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Dismembered Finger Incident #2


Username sez it all
Aug 7, 2004
Closer than you'd like
At first I thought this one was a copycat case, but it seems legit. There's clearly somebody out there with a confirmed missing finger this time.

Finger in the Custard

RALEIGH, North Carolina (AP) -- To a dessert shop customer, the severed fingertip found in a pint of frozen custard could be worth big dollars in a potential lawsuit. To the shop worker who lost it, the value is far more than monetary.
But Clarence Stowers still has the digit, refusing to return the evidence so it could be reattached. And now it's too late for doctors to do anything for 23-year-old Brandon Fizer.

"I'm not saying who has it, but somebody has it," Stowers said this week in a telephone interview, refusing to let on where the fingertip is now.

Soon after Stowers found the finger in a mouthful of chocolate soft-serve he bought Sunday at Kohl's Frozen Custard in Wilmington, he put it in his freezer at home, taking it out only occasionally to show to television cameras.

He refused to give it to the shop's owner, and refused to give it to a doctor who was treating Fizer, who accidentally stuck his hand in a mixing machine and had his right index finger lopped off at the first knuckle.

Medical experts say an attempt to reattach a severed finger can generally be made within six hours.

But according to the shop's management, Stowers wouldn't give it back when he was in the store 30 minutes after the accident.

"The general manager attempted to retrieve it and rush it to the hospital," reads a statement posted Thursday on Kohl's Web site. "Unfortunately, the customer refused to give it to her and declared that he would be calling the TV stations and an attorney as he exited the store."

Officials at Cape Fear Hospital said their efforts to retrieve the finger also failed.

Dr. James Larson, director of emergency medicine for UNC Hospitals, who was not involved in the case, said once Stowers took the finger home and froze it, it was too late to even try for reattachment.

"You can't freeze it. It kills the cells," Larson said.

The doctor said the best way to preserve a severed limb is to wrap it in saline-soaked gauze, place it in a plastic bag and store that in ice water.

Stowers' attorney, Lee Andrews of Greensboro, wouldn't say if a lawsuit against Kohl's is planned, saying he needed "to get some more facts."

But Andrews said his client is concerned about possible disease in the fingertip and kept it because he wanted someone to test it for "all the diseases that are out here now."

"He's upset to the point that he's been debilitated to some degree," Andrews said. "Emotionally, it's been very upsetting to him."

Even if Stowers decides to sue, an expert in medical law said the fingertip could easily have been returned while preserving the evidence.

"The man who lost the finger has the superior claim," said Paul Lombardo, who teaches at the University of Virginia's law school. "It's his finger and he might be able to use it."

Lombardo said Stowers could have photographed the fingertip, taken a bit of flesh for DNA analysis or gotten an affidavit from the surgeon who would have reattached the digit.

"There is nothing that would prevent preserving the chain of evidence," Lombardo said.

Fizer is dealing with his loss in private. The Carolina Beach resident's mother, Sheri Fizer, said the family had been instructed by an attorney not to talk about the case.

Public opinion seemed to be running against Stowers.

"It's a mystery how that customer can live with himself after he refused to return the finger so that doctors might try to reattach it," said an editorial Thursday by the Star-News of Wilmington.

"Unless he offers a better explanation for that decision, people will assume that customer Clarence Stowers cared less about another person's loss of a body part than about his chance to squeeze some bucks out of the custard stand."

The case came not long after a Las Vegas woman made headlines with a claim that she found a finger tip in a bowl of chili at a Wendy's restaurant in San Jose, Calif. Investigators have called her claim a hoax and charged her in connection with millions of dollars in losses to Wendy's in northern California. The woman denies it was a hoax.

For Kohl's, Sunday's fingertip amputation was the second time in less than a year that a worker lost a finger on the same frozen custard machine. The worker was found by investigators to have been negligent in the July 2004 incident, and the state Labor Department cleared the company of wrongdoing.

Refusing to let somebody have their finger back so you can have it as evidence for a lawsuit. Sheesh.
Yeah, that one is legit. The company acknowledged that an employee had lost a finger (of course they didn't issue any warning).

What an inconsiderate bastard, though. He wouldn't let the man have his finger back and now the man will lack an index finger for the rest of his life (if it had been after a day or two, I wouldn't have given it back immediately, as it wasn't reattachable, but 30 minutes later, it should be given back).
What a sick man! He could get his lawsuit anyway and any time IF HE FELT LIKE IT - I mean, the poor employee accidentally lost a finger and the other guy wouldn't give the finger back?

What did the bystanders??? Why didn't they took back the finger to help the poor guy?
What does it mean "he refused to return the finger"? Hadn't any bystander the guts to beat the hell out of the psycho to get the finger back, or they were looking for a place to hide behind trees and bushes? We're talking about a body part here that should be returned immediately to be reattached to the employee in a hospital.

Did anyone called the police? What did they do? If police officers went there and if they didn't do anything to get the finger back ASAP, they should be suspended from the police force by Presidential order.
Actually, the reactions of bystanders is understandable: ignore whatever's going on. Bystanders usually can't be bothered to help stop a robbery or a murder or a rape or any other malefesance they witness; the finger incident isn't really any different.

As to the police--what does the law say police are allowed to do when trying to confiscate a body part? I don't think there's anything on the books to specify who owns dismembered limbs, so there might not be anything the law could do to force the customer to give the employee the finger.....
That greedy bastard should be sued.
Stowers should be sued.

For Kohl's, Sunday's fingertip amputation was the second time in less than a year that a worker lost a finger on the same frozen custard machine.

I think that machine is cursed or something. :rolleyes:
Another excuse for the conservatives to both make it harder to sue insurance companies and at the same time destroy the rule of law by weakening the courts in the name of preventing frivolous lawsuits.
Sims, you seriously need to get yourself fitted for a tin foil hat. :)

The issue of patented genes has already forced society to start addressing the question of who "owns" a gene--maybe it's time to write up a law that gives you ownership of your DNA even if it gets forcibly detached from your body.....
He should win $1M for eating a finger, then lose $10M for keeping it.
This guy should be held both criminally and financially responsible.

It would be great if he won 5 million dollars from the custard stand only to have it turned over to the employee whos finger he stole.
There should be a law talking about taking away a body part from a human being (when within a reasonable time for the finger to be sowed back on)
"All recorded citizens of the United States of Amercia shall do, when necessary, anything and everything within their immediate power to preserve the parts of another's body and justify the imposer."

That should be in the Constitution. :goodjob:
A'AbarachAmadan said:
He should win $1M for eating a finger, then lose $10M for keeping it.

My thoughts exactly. The guy who lost his finger has grounds for his own lawsuit now.

If you're a judge who are you going to award more money too? The guy who nearly ate a finger but didn't or the guy who lost a finger because someone else wanted to win a lawsuit?

The customer should win his lawsuit because the stand didn't warn anyone that an employee lost a finger and the machine had done it before. Right after he wins, the employee should sue because he was cost a finger by a greedy customer.
Ok, first of all, let me say that i work in a food factory. We transform potatoes into fries for restaurant, hotels, hospitals, etc. So i know what i'm talking about when i say you'd be surprised to see what can get into what we eat. It's a simple fact: we can't control everything and sometimes ****s happens. The most frequent thing we see are fly and mosquitos getting into our products. I'd say we can see about 99% of it but not all.

Now what makes me wonder is why when the employee lost his finger, i mean, they knew he'd lost it, they must have known where it was. Why wasnt the machine stopped? Why didnt they looked for the finger? When we have doubts about what may be in our product, we dont take chances, we trow it away.

Now im not saying the customer did something right. But let's jsut say im not surprised that happened in the US...
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