Regular Lurker
Equuleus, your crazy rants are destroying the reputation of the left, and I ask that you please stop.
Equuleus, your crazy rants are destroying the reputation of the left, and I ask that you please stop.
I am saying that the fifty mafia is going to ruin the game
Article 7 Misc
Section 2. If a person is inactive for 1 week they will be removed from their ministry/SC seat/PMship. However, if a person knows that they will be absent in advance they may appoint someone to take his or her place until he or she returns or the term ends.
I would have to agree with Equuleus. We've already seen where those who are associated with fiftychat join up and only participate by voting for a "losing", or "close" vote. This game should be about the actual participants.
I have to believe that if Equuleus is for something (anything at all... it could be free marijuana for all citizens) then fiftychat and crew, at the behest of certain members, would automatically oppose it. While there is nothing wrong with this theoretically (they can do whatever they want), that doesn't mean the rest of us want to operate that way.
Like I said, this game is basically Off-Topic redux...
Then you don't know us, of this game very well.
FIFTYCHAT IS NOT A POLITICAL PARTY. If you look at every member of the MP who ever goes into fiftychat, you will not find that we vote the same way, even when we are on the same party. If you look at say, the pot bill, you'll find lots of fiftychatters who voted with Equ (the bill passed, along with others that he has supported)
Y'all all really melodramatic and paranoid. Plus, fiftychat is open. If anybody wants to pop in and see what we're all about, come on it.
It has nothing to do with OT. Me and Equ are both democrats in OT.
Nobody ever said there was a "fiftychat party." What EQ said was that there's a "fiftychat mafia," and you of all people, Mr. Cosa Nostra Party , should know that this can be spread across many organizations, with no centralization.
I am not complaining about the game per se; I am simply saying that if we are going to continue with what John HSOG called a "ridiculously ******ed" nation, with crazy rules, there is no point in playing. Part of the reason I can't get the Conservatives going is that they don't want to be around all the liberals anymore, because they're minimized! (Gee, that sounds familiar...)
BTW, the Conservative Party was never strong; from the beginning we had maybe four or five people who were active. The rest signed up and never posted again. If you could see the private sections of the old party webpage, you'd know that.
There is no fiftychat mafia, or party, I just showed you that.
If John HSOG doesn't have the guts to show how a nation should be run, that's his problem. But cut and running isn't the solution anyways.
And whose fault is that?
There is virtually no right to speak of.
You want to know the real reason I'm "complaining"? Because we're having arguments like this. If it were over policy, or a bill, or an election, that would be fine, but this is too much like regular OT. I don't come here to have strenuous debates every day, I come here to play a game. For anything else, I can go to OT.
The fact that there is no right to speak of is exactly your (and John, etc's), fault. Do you expect us to invent right wingers for you, for the sake of ballance? CFC is a huge website, and surely you have friends in real life. If you want ballance, you go get it. I went and recruited tons of people who have similar political values to mine, and thats how the CSP started...
Half the regulars of #fiftychat aren't even in Model Parliament, if the "Fiftychat Party" was real, you'd see a lot more fiftychatters voting and playing.
Mobby hasn't been in #fiftychat for a long time. Hitti's a pretty rare sight and I've never seen him talk about model parliament, so that leaves Fifty and Gogf who were around when downtown and I were talking about Provo. Is that a major problem for you, methos? Should I not talk about model parliament in #fiftychat? And hell, this wasn't even a policy thing. Where was the evil #fiftychat mafia in all those bills we passed?