DG4 discussion - Bringing the oldbies back


2 years of waiting...
Jun 17, 2002
Since I joined the Demogame back in Term 5 of DG2, a total of 23 (formerly) very active people have left the Demogame, 20 of them in the first 3 terms of DG3. 20! Most of these were disenfranchised with the Demogame during this time, although some had real-life concerns. However, it has been 4 months since then. I propose that in order to make the game fun and interesting again, we try to bring them back. Well, any suggestions?

PS: The list. Curufinwe, Strider, Zarn, Shaitan, Chieftess, Goonie, Veera Anlai, Civanator, Naervod, Feodor Ardent,
Gingerbread Man, Eyrei, Paalikles, Ehecatl Atzin, Plexus, Grandmaster, Wildfire, Gunning1, Cheetah, Immortal, Eklektikos,
Disorganizer, and Peri.
Im techinically on that list as well, thought I'm still here.
Goonie, Zarn, Cheeta and 40 are in the MSDG. Strider hangs around the RPG. Ekl seems to have left CFC for GC. Plex is in Stories, as is gunning.
Yesterday seemed a step in the right direction towards getting back CT.
Dis drops in now and again. Peri is here. Just go to OT and you'll find WF.

Just a summary of who is where.
Yes S_a_a_M, they are active elsewhere in CF, but not HERE in DG3.
I sometimes see Civanator poping in online in AOL.
I never got back into the game after I left for summer, but I am ready for this coming game.
This is a great idea, Noldodan. I think we can get some of these people back. In the coming days, I will be looking into ways to increase DG membership through advertising and PM recruitment of DG "elders."

I want DG4 to have the best opening ever, and will gladly accept any help I can get to meet that goal. It is part of the reason I have exteneded our kickoff date to 1/1/04 --- to build anticipation and to put forth the best product possible for CFC members.

Anyone who wishes to help please PM me, or email me at donovan_zoi@civfanatics.net.
DZ - I have sent you a PM regarding helping out :)
The primary reason I lost interest was because the actual game of CIV3 became boring. I rarely finish my own games for the same reason. I'll probably start doing more than 'mod-reading' once the new game gets underway.
I don't know if it would be taken as spam, but:

How about a PM to all of the people who registered for any of the 3 games?

BTW the Will you participate? thread currently shows 19 potentially active players, which I'm using to gauge if all leadership positions can potentially be filled, assuming all who post there stay.
The main reason I left is that I simply don't have enough free time to be able to consistently devote the amount of effort & attention that is necessary for the demogame to be enjoyable for me. I may come back for a bit at the start of the new game, when mining information from the save is a less arduous task and the Civ3 game more interesting to me; but for how long and to what extent I have no idea.

On a side note, I doubt we'll be seeing Immortal back around here anytime soon. IIRC he no longer has regular internet access (and perhaps not even a computer of his own on which to run Civ3), not to mention the fact that he has issues with CFC's administration.
In order for me to come back, I also need 200gpt :p

Seriously - I am considering a "special appearance" by Paalikles in the next DG.
However I doubt I will be able to be very active, seing as the most intense level of activity for me was the deputy governoring and governorships I had in dg2. <-- Took a lot of time although it was a lower governmental position ;)

Well - I guess I have some time to think this through. :)
First priority must be my studies in economics though, which was also the reason for my sudden leaving the start of DG3
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