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Difficulty levels and AI aggressiveness

Cpt. Calavera

Sep 6, 2011
So I've played two games on prince/epic: A science victory with Ramesses and a cultural victory with Ghandi.

In these two games I haven't been bothered by the AI too much except when I had Russia as a neighbor and that warmongering b*tch took Mumbai from me early game. (Then later I took Moscow :cool:.)
Anyways, I'm going up to king now and I would like to now if the AI agressiveness goes up as well or they just get bonusses to their resources. The game says nothing about AI behavior changing from one level to another but I've seen ppl here claiming they are more agressive in harder difficulties.

Can anyone shed a light on this pls?
Their aggression level does not change, however factors that affect their aggression do. The stronger the AI is the more aggressive it is. On higher difficulties its going to be stronger, and hence more aggressive.
Pretty much as Yzman put it. They start with and (due to production bonuses) build more units, and so are more likely to think they can win a war with you.
Their aggression level does not change, however factors that affect their aggression do. The stronger the AI is the more aggressive it is. On higher difficulties its going to be stronger, and hence more aggressive.

The AI makes his decleration on numbers So if he gets more soldiers gold and other thing then you it will declare as result if it gets more bonusses it will get a higher military as result it will declare on you faster
I'll check later this evening, but the AI xml files state that attitude is:

2 on Settler
1 on Chieftain
0 on Warlord
-1 on Prince and above

I can only assume this is AI attitude toward player.

There is also a value for propensity for war. Pretty sure it's 0 on Settler, ramping to aronud 100 on Prince, not sure if it keeps going up past Prince.

So it seems to be much more than just bonuses.
I'll check later this evening, but the AI xml files state that attitude is:

2 on Settler
1 on Chieftain
0 on Warlord
-1 on Prince and above

I can only assume this is AI attitude toward player.

There is also a value for propensity for war. Pretty sure it's 0 on Settler, ramping to aronud 100 on Prince, not sure if it keeps going up past Prince.

So it seems to be much more than just bonuses.

If you can confirm this I'd appreciate it.

Some good stuff here in sid meier's civilization v\Assets\Gameplay\XML\GameInfo\CIV5HandicapInfos.xml

Ok, the difficulties go: Settler, Chieftain, Warlord, Prince, King, Emperor, Immortal, Deity.

"Attitude" goes 2, 1, 0, -1 on Prince and above
"NoTechTradeModifier" goes 100, 90, 80, 70, 50 [sic], 40, 30, 20.
I wonder if that one is actually used? Maybe the probability an AI won't ask another AI it's on good terms with to enter an RA if possible? Could be junk leftover from an old build.
"AIDeclareWarProb" goes 0, 75, 85, 100 on Prince and above
So, like Attitude, everything Prince and above is the same. I have heard tales of wars declared on the player on Settler, which could be caused by a small bug.

That's all the diplomatic sounding stuff. Fortunately they had the sanity to level off attitude and WarProb at -1 and 100, though even -1 from every other civ can have quite an effect I'm sure.

There's a lot of non-diplo stuff in that file as well. Basically, from King to Deity, if it doesn't involve building a Wonder, it's stacked in the computers favour.
Alright, I get the point.

Thank you guys.

So get used to building more warriors and archers *very* quick and early, or they'll bury you. No more placid dinking around in BC, thinking "oh, I'll wait till I finish Stonehenge, before I add a second warrior".
I'll check later this evening, but the AI xml files state that attitude is:

2 on Settler
1 on Chieftain
0 on Warlord
-1 on Prince and above

I can only assume this is AI attitude toward player.

There is also a value for propensity for war. Pretty sure it's 0 on Settler, ramping to aronud 100 on Prince, not sure if it keeps going up past Prince.

So it seems to be much more than just bonuses.
Umm, negative means friendly/ally. Positive means guarded/hostile.

I think the settler/chieftain is to counter the AI having a weaker army, so the AI don't never declare war upon the player. The prince -1 is probably so the AI doesn't declare war too much because playtesters didn't like it.
Umm, negative means friendly/ally.

The prince -1 is probably so the AI doesn't declare war too much because playtesters didn't like it.

Possible, or negative numbers may result in a higher rating in-game. It may have no effect at all, if it was left over from Civ 4.
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