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Divine Intervention IV: The Wisdom of Pericles

Confused, Volturnus turned away from the world of mortals. A great god, someone with much more power than his own, had given him a trident belonging to the last lord of the sea. And, immediately, it was lost. All because of the Lord of Shadows. Volturnus knew what he must do, what he was pulled into existence for. NoDot must be destroyed.

Volturnus, taking his mind away from his rage, pondered the voice he had heard, telling him to aid the mortal. It was obvious that the god was powerful. He knew not what his alignments were, but he had tried to give him the trident from the last era. He was grateful, and would be loyal to that god, whomever he was.


Volturnus turned his attention back to the world. The name "Winston" had been on the trident. Winston must've been the sea-god of the last era! Volturnus focused in on the Winstown area. The protection of the mountain gone, it was sure to be attacked by the greedy mortals. For some reason, he felt he had to repay Winston for being his predecessor, his reason for existence in some twisted way. Volturnus planted his feet into the pass between Winstown and the rest of the continent. His hands dug into the earth, and pushed with all his might. The peninsula rocketed out into the sea, not to be seen by mortals for many years.

((Since I have a mac, I cannot directly edit the save. So, please edit these changes in for me, whomever sees this))
Spoiler :
Put Winstown on an one-tile island, surrounded by Ocean. Give it plenty of fish, and the Moai Statues.
"Yes, Eldarion, I hear you." The Lord of Shadows had grown tired of that name Eldarion used, but decided that now would be a bad time to ask.


As the Sea God returned to his little world, he found someone dressed in white to greet him. Bowing down, the messanger said, "I am Apollo, Herald of the Lord of Shadows."

The anger he sensed at his Lord's name made him grateful to be protected as a Herald.

I'm afraid that the change you want to make will contravene rule IX.

Specifically: Gods are not allowed to reverse the effects of an intervention without waiting for the update after the effects have been felt.
Spoiler :
Forest cleared the way to Winstown in his edit this round, so moving the city out to sea will reverse its effect. (It will also make it impossible for Pericles to complete the quest I set, but that's another issue).

By all means try to protect Winston, but could you find another way to do it? I'll be happy to make any such changes now or in the future.
Gents... I'm back! Now all I need to do is read up and play...

Got it!
As gods revealed themselves, researchers quit on trying to understand the Alphabet, instead derailing towards mathematical purposes. Many entities had already lunged out at Pericles, and not wanting to incur even more wrath from deities he tried his best to keep the God of Insects happy. While other gods never got the concept right, Pericles understood that the God of Insects was not only the deity that unleashed locusts... it was also the god that controlled the silkworms which resided southeast of Athens, and pursuit of this deity's quest would likely make the silkworms even more useful. The very essence of life seemed to have been sucked out of several places, Corinth was swept from the earth, and evil riders haunted its vicinity. Pericles felt a bit down on his luck, but pulled through nonetheless.

With Lucern killed again and Lancelot away, the strange troops were left without a leader. That state would not be for long. Leonidas personally took command of the new troops and led them back to Nidaros, now beset by grisly horrors as the Nightmares had headed for Nidaros, and while an emergency draft of citizens managed to keep out the first wave, they were brought down in the end.

Whispers of a mysterious deity spread to the lands... God, they called him. It turned out that this city was located in the Spanish lands, as Queen Isabella was so kind to reveal to him. Wanting to know more of this deity, Pericles signed a treaty with Queen Isabella to allow free trafficking of good between their lands.

The nightmares that took Nidaros now tried their luck at Athens as well. But, unyielding as always, the Greek phalanxes stood their ground against the horrors as they tried to cross the river into Athens. Not a single one went away of that group survived to haunt the Greeks yet again.

As the troops of Leonidas walked forward towards Nidaros, another group of troops met with success. They had arrived at Winstown, and upon arriving there the chieftain led his troops into battle against them. The troops were cut down and Winston was taken captive by the Greek phalanxes. Upon returned in New Corinth, Winston was led before Pericles but stubbornly refused to tell him anything. The man was detained in Athens and guarded until he walked to talk to the Greeks. Unfortunately, Athens suffered yet another attack by Nightmares and lost some of its citizens in the process.

Yet they failed again once they tried to take Athens itself.

A deadly silence fell over the Greek troops as they reached the outskirts of Nidaros, once a Viking city, then fully Hellenized, now a place of nightmares... literally. A sense of foreboding struck Leonidas. He ordered his men to a halt.

"FORM RANKS! SHIELDS ON GROUND! SPEARS OUT!" Leonidas yelled at the tops of his lungs. The troops obeyed and slammed their shields with the downside in the ground, then pulled out the long spears they carried for this kind of task. Forming one long line of shields, Leonidas felt sure of his victory.

Until the nightmares came rushing out in a charge that shook the ground.

Nearly, the men gave into their fear. Leonidas did not, however: bellowing "DO NOT GIVE INTO FEAR, FOR THAT IS THEIR GREATEST WEAPON!" he ordered the men back to the line. The nightmares broke into the line and speared several soldiers; but they suffered heavy losses as well as they blindly ran into the spears of the Greek line. As the line broke and went after the nightmares, a wild melee ensued. In the end, the Greeks were victorious and the nightmares were exterminated to the last... thing.

A long, anguished wail. A wind, blowing the remnants of the Nightmares away. And then, a long silence from the troops as the terrified people came out their houses and sent prayers to thank various gods for Leonidas and his troops, who had after some time finally succeeded in bringing Nidaros back under Greek control and banish the last of these nightmares from this world. Leonidas took his well-deserved rest, for this was a glorious victory and the Greeks had won a victory over troops from hell.

Enormous swaths of trees had been brought to Athens over the course of hundreds of years, but the results were worth it. An enormous structure had been brought in the centre of Athens: an enormous complex of buildings from which plants hung, with an ingenious irrigation system to keep the plants watered, and even more irrigation to keep the populace of Greece healthy. The statue in front of the complex also drew attention: a large statue of a mantis with its arms spread out towards the palace of Athens.

Pericles checked the place for several months and saw it was a job done well: within months, numerous colonies of insects had taken up residence in the gardens. Flowery patches were soon 'decorated' with nests of bees, the earth got several ant colonies, and the God of Insects was happy. The garden would serve its purpose well. Several years later Greek scholars would discover an efficient way of harvesting new kinds of crops, courtesy of the new population the garden could provide for.

Leonidas and his troops killed another village of barbarians, still hunting after the stench of demons. Not a single inhabitant was spared, in retaliation for never ceasing attacks on Greek territory. He just was sick and tired of them and hoped the burning of this village would finally make the barbarians cease their attacks.

Things looked up for Greece. Pericles had stood against adversity, facing it head on... and had pulled through. He was certain luck would now change for the better.


-The Neanderthal Thugs (Winston, I suppose) suicided himself on a Phalanx. I take that he is captured.
-Athens built the Hanging Gardens.
-Nidaros was captured and eventually recaptured by the Praets, which are now led by Leonidas.
-Math, Masonry and Calendar were discovered.
-Spain got the City of God.
-A sh*tload of barbarians killed, who now came out in droves (and the troops got the experience to prove it), up to Horse Archers (!). Two barb cities were razed.
-The Nightmares are sent back to whatever plane of nonexistence they came from.


  • Pericles BC-0350.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Ah! I'm sorry! I'm a bit of a newb. >_>


Volturnus dug his hands into the ground, and pushed with all his might. Yet, nothing happened. Try as he might, the peninsula could not be moved. Volturnus returned to the heavens, in time to watch the town of his predecessor being sacked. As Winston was led away from the smoldering ruins, an unnaturally bright mound of ashes caught Volturnus's eye. He assumed it must be a mortal, probably a baby, buried in the rubble. A pang of sadness found its way into Volturnus's heart, before he passed it by.


In the ruined city of Winstown, a golden gleam could be seen, from a mound in the windswept remains of central square. It had been many years since the sacking, and all of the gold in the city was either pillaged, or tarnished to a dull green. This mound, however, managed to retain its sheen over the generations. If one were to get close to it, which no one had done in at least a half-century, they would see a name appear in the gold: Volturnus.
A wind rose over the northern ocean near Winstown. It gusted down through hills and vales, over mountains and over rivers. The cold wind flailed the cloak of Pericles, it reminded him of winter. Leaving his palace on his way to admire the beautiful monument to the god of insects, he caught something in the corner of his eye, and turned. Nothing. The wind started to blow harder, and the immortal tightened his cloak. He mumbles something about the blasted cold weather, the world had gotten colder ever since the meteor, he was not sure why. He climbed the steps into his own private section of the garden, most of the leaves were already turned, but still, it's better than looking out his window and pondering the world and the troubles of the gods.
"Leave me be a while, I wish to think alone." Dismissing his guards he walks towards the balcony over looking the city. A strong gust nearly knocks him over, "Curse this foul weather." He looks down upon the fair city of Athens, and is befuddled by what he sees. A thick fog. The wind blows his cloak into his face, the wise leader of the Greeks struggles with his fluttering article of clothing. Tossing it back behind him he jumps back. The fog over the city had vanished.
"What devilry is this?"
"There is no devilry here Pericles." Pericles whips around and draws his dagger from his hip. Hovering before him was a magnificent sight. A beautiful form, softly glowing within, and shrouded in wisps and tendrils of golden fog. And his eyes, golden orbs, dreadfully piercing, and yet peaceful. "Greetings Lord Pericles, Well met."
"A good day to you, what may I call you divine one?"
"You may call me--Tracnar--- yes that is what I was called, but that seems like another lifetime ago."
"I am confused, Tracnar, you are unsure of your own name?"
"Indeed, it is a sad story." the God of Aether took a deep breath and a breeze twirled the cloak of Pericles. "Do you remember the meteor that destroyed your city? Yes yes of course you do, that meteor, destroyed my ethereal form. I plummeted into this world in a rain of destruction across the planets surface, I am sure you noticed the blighted lands, that were my remains. Over the time since then, I have been slowly recollecting my form, and my consciousness. I have only quite recently been able to collect myself enough to take physical form. "
" Excuse me, but did you say you were destroyed?"
"Yes, I did. That meteor was enchanted by another god, it was capable of disrupting the divine energy that all gods have, and what I am. But now I am in need of help. I am incomplete, and am missing pieces of my memory, and my powers. There are still shards of myself, Aether that took solid form throughout this world. I need you to help me collect these. My powers are limited, I am unable to cross the ocean, or else i would surely be ripped apart by the winds over the ocean. I have found nearly all of myself on this continent, I need you to find a way to the other continent, i am sure other portions of myself have taken form in other places and are trying to reunite with one another. All you need to do is build a fast boat, prepare it for travel, a long trip will it be, and the brave mariners may not make it back, but I will be on that ship. If you can do this fast enough, there may be enough time to save this world."
"Save it from what?"
The golden wispy form of the god glowed bright and in a flash disappeared.

"MY LORD, MY LORD, ARE YOU ALRIGHT???" Pericles woke with a start, and a large headaches.
" what happened?" he asked groggily
" you must have hit you head on something my lord, you were found with you cape wrapped around your head on the balcony overlooking the city, you must have tripped or hit you head on a column while untangling it." Pericles went white. Was the god of Aether just a dream? did he imagine it all? no, gods work in mysterious ways, he should probably head the gods warning, he was planning on settling a city near the coast soon anyways. The immortal leader got up and walked back to the palace in silence, the wind had stopped blowing.

Spoiler NFPE :
As you can read, I have rematerialized into a being, however, i have other persona's in other places, mainly the other continent and on the island with the city of the gate(Eldarion should write the next segment to introduce this one). I currently have very limited power of observations, i cannot see alot that is happening, all i have the power of is to summon large amounts of Aether. If anyone else wants to start a dialog with me, you should make contact with the me over one the other continent(
Spoiler other continent spoiler :
south of india's land in the jungle, around the thinest part of the continent
I also could still have an alliance on Pericles continent.

Who ever you choose to make contact with, know this
Due to the power of the Aether and the effects of Forests meteor. gods only can have knowledge of 1 of my beings. so that means that if you try to have an alliance with me on the island of the gate, then you cannot know of my presence on Pericles continent, or any which way.
In the core of the world had rested the essence of the creator entity, the nameless God. Now though, enough of its consciousness had been drawn to the world to cause the essence to first stir and awaken (which had, wholly indirectly, changed a portion of the world's surface and spurred the creation of a religion amongst the followers of the immortal Isabella) ...but now that its attention (or enough of it, anyway) had been drawn here, its essence beneath the crust and mantle of the planet sought the surface.

And it found a way. Rising upward, it lifted the seafloor as it went, and from the ocean arose a new landmass - mountain chains, hills, and valleys formed into a vast desert landscape. The entity burst over the mountain peaks, and its essence quickly dissipated evenly across the world's atmosphere, which seemed to gain a different glimmer or haze for a while (to the mortals), and then vanished.

Actions have a reaction, and so too did the rising of this new land in the release of the entity's energy. Such things, however, went unknown to Pericles and the Greeks, other than the reports of disasters from the coasts.


Elsewhere in the universe, where the creator God's attention had been diverted away from, a star and all its planets blinked out of existence.


At the same time, a presence was felt in the minds of all the gods near this world...

Spoiler For the gods :
There were no words, for the nameless did not use such things. The gods simply all felt the entity's presence, 'heard' its message, and then felt it disappear. Even without words, the message was clear: the creator was annoyed at being disturbed, and this world the gods were toying with would suffer.

Its message delivered, the nameless sent only a portion of its essence back into the world through the same place it had escaped...the rest vanished.

(now to the practical parts)

- Rose a new landmass in the middle of the larger ocean, all desert and mountain peaks, with the exception of an oasis (where the essence returned)
- Tidal waves, tsunamis, and storms on the seas as a result of the rising landmass have destroyed all ships on the water, as well as all coastal improvements, any units not in a city on the coast, and removed 1 pop from all coastal cities (Pericles really doesn't get hit by this)

So what's the point? Well, rather than a 'beast' of some sort this time around, I though it would be interesting to see the gods and the immortal cope with a different sort of impending doom. So, here's what the situation is:
- The 'essence' sent back into the world is just enough of the creator god to keep the planet from disappearing, but the planet is now unstable
- The new landmass will continue to rise and grow, eventually drowning the other continents and everything on them
- Of course, there is a way to fix it
1) A majority of the immortals must be taken to the oasis on the new lands and sacrificed there, so that their 'essence' can be added to stabilize the world
2) Pericles or another immortal can, if they ascend, sacrifice themselves at the oasis to do the same
3) The gods cannot sacrifice themselves to achieve this same salvation, because they are not 'born' from the world's 'essence'

After the next 50-150, likely won't change much if anything. 200 turns from now (turn 350), the new continent will grow again and raise the sea level for everyone else, taking out lots of coast for ocean (but cities will not be drowned, just turned into islands). 350 turns from now (turn 500), those cities already islands WILL be drowned, and anything on the 'new' coast will be island-ized. 500 turns from now (turn 650), do it again. At that point there's only 100 turns left, and if things aren't already over, we'll just have to see how things are situated :)

.......I just realized this is pretty much exactly like the thing Lex Luthor was going to do in Superman Returns. Probably where my brain pulled the idea from, but oh well. It's cool!

Feel free to toss any comments!
Years after the completion of the Gardens, Pericles had not heard any communication from the God of Insects. This puzzled him, so he decided to hold a grand celebration to christen them.

Many citizens of Athens and some from other cities in the Greek Empire came for the christening. The military was also present, resplendent in their dress uniforms and armor. A feast was held, and music and revelry ensued. The final ceremony involved a religious ritual to praise Mantis himself. Pericles and his subjects gathered around the large statue of the preying mantis they had erected.

"Mantis, I have done all that you have asked me to!", Pericles shouted to the crowd, "Does it not please you?"

"Yes it does!" was the booming reply. This time, not just Pericles heard the voice because all of the crowd reacted with gasps of surprise. The voice appeared to come from the statue itself! Then large statue began to move! It lurched slowly at first, and the crowd stepped back. Some ran in fear, some fell to their knees, but Pericles and his soldiers stood their ground. Before their eyes, the marble statue became replaced by a real life giant mantis, much larger than the height of a man, about the size of a legendary elephant.

"I am most pleased, Pericles, and you shall have my favor.", the 'statue' spoke. "This giant preying mantis is a manifestation of myself on the material plane, and I will use it to speak with you from now on. Come with me, I have much to show you."

(continued next post)

Could someone please edit the save for me

Give Paulus a great general and call it Aphros.
The giant mantis headed out from the center of Athens and the Gardens towards the western outskirts of town. Its movement was sinuous and graceful, and it appeared to be able to move very quickly. Another strange thing about the creature was the color. Its color would match whatever background buildings or plants that happened to be around it, making it very hard to follow with the eyes. It was quite impressive indeed.

The creature led Pericles out into the plains on the west side of Athens, where there were no developments. "Take a look around you, what do you sssee, Pericles?", it asked.

"I see the untamed wilds of nature, with plants and an occasional animal, but nothing out of the ordinary.", he responded, quizically.

"Look again. Do you sssee thoze cactusss over there? That iz what I wanted to ssshow you."

"You show me cactus?!?", Pericles shouted, angrily. "Why would cactus be important?"

"Sssee thoze white dotsss on the cactusss? Those are cochineal insectz. They feed on the cactusss. But what might interessst you is they will, when crussshed, produce a dye, which will ssstain fabricsss with bright red or orange colorz. People will pay large sums of money for those colors. Grow the cactus and harvessst the cochineals and you will have richesss.", Mantis answered.

"Well, why didn't you say so earlier! That will be quite useful."

The large insect continued, "I have more to show you, follow me."

They headed southeast to the southern outskirts of town. A few villagers were there harvesting local plants for food, but they stopped in their tracks and stared open-mouthed when the giant mantis walked by.

"There. I am zsure you recognize that plant.", Mantis said.

"Why of course! That is natural wheat! I have never noticed it there before!", Pericles stated.

"That is because it waz not there before. My antz carried ssseedz from far and wide to this location, dropping them in good locationz to grow. Cultivate it to feed your people.", Mantis instructed.

They traveled to the wilderness on the eastern side of Athens, where natural incense grew. There, Mantis showed Pericles where the land had been improved by selective cultivation of the area, turning a plain into a much more fertile grassland.

"This is an exzample of what I have done throughout your kingdom. Over time my insectz can improve vazt stretchez of land. I even inssstructed one of your foresssts to be replanted to the sssouthwezt of here. But there is more than just this. Follow me!", Mantis said, heading off back toward town.

Pericles just wondered what else this god had in store for him.

(continued next post)

Changes (NFPE):
Spoiler :
Restored Winstown's geographical protection.
Gave Pericles a Great Spy (named Winston) in Athens.
Gave Pericles a Great General (named Aphros) in Athens.
Story to follow.


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As Pericles and the giant mantis walked back to Athens, they discussed more of the benefits that Mantis had bestowed on Pericles.

"As Lord of the Flies,", Mantis spoke, "I can be the fly on the wall, the fly in the soup, or in the ointment!". At that point Pericles almost thought the mantis laughed. "I have the ability to bring you information from across this wide world. My spiez are everywhere."

The mantis continued, "The Russsianz are building a giant ssstone sssquare-bottomed building that reducez in size as it goes up in height. The English are building a similar one, but they are far behind the Russians. Also, the Romanz are building a thin tall ssstone round ssstructure with a light at the top, and they will be finissshed very sssoon."

"Very interesting information indeed.", Pericles replied.

"You may asssk for anything that you might want, and I may provide it, if it iz within my power - and it sssuitz me. But, I am not your lapdog to be commanded - I AM A GOD!", Mantis warned, "But I am willing to help you and your people when you have need of it. Even your allies may benefit from my powers. Your enemies will feel my wrath!"

"I will keep that in mind.", Pericles said.

When they returned to the city, Pericles discovered that all the troops that were present at the ceremony had gained much experience, and acted like seasoned veterans.

The giant mantis spoke again, "I am ready to lead your troops in battle!"

Having finished another great speech to his people - celebrating their triumph over adversity, whilst calling for renewed courage in the face of dangers to come - Pericles retired to his chambers for a well-earned rest. As he sat down and began to pull off his boots, he noticed an unopened letter sitting on the bedside cabinet.

"Where did that come from?" he asked his manservant.

"I do not know, master" the slave replied, "It was not there when I arranged your papers ten minutes ago... Should I read it to you?"

Pericles paused. "No. Leave me. I sense this message is for my eyes only".

Once he was alone, the King of the Greeks picked up the envelope and slit it open with a bone-handled knife. An acrid smell rose from the letter as he gazed down on it. The words took shape on the page, utterly alien yet somehow within his ken:

Your Majesty,

First, let us offer you our most humble thanks. In your capture of the troublemaker Winston, you have done us a great service indeed.

We now wish to reward you for completing this task, but regret that we are unable to visit your glorious empire at present. However, we have agents operating in many of your neighbours' cities, and ask that you deliver this most dangerous and untrustworthy individual to them. Once he has been handed over, our agents will offer you their full assistance in infiltrating the state where they reside.

Your obedient servants,

The Circle


Following his defeat, Winston had fallen into a state of near catatonia. The blow to his ego at being bested by a mere soldier was considerable. But this was not the true cause of his unresponsiveness.

What had really disturbed him was the look in his conquerer's eyes as the telling blow hit home. It was if the Greek had been possessed by some vengeful spirit; a being which looked down on Winston with unquenchable hatred.

After several days of fruitless questioning, the guards assigned to interrogate the silent prisoner began to tire of waiting. Finally, one of them snapped, and threw a punch at Winston's face.

In a flash, the guard was flung head first into the cell wall with a horrible crunch, his lifeless body dropping to the floor. Rushing to revenge their fallen comrade, three more guards charged in with spears raised, but met similar fates.

The carnage continued for some time, as Winston ploughed through wave after wave of greek soldiers, trying to find an exit from the dungeon. Eventually, however, he came face to face with Pericles himself, and saw the same dreadful look in the King's eyes as he had seen in those of the man who captured him.

Winston recoiled back into a corner, shielding his face with shaky hands. Pericles motioned the guards to seize him. As the wretched figure was dragged back to his cell, he let out a cry:

"Please, let me go free!"


Some time later, Pericles sat in his private library, meditating on the nature of destiny.

"Am I but a pawn of the gods, my fate already decided?" he wondered, "Or might I bend this world to my own will?"

For sure, with their conflicting orders, the gods offered him many choices. But would his decisions have any effect on how things turned out in the end?

As this troubling question danced around in his learned mind, Pericles' eyes became fixed on a bookcase on the opposite wall. Acting almost as if compelled by some unseen force, he rose from his chair, walked across the room, and lifted a large green book from the middle shelf.

Written in yellow letters on the cover was a title: Recipes Magical and Delicious. Turning it over in his hands, he could find no mention of an author, nor any indication of the book's origins. Allowing it to fall open at a random page, Pericles studied it carefully:

Aruona Pie or The Pie That Binds
Some may think it dangerous to bind another being to oneself, but it is a surpisingly easy procedure, and can offer remarkable benefits to the careful mage.

While it does not allow any direct control over the bound individual, the following recipe can ensure that he/she/it will strive to assist one in any way possible. To enact the spell, one must simply feed the Pie to the target being, and read the incantation in its presence. Henceforth, this being will know that its fate is inextricably bound to your own, and should act accordingly.
Glancing at the list of ingredients written below, Pericles saw that all of them were abundant in the local area.

"Surprisingly easy indeed..." he muttered.


The choice:
Spoiler :
You have a Great Spy named Winston.

Infiltrate City - Hand Winston over to The Circle.

Disband or Start a Golden Age - Winston is released.

Settle or Build Scotland Yard - Feed Winston the magic pie, and bind him to you.
The God of Terror was not angry.

No, no. It had been very tricky of NoDot to use the sword, but he knew all along that it wasn't enough to keep him held for more than a little while. Sealed tenatively in some extradimensional pocket, his eyes reached out to the world, and his voices crept into the ears of many. After this was finished, he summoned the power of the beast within him, and began concentrating.


The sword began heating up - rapidly. Glowing a bright red, small cracks began to run up and down it's structure. But as soon as it had started, it stopped.


It was in the Realm, then, of the Lord of Shadows. Hmmm. That could not be his escape. There was another way, but it was much more dangerous. Dangerous or not, though, Ashus would not remain here...
Visions of a Grey Angel came to visit Eldarion in his troubled sleep.

"Do you feel that within you, that taint..?" it whispered, smiling. "That is the power of the Lord of Nightmares. He seeks your soul, and as long as he is trapped within you, he will spread..."

The angel's face creased with worry. "The heavens of my master look down upon you with concern - our lord, although a secretive one, is a benevolent one. In sealing the foul beast in your blade, the foolish Lord of Shadows has set him where you cannot find him..."

The angel placed her hand on the changing god's chest. "Within you." Reaching to take Eldarion's hand, the angel placed it on his chest. "Reach within you, and free him - then you can take your vengeance."

Wow, two people making the same mistake. The sword which sealed the God of Terror was essentially similar to the chains which rose Eldarion from his watery peace at the start of this thread, not the Sword of the God of Vengeance.

Also, the Lord of Shadows is curious who this "NoDot" person is. ;)

Finally, be careful with "God" and "Lord." Lord only refers to individuals who have sacrificed their power to create a Realm.
Pain was the first feeling that came to mind. The chains that bound The God of Fire cut deep into his flesh, raw energy flowing from the wounds instead the blood of men. The leader of his tormentors came forward.

"I have good news for you, o 'Great One'." A mocking sneer revealed rows of sharp daggers, each one yellow with rotten flesh and congealed blood. Locks of matted hair fell around the snarling face, and a scent of battle wafted around him. "My men have broken through your seals, and a lesser Gate has been established. Demonspawn have already broken into the land the mortals know as Greece." He leaned closer. "There is nothing you can do. Why not join my master? You will experience power the likes of which you have never known. The same mortals whom you swore to protect will be crushed under your feet like ants before a lion. And you will dominate - "

"No." The single word escaped the bruised lips. A glare of hatred flickered deep within the recessed hollows that were the Fire God's eyes. "I still have power, more than you or your bloody master. And I will use it as I have sworn to do." A chant escaped his lips, and he fell unconscious, his body falling limp against the cold stone.


Seven Immortals felt the pain. One gripped their side and uttered a harsh cry, startling the crows that wandered the palace grounds. That one rushed out into the sunlight. A messenger was awaiting her.

"By the divine graces, my liege! Soldiers have arrived from the Gods to do your bidding!" A soft cry of thanks fell from the red lips, then a quick prayer.

"To do my bidding? Then send them this order. Let the gates of Hell fall quick and true. Any nation which refuses to remove these gates will fall under our armies and will be subservient to the one true Faith." With those words, the Immortal returned to the palace, and the messenger took to his horse. With a word, the animal bounded off into the distance.


Spoiler :
Okay, check out the Bullpen for the requested changes! I don't think this violates any rules, but if it does feel free to nix those parts.
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