melee, no resource
UB: Noodle House (Herbalist) - +1 happiness, +10% production

Leader: Ramkhamhaeng (Protective, Progressive)
UU: Mahout (War Elephant) – Woodsman I, II; +1 First Strike
UB: Stage (Theatre) - +2 happiness

Leader: Gaja Mada (Financial, Seafaring)
UU: Kris (Maceman) – Amphibious, +1 First Strike
UB: Spice House (Herbalist) - +1 health, +10% gold

Leader: Menzies (Charismatic, Financial)
UU: Marouba Force (Infantry) - + Guerilla I, +1 First Strike, +1 Chance First Strike
UB: Flying Doctor (Hospital) - +1 trade routes, +1 happiness

Leader: Piye (Agrarian, Financial)
UU: Kuhorsehockeye (Archer) - +1 movement, +1 Chance First Strike
UB: Steep Pyramid (Monument) - +15% gold

Leader: Barghash (Seafaring, Progressive)
UU: Catavarman (Trieme) - +1 cargo space, +15% withdrawal chance
UB: International Port (Harbor) - +10% gold, +1 trade routes

20 New Leaders:

20 new leaders will be available for older civs. Play against crafty and skillful Margaret I of the Vikings, the cultured Harun al-Rashid, the conquest-hungry Pachacuti, or the seductive Theodora! New leaders are:

-Meiji of the Japanese
-Philip II of the Spanish
-Taizong of the Chinese
-Akbar of the Indians
-Hadrian of the Romans
-Narmer of the Egyptians
-Pachacuti of the Incas
-Margaret I of the Vikings
-Hiawatha of the Native Americans
-Harun al-Rashid of the Arabians
-Sejong of the Koreans
-Theodora of the Byzantines
-Nedbuchadnezzar of the Babylonians
-Vercingetorix of the Celts
-Menelik II of the Ethiopians
-Otto I of the HRE
-Siyah K'ak' of the Mayans
-Cleisthenes of the Greeks
-Henry VIII of the English
-Hulegu of the Mongols

Buildings and Wonders:

Several new buildings will be added, such as the Herbalist, an early-game health booster. Wonders will also be added, such as The Sphnix and the CN Tower, as well as National Wonders, like the Grand Canal. Additionally, as mentioned above, each civilization will have a “Unique National Wonder” that can be built by their National Hero – “Unique National Wonders” such as the Potala Palace for the Tibetans, Big Ben for the English, and Abu Simbel for the Egyptians.


A number of units will be added. Though not confirmed, units such as Javelineers and Guerillas could make an appearance. Also added in will be civilization unique units, such as Israelite Maccabees, Swahili Catavarmans, and Austrian Hussars, as well as the Hero units.


Some new resources will be introduced, such as Salt and Potatoes.


Five new technologies will appear in the game representing most areas of history (although currently where exactly on the tech tree they are is still under discussion).


There will also be one new civic for each category, giving you some more choices in choosing how to manage your government. Likely civics to be put in includes those such as “Constitutional Monarchy” and “State Atheism”. We are considering also whether to put an "overall" category of civics, i.e., civics like "Democracy" or "Fuedalism", similar to the Civ3 governments.

Also, as an aesethic change, we are considering adding the "Dynamic Civ Names" mod, which changes a civilization's name every civic change; i.e., a Democracy in China would be called the "Republic of China", while a Kingdom in Greece would be called the "Kingdom of Greece".

Religions and Corporations:

At this time, any new additions to these areas are inconclusive. However, I am thinking of adding a Fast Food Corporation (Supersize Food Chain), which causes massive bad health in cities. :)


Scenarios will be completed as the final main section of the mod. Somewhere around five to ten scenarios will be included. Possible scenarios include:

-American Civil War: Fight as the North to re-unite the United States, or as the South to claim your independence!
-Arteran: Empire at War: An indirect sequel to Cybrxkhan's original mod, Arteran: The Three Empires, lead one of the powerful families vying for control in Aidis' darker future, and spread one of three ideologies to lead Aidis to brighter days.
-South American Independence: Become Simon Bolivar and fight for independence against the Spanish in an era where Imperialism, Nationalism, and Liberty fight!
-German Unification: Napoleon may be dead, but those pesky French are still around. Nevertheless, play as Prussia, Austria, or another German state, and change the course of history for Germania... and the entire world as well...


Although we are not in a desperate need for manpower, if you have some suggestions, or would like to contribute artwork or any smaller modifications, this is welcome, and we will consider these. We will especially need an experienced, building and unit artist later, when we implement our heroes and mercenaries. Any comments, suggestions, complaints, etc., are welcome.

Contact and Questions:

Feel free to PM any of the “World of Legends” team members if you have any questions. Also, thanks to the kindness of Ball Lightning, we have a forum of our own at his website – which is here: http://forums.civunited.net/forum.php.

“World of Legends” Team Members:

Cybrxkhan: Head Planner, Manager
Dutchking: Art Manager, XML
Gaius Octavius: Chief Advisor, Python
Ball Lightning: Events
Seven05: Python and SDK
Zerver: Unit Art
TheLastOne36 (retired)

OK I Downloaded world of legends...and i cant open it....help please
Firstly, just in case you didn't notice, but this thread here is obsolete, and the main thread for the mod has moved here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=348162 If you have any future questions or concerns, please post there, instead of here, thanks!

Secondly, I'm assuming that you're trying to download the "Alpha Version". That version has been superceded by Version 0.50, which can be downloaded here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=13949

However, version 0.60 is coming out in about a week or so, so if you wait just a bit you may want to try the better version, since it fixes some rather big bugs in the mod.

Hope that helps! :D
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