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Divine Intervention IV: The Wisdom of Pericles

He was angry.

Sheer power coursed through him, filling his veins with energy. From his fingertips shot a flame, and the captured demons huddled in fear. The Immortals had done their work, and the doomed souls now were chained in Erebus once more. The larger, more powerful beings were still on the loose, but they were collected far away from his realm. However, there was blasphemy loose in the world above.

A religion formed by the favorite of the Gods - BLASPHEMY! The Chosen One, the One given the weapons by Fire itself, forged by the demonslaves of the Lord of Erebus had spread the one true faith. But Pericles? It would no longer matter how many demons were confined in hell due to his actions. It would be Pericles head within the fires he wanted.

For Gods:
Spoiler :
HOLY WAR!! I would love if one of you made immense diplomatic demerits (-5 ish) between the Jewish and Muslim Civs. Then get the Jews ready for war in some way.
Spoiler :
Did you realise that Pericles has only founded Islam, and hasn't yet converted to any religion? At present there aren't any Muslim civs, and the religion exists in only three cities (Athens, Sparta and Antium).
Pericles woke up and found himself in a world of darkness, with only the stars for company. He heard the clatter of dice and they rolled towards him, stopping at his feet. "Read the numbers" a voice whispered. "Six, Four and Three," Pericles said with a certain wariness ...

In the mountains to the Northwest of Corinth, a lone man was climbing. He looked over the plains of Greece below him and smiled. Picking up a rock, he threw it as far as he could. He watched it fall out of sight, yet when it hit the mountainside below, it hit another rock, which shifted, knocking two other rocks, which hit some others...

A mile down the slope, an landslide had formed which careened into the side of the volcanic lake, breaking the wall and letting loose the waters. The water poured down the mountainside, forming a river which meandered through the lands north of Greece, revitalising the land through which it passed, making it inhabitable again.

"The dice have been kind to you for once, Immortal," he whispered. "Hope that it continues this way"

Spoiler OOC :
I have to say, I was expecting Rome to nail you in the last round


  • Pericles AD-0400 A Lucky edit.CivBeyondSwordSave
    267.4 KB · Views: 61
The crack rung out throughout the Realm, but only those touched by the divine heard it.

Ashus had finally freed himself.

((Ashus is now free-roaming again, but around half of his power as the God of Terror is still sealed, as is any other power-such as that over the Storm. His main power shall return slowly, but the other powers shall remain sealed for the remainder of DIIV.))
OOC to Arsonist:

Spoiler :
Yes, I did keep a close eye on Augustus because I thought he was heading for war, while he's usually not easily pissed off, overly aggressive or a troopspammer a divine act can change that. That is also why Winston was infiltrated in a Roman city and I was constantly on the lookout for troops massing or a WHEOOHRN.

Would he have chosen to attack I think I would've held my ground. Roman troops would likely have to head for Sparta - which just happens to be both on a hill and the major production centre of Greece. Mantis would have nabbed away at Roman troops/cats with 80% withdrawal chance, Aphros would likely have been used on a C IV/Shock Phalanx to keep Praets down, and I have a great deal of phalanxes with barbarian experience. He'd have to bring a lot of praetorians and catapults to actually deal damage.

(Yet I might have erred in my assessment. To be honest, I suffer from hubris a fair bit in this game. Pericles does too - it's just so easy to fall into.
Changes (NFPE):
Spoiler :
1) Deleted a road between Athens and Sparta.
2) Deleted winery (and road) at Corinth.
3) Deleted dye planatation (and road) at Corinth.
4) Removed Odeon from Sparta.
5) Added one barb axe (C1+Shock) at each of the above locations.
6) Deleted greek spy near Roman border.
7) Gave extra promotions to Winstown garrison.
Story to follow.


  • DivInt4 WH AD-0400.CivBeyondSwordSave
    267.8 KB · Views: 74
The men were understandably nervous as they crept through the dark streets of Sparta, but the righteousness of their mission kept spirits up.

Though many hundreds of years had passed since the crime was committed, the wound remained as fresh as the day it was inflicted. Not one of their countrymen felt a moment's peace in his heart while the evil ones went unpunished. Generation after generation had devoted their lives to preparing for this day.

As they reached the central square, the men's eyes fell upon the target - that most quintessentially Greek of buildings, the Odeon. As they approached, a roar of laughter came from within the theatre, the latest hit comedy having drawn a large crowd. But the men felt no pity, nor hesitated for a moment as they set about their grim task.

The guards at the entrance were despatched quickly and silently, their bodies dragged out of sight as the men gathered round to light their torches. Within minutes the building was aflame, and panic ruled within, as people scrambled to find the exit through a thick cloud of smoke. Those few who made it outside were swiftly cut down by waiting axes, ensuring that not one soul escaped the inferno.

It did not take long for the city garrison to arrive, but they were powerless to help in any way. The greek soldiers did not even have the satisfaction of capturing those responsible. Their mission complete, the arsonists had thrown themselves into the flames, safe in the knowledge that their master would reward them in the next world.


The royal court was in turmoil. A heated argument between two advisors had turned nasty, punches had been thrown, and others were being drawn into the fight.

"Stop this at once!" Pericles roared, "You are Greeks, not barbarians. This is shameful behaviour at a time of such crisis."

Duly chastened, the assembled courtiers fell to their knees and waited for the King to speak.

"Terrible deeds have been committed against us. These criminals have burned our fields, destroyed our roads, and they have murdered our people - man, woman and child alike."

"Worse still, they have struck at the very values we Greeks hold dear. The odeon is where we school our children in the ways of the world. It is where we pass on our most treasured wisdom - the truth of what it means to be a Greek citizen. It is where we celebrate our victories, and mourn those who have fallen in our name."

"There will be a time for apportioning blame, and I do not doubt that some of our countrymen will be found to have colluded with these beasts. But now is not that time. Our assailants are still at large within our borders, and until their menace is extinguished we must not allow our thoughts to be clouded with accusations of treachery."

At that moment, several soldiers burst into the room, carrying between them the corpse of a middle-aged man. Laying the body down at Pericles' feet, one of the soldiers addressed his monarch: "We found him near the Roman border, sire. His attackers carved some words into his chest..."

Pericles recognised the dead man immediately - he himself had sent the poor fool to spy on the Romans. The soldier pulled open the blood-soaked shirt, revealing the gruesome message: Hail Caesar. Hail Winston. Death to the Greeks.
Spoiler :
Did you realise that Pericles has only founded Islam, and hasn't yet converted to any religion? At present there aren't any Muslim civs, and the religion exists in only three cities (Athens, Sparta and Antium).

Yeah, I did. However, he probably do so soon, giving my wrath a greater opportunity to show itself.

Paulus stated in the Bullpen that he wouldn't take up Islam, and neither would I, even in a offline game, unless I wished to commit suicide (I mean, Izzy?)
Leonidas took one quick look at the corpse. "Okay, that settles it. Muster the men, open the armouries: we're going to war against Cae-"

Pericles cut off Leonidas' words, "No."

"But, we cannot let such an insult go unpunished! We must take proper action against-"

"For once, Leonidas, we must exercise a bit of prudence! Has the thought even passed your mind that the gods might be playing us against each other? Has the thought even crossed you, that we might just be soldiers in a greater war? Must we once again shed blood on a whim?"

Leonidas could swear that Pericles' eyes briefly turned red again.

"You have not forgotten Corinth already, right?" Pericles' voice boomed.

"Well, Corinth too has had some barbarian trouble, but I hardly think they had as much problems as Sparta with those-"

"NO! The other Corinth! The Corinth, that was wiped from the earth because we destroyed Ragnar! If we try to bring down Augustus as well, what then will the cost be? The gem mines of Thebes? Your beloved Sparta? Maybe even... I dare not say... Athens???"

The words rang through Leonidas' head as Pericles collapsed back in his seat, as if his anger had drained away some of his energy. The message had however gotten across - no more rash action against others. Every civilization or group of barbarians seemingly had at least one guardian angel who would not be happy with Greek actions. Their hands were bound - or they had to face divine wrath yet again.


Concerning my religion: No, I'm not going to convert to Islam. That would be an utterly idiotic diplomatic move with the Jewish bloc on this continent. Courtesy of the God of Luck there is already bad blood between us: do I really need to piss off others even more?
A bright light ripped through the chamber where the heated arguement took place - and after shielded eyes reluctantly reopened, the angel from Pericles's dreams stood in her full glory - no longer a figment. Gasps and voices murmered through the hall as the angel floated to the floor, glowing with a holy and soothing light. Soft, shoeless feet touched the ground, and a smile crossed her lips.

"Oh, but you were wrong, Pericles," the angel spoke, beginning graceful steps towards him. "The fury to which Corinth faced had nothing to do with Ragnar. I spoke to you, in your dreams, but you have not listened Pericles."

"Ashus has been sleeping, and his dreams have not been without merit..."


A terrible cloud of smoke shifted over the sea, and a portal ripped open, as a burst of divine energy surged and formed. Ashus reopened fiery red eyes, and he breathed in a fine full lungful of Aether, laughing as he flexed his divine will. He spun, but rather than a tornado he quickly became a cyclone of slashing and cracking ice, before receeding to smoke once more, razor sharp fragments falling into the sea.

He was back


"Pericles, I so challenge you where you have no room to dismiss me. My lord seeks to help you - and only you. You have proven yourself competent. I reveal that it was he who summoned the raw power to destroy Corinth. We seek to tell you now that you have-"

...and the angel was replaced by a burst of smoke, coalescing into a dark-skinned noble - with new, fiery red eyes.

..passed our test. So now I, Lord Ashus, humbly bow to you.

The pure awe of the aura surrounding the god was almost palpable, and his presence was undeniably impressive. Standing almost eight feet tall, he lowered his bald head in respect - although never low enough that he was shorter than Pericles - and raised it again with a smile.

So tell me, Ruler of Greece, what city will be next? The rain from heaven is yours to command.
Since all attention was focused on the shining figure in the center of the room bowing to Perceles, no one heard the Lady enter the room-despite wearing full battle armor-until she spoke.

"So we meet again, Ragnar." Lady Lancelot stood in the back of the room, glaring at the figure on the floor.
Ashus smiled, and swirled. Ragnar? he spoke, and laughed. Once, part of me was known as Ragnar, but there are many more parts of me.

Turning his eyes softly to Leonidas, he spoke jovially. This woman was your predecessor - she was in charge of the troops that you took over. Do you know why she left, Leonidas?

A frost was starting to drift from the hands of Ashus, which had turned nearly blue.

She fled in fear of me, back to her master's realm, he said, his voice mocking and full of malice as he took a few steps towards the knight. But I have seen her die before...
I'm playing the next set on Thursday, so the remaining gods still have time to edit if they want to.
"The Lord of Shadows, unlike you, concerns verself with ver subjects. Both you and the God of the Sea intended ill-will towards me, so he decided it would be best if I retreated." As she spoke, Lancelot's hand fell to her sword-Eldarion's Sword.

((No save, Lancelot's only around to mess with/irritate the God of Terror.))
Lancelot's world spun, and she was in a field. How had she gotten here? The sky above crackled with dark, orange clouds swirling as if a vortex in the sky had taken ahold of them, as the grass beneath her feet crunched, dead and brown. The field extended far in every direction, until sharp mountains rose up seemingly forming a circle. Ashus was quickly approaching.

You cannot escape from here, Lancelot. Do you know where we are? he laughed, and rose one hand up. The grass about began blowing, and twitching as the brown brightened slowly to green. The trees began blossoming, and it was clear where she was - the Garden of Elona! But how had it become so desecrated?


The Lord of Shadows clearly must have noticed Ashus invade the mind of Lancelot as she stared blankly forward in the Greek room, as the God of Terror shut and sealed the doors, uttering divine words of sealing to prevent interference in the fight to come.


I am more powerful than you could ever imagine, Lancelot, he continued, and with a clenching of his fist everything that had brightened died, energy swelling suddenly from the sudden mass extinction that a ball of green gathered over his hand, and his body was quickly armored in light, durable ironwood - fit for battle as well as the Knight herself. The Goddess of Nature gave up her life, and she forfeited her powers to me, her liberator.

The ice was now thick on his right hand, and it crackled and spread, forming a thick sheet of what looked to be crystalline ice. She had no doubt it was harder than steel. The God of Ice, Eirae, terrorized the world. I rejected him and never gave into his demands. I spared Joao's life twice, even as he betrayed me under the foul influence of the cold tyrant.

And in his right hand, a cold steel blade now appeared, and Lancelot would surely recognize it. The blade of Hannibal. You once fought for me, Lancelot. Fight for me again and you will not die here.


The sealing was complete. It would be difficult indeed for even a god to interfere now, and - Ashus hoped - much less a Lord.

He hoped.
Tracnar was too late. He felt his master beyond the door of the Greek Court, he tried to use his power to slip in and observe, intervene if necessary on part of the Lord of Shadows. The god of Aether could not make it past, he rushed over as soon as he felt another god's power within distance of his master, but where did Eldarion come from? Tracnar decided to wait outside the door, he already could tell he couldn't get in, it was sealed with his masters own powers. Ever since The god of Aether freed Ashus, Tracnar had been perfecting the new powers he had given him for his help, and the seal was nothing like those powers. Speaking of his new powers, was he really to be called the god of Aether anymore, he had power over the storm, ice, and nature...along with few others Ashus probably did not know he absorbed while he was freeing him.
There was nothing to do while his shadowy master did battle with whoever was in there. If anyone managed to break through however, Tracnar would be sure to follow in.
Regaining control of herself, Lancelot drew Eldarion's Blade from the sheeth made to contain it. The burst of divine power from the blade trapped the attention of the God of Terror-the one who it had been forged to kill-and shook the world around Lancelot.

"Do not lie."


Seals are unusual magic. Although they can be used to block forces, they only block magic if it "aligns." Magic which does not align is not stopped... as much. If the magic opposing the seal is completely inverted, the seal may as well not be there. (Multiple seals working together weaken each other.) If would be a powerful mage indeed to be able to put up a seal which is able to block the magic of a beginner who is familiar with this principal.

This is not a well-known principal, even among Gods, so the God of Terror's ignorance of it did not surprise the Lord of Shadows.

While the fact that seals on doors do not effect other doors in the room (irrelevant here), the floor, the ceiling, the walls, or secret passageways behind curtains is often a plot device in works featuring magic, there are some areas which do not have this knowledge. Still, those places are rare.

Emerging from the secret passageway behind one of the curtains which vi had been rocketing down since Lancelot's arrival to avoid detection, the Lord of Shadows took this all in. For a moment, vi considered using an Eldritch Spell to slam Ashus against the wall to see if Ashus would notice the spell being cast, but decided that that would be a bad idea if it failed.

Turning ver attention to Perceles, "While those two are locked in Mental Kombat, let's get down to 'brass taxes,' as it's said."


The world around them turned, fading from the icy world to another place, another time.

"You did not receive the powers of nature from a willing subject; you stole them, along with the life they were contained in."

Around them came a battlefield, one not of this era but of another. They were in a clearing of a forest. In the center there was Ragnar and a woman-the daughter of Elona, the Goddess of Nature.

"I reject your offer."
Very well.

Ashus took one step forward and a small army of tendrils exploded from him, each a tiny, black, featureless reminder of his most prominent power, the one of the beast. His sense pulsed out, and sensing the failure of his barrier he dismissed it at once.

You may hold a sword created for my death, but you cannot wield it. You will die here today.

They would seek to in overwhelming numbers entangle his foe - and yet he left nothing up to chance, as he closed in quickly, attempting to bring his blade down to strike his foe, entangled or not, with a lightning quick slash aimed at the shoulder.
Tracnar saw The lord of shadows sneak into the room, and followed him. It helps when you can turn into a mist and have an extreme skill of observance.

A voice rang in his head the minute he entered the room

" MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL, suffocate him!"

Tracnar was here just for this purpose, to help his master, Ashus.

All gods, including Lords while they are in this world, and to an extent outside of it, draw divine energy from Aether. This is usually not under The god of Aether's control, but it can be.

Without Aether, a god/lord has severely reduced power within this world. Tracnar reached out to the Aether surrounding, and within, The lord of shadows--and removed it.

The lord of shadows may not immediately notice his loss of power until he attempts to use it. If he attempts to interfere with Ashus, The lord of shadows will stand no chance against him without the divine lifeforce that Tracnar now controls.

Only another god could help him now, it is doubtful that The Lord of Shadows can even retreat into his realm, let alone do battle with another god, his power is low. It would be wise if he did not interfere with Ashus's plans for this she-warrior.

@ NoDot... please read my last post on the bullpen before you respond. please and thank you
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