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Divine Intervention IV: The Wisdom of Pericles

@Gooblah (NFPE)

Spoiler :
I went to carry out your instructions, but didn't really know what to do about the first one. There's only one eligible barb city within Izzy's range (she actually has a warrior outside it now), plus one more on the other continent. Should I place the Spanish troops next to both of them? Or just the nearby one? Or should I create another barb city near to Spain?
The god of Aether turned away from the battle between the lord of shadows and the lord of nightmares.
"This makes things much more difficult"

Tracnar evaporated and sped on a gust of wind to lake Corinth, the location of the meteor impact. His powers in this world were at the greatest here.

He reached out with his powers and attempted to break in to the lord of shadows realm. His Aether spread in small amounts in the realm, without him here, it was much easier to get in, and go unnoticed. Now to wait.

Eventually The lord of shadow returned, with Ashus held captive. As his tendrils of Aether drifted toward the sword, it glowed red. "a persistent one he is." He exerted all of his powers he could muster, and broke throug, he could now communicate with Ashus.

"Ashus, I have a proposal for you. The powers of Aether have many uses and Eldarion will never let you go free. I on the other hand have need for you.

Spoiler nfpe :
Yes, i am pursuing a "alliance" with ashus on pericles continent... eldarion on the gate's island(pending if you still want to)....and i dont know with who on the other continent
It wasn't very difficult. Lords are called the Gods of Realms for a reason.

But still, why? That was the question that bugged the Lord of Shadows. Vi had seen the God of Aether enter ver Realm-he stuck out like a sore thumb. But still, why?

And alliance? Bwa? The God of Aether did not need to sneak into ver Realm to discuss that.

Deciding that this God of Aether was an idiot, the Lord of Shadows returned to other, more important topics. Such as the big rip in the Realm's Space-Time ver Eldritch Magic to seal away the God of Terror had caused.
At the crater of Old Corinth, if any mortal eyes were anywhere around for miles, they would have seen a soft golden radiance glow bright, then turn into a dimming haze. Then blackness spread. And nightmares were know again in the world of mortals.

Meanwhile across thousands of miles of ocean, on the island of The Gate, Eldarion looked upon the god of Aether, glowing brilliantly in his court of demons.

"Well met God of Vengeance. We apparently have goals in common, the destruction of the God of Terror, The Lord of Nightmares, Ashus.
Allow me to offer any assistance you need, however, there is something I ask of you to grant to me by the end.
@Gooblah (NFPE)

Spoiler :
I went to carry out your instructions, but didn't really know what to do about the first one. There's only one eligible barb city within Izzy's range (she actually has a warrior outside it now), plus one more on the other continent. Should I place the Spanish troops next to both of them? Or just the nearby one? Or should I create another barb city near to Spain?

OOC: Ummm. Yeah, whatever you wish. Preferably both. :)


A rumble of strength surged through the lord of Hell. With a surge of raw energy, the chains holding him back fell, the mangled metal clattering around his feet. A soldier stopped in front of his cell, and glanced over to ensure that he was still confined, then panicked.

"MY LORD! THE PRISONER - " He never got to finish his sentence. In a bound, the demon was slain by his own blade, now in the hands of the God himself. A flame shot from the heavenly fingers to light the area. Now, he was in his prime. An Immortal somewhere had closed a gate and had put enough souls back in confinement to rejuvenate the God of Fire. A horde of demons charged before him, but fell back as two of their number were slain by the divine powers. One more minute, and the rest fell, their bodies smoldering as the God stepped over them lightly. The sword, having been in the godly hands for only a minute, was already covered in a thick coat of blood.

Spoiler :
Just noticed Paulus's Barb score. Gift him a unit or two, nothing too special (maybe a Spearman or two Archers or something). Since he razed a city, gift him:
1 Crossbowman
3 Horse Archers
none should have promotions.
Gooblah's changes (NFPE):
Spoiler :
I decided to add another barb city near Izzy, rather than putting Spanish troops on the other continent. Makes more sense that way, I think. Here are the Minions of Fire about to capture it:

And here's the other one:

I also only gave Pericles one fairly weak Spearman, since he's already pretty well stocked for units:


  • DivInt4 Gooblah BC-0350.CivBeyondSwordSave
    208.1 KB · Views: 72
A tall, dark skinned man made himself a small fire at the top of a hill in Rome, near the ruins of Corinth. Clad in rich, red robes and the jewelry of a noble, he looked over the horizon as his companion tended to the fire.

"The Circle will find us here. They will know that I seek them. Do keep in mind that servants of Ashus such as us are not known for their long lifespans, and be vigilant."

And so the man waited for the Circle.
The dark-skinned noble awoke with a start, and instinctively reached for his scabbard.

"Ain't no need for swordplay" said an earthy voice. "Besides, we gotcha covered from all four sides".

Looking up, the servant of Ashus saw a short, scruffy-looking man staring down at him.

"What happened to my companion?" the noble asked.

"Restin' right now. Nuffink fatal. We just didn't want 'im gettin' hurt" the man replied. "Now, word has it that Ashus' got bizniss with The Circle..."

"And you are?"

"We's... Well, let's say we's friends of The Circle. We done a little work for 'em, here and there. They told us where you'd be. Said we should come say 'allo, pass on their thanks for that exploding mountain malarky, and see what exactly it is that your boss wants..."
The noble looked up at the man, staring at him for what was almost an uncomfortably long time, before he spoke again.

"I am looking, primarily, for the prison that now holds the God of Vengeance, Eldarion. As my lord did not ask any questions regarding your request, he asks that you do the same for us regarding our motives."

His eyes flashed. "Of course, we also seek information on the Lord of Shadows. He is no longer a god - and we wish to know why."
The God of Luck looked down at the docks below him, invisible to the mortals below him. The beauty of the Rome's harbour was laid out before him, yet he paid it no notice. A far more important event was about to take place below, in one of the public houses below.

The Emperor's Head was the site of the match, a backgammon tournament. The local champion was the favourite to win but when a man from the Neapolis borderlands won the first match, then won the second, then the third, accusations of cheating flew through the air like arrows on the battlefield. The man hadn't been cheating, it was a case of a certain god looking kindly upon the match.

The argument was heated but would of remained that way, except a sailor in the crowd shouted "dirty, cheating Greek!". The argument escalated to a fight, the fight turned into a riot and the riot ran out of control. The start of the riot would be forgotten, all the rioters would remember is the mention of the Greeks.

The anti-Greek sentiments spread, first throughout the Roman lands and people, high and low. Throughout the Roman Empire, men signed up to the Armies of Rome, their aim to defend the Empire against the Greeks. The sentiments even spread through the other civilisations that shared the faith, angered at the treatment of their fellow brothers and sisters.

The God of Luck looked into the probabilities of the futures ahead. A rocky road lay ahead for Pericles and his people, whichever future occurred. All Pericles could hope for is that his luck would take a turn for the better in the future.

Spoiler nfpe, the changes I made :

Added 6 Preats next to Rome
Reduced Rome's population by one (to 4) and destroyed Rome's Monument, Barracks and Granary to simulate the rioting
Added a -5 to Rome's relationship with Greece
Added -2's to the other jewish civs with Greece


  • DivInt4 Arsonist BC-0350.CivBeyondSwordSave
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The scruffy man rooted around in his shoulder bag for a moment, before pulling out a small black notebook.

"Hmm. Let me see..." he said, leafing through the pages. "Lord of Shadows... Yes, 'ere we go. Also known as Lord of Magic or Grand Master of Science and Technology. Used to be a god, but gave it up to create a 'realm' - I got no idea what that means - and prevent some kind of disaster. Also got a thing about chains. Very kinky."

Turning over a couple more pages, he looked a little puzzled. "Metaphysical ramblin' ain't my area of expertise... Anyway, we'll 'ave a nose around, see what else we can find out. Now, what 'ave we got on the God of Vengeance..."

Thumbing quickly through the notebook, the man soon came upon the entry in question. "Eldarion... Last seen in the vicinity of something called The Gate. I guess you'll be wantin' us to investigate this a bit further. No problems. Tell Ashus that someone'll be in touch."

With that, the man returned the book to his bag, bowed his head slightly, and wandered off into the darkness.
Played the round, report will be up shortly...

-Hunted down barbarians and Demon Spawns.
-Winston was sent to the Circle.
-The Greeks are first to Philosophy and got a new religion... which might or might not be another form of creator worship. The Greeks call it 'Islam'.
-Took a more enlightened form of government.
-Tech Trader supreme.
The irate Roman messenger shouted at Pericles and Leonidas in the halls of Athens, accusing their people of cheating in their most prestigious tournament and threatening them with war. Pericles looked troubled, but Leonidas looked slightly amused.

And then, Leonidas decided - unintentionally - to make things worse. "Sheesh, would you people get a grip? It's only a game."

The Roman almost started to foam at the mouth. "Well, if it's just a game, WHY DO YOU CHEAT AT IT? These riots are YOUR FAULT, and we are holding YOU RESPONSIBLE!!!" With these words, he stormed out and informed the Caesar of his 'mistreatment' at Greek hands.

Leonidas grinned. "Wow, somebody just took a game way too serious."

Pericles took some time to respond, his face still troubled. "This... was not just some isolated incident. A god is behind this. You are right - that reaction was way out of proportion for Roman standards. Yet that means this was likely a divine act against us. All I can ask... Why?"

"We will find out in time." Leonidas said. "But there's more news. The Circle has sent word. They want Winston."

"Choices, choices..." Pericles pondered. What to do with the barbarian chieftain? Could he trust the Circle? In the end, he decided to send the chieftain to a Roman city, where he would be delivered to the hands of the Circle. If they had tasked him to do it, he would be happy to oblige. He would keep his end of the bargain, and wondered what theirs was.

Once again, unearthly creatures had been sighted by the ruins of Lake Corinth. This time, Pericles carried just the weapon he needed against them... the horsemen of the Mantis.

The horsemen charged into the demon camp. Completely taken by surprise, the demon archers wildly fired arrows to no avail as the horsemen swept down upon them like an angry swarm of locusts. Every last one of them died by the hands and spears of these horsemen, all of them bearing the mark of the Mantis. The Mantis himself led them to victory. After the great victory, the Mantis went on the hunt for other demon spawns and barbarians.

From there on, once Winston was delivered to the Circle things took a turn for the quieter. New cities were founded, one nearly on the ruins of Corinth.

Greece traded with Spain and England, happy to oblige in tech trading.

But there were other ways of coming by technology. Greece invented catapults - reverse engineered from Roman designs.

Greece researched a lot as well. One man would become famous for his ideas: Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, a famous Greek scientist, was leading the great many debates that scientists and philosophers loved, and finally formalized that one great Greek pastime and profession... Philosophy.

The many debates that van Leeuwenhoek held on divinity and deities attracted many people and led to a great many ideas. One man in particular stood out, however. A Greek philosopher named Muhammad joined these debates as well, and formulated his own theory on the divine and the gods, then started spreading his word. At a famous debate in Sparta, he was hailed as a prophet rather than a philosopher, and it was there that Muhammad's religion was officially founded - and it would be known as Islam.

Greece was at the doorstep of what Pericles really wanted to do - Pericles was always interested in divinity and gods. Not to become one, but rather to understand them. For thousands of years he had been aided, commanded, or struck down by gods. He was now at the brink of starting his discoveries and beginning of - what he hoped to be - a greater understanding of gods and their motivation.

All the time not even thinking about where his own soul came from. That question was one he left for the future. Maybe his research on divinity would aid him there?

He had no way to know for sure.

PS. NPM, if you again refer to yourself as Lord of the Flies I might mistake you for Beelzebub at some point. ;)


  • Pericles AD-0400.CivBeyondSwordSave
    265.3 KB · Views: 68
got it...
Edit: Update

In the city of Argos, a wind stirred. A squat merchant with lanky hair woke up. Today was the day, he was finally ready. He walked downstairs from the inn he was staying at, and sat down at a table with a tall dark skinned noble.

"Today is the day." The merchant said in a smooth flowing yet somehow unwholesome whisper.
"I know, finally we can "serve" "our" "master" to our full extent. I've grown tired of waiting here with you on and off for all these years, it is time to stop hiding" The Noble got up and headed for the door, but stopped, turned around and smiled at the merchant, "I'll keep in touch, don't go too far now."
"Don't worry, you know where I will be." The merchant said with a sly grin, and the Noble was gone. He got up and rushed out the back door.

The village drunk was in a neighboring alleyway near the inn, he was awakened by a strong gust of wind emanating from somewhere nearby, and rolled over and began nursing his hangover.

In the Crater by the city of Corin---Argos....so much has changed since I have descended.....Tracnar coalesced from a dim haze, into a dark shadowy blotch, tendrils of gusty smoke twirling around him. Golden eyes surveyed the crater, erosion had done its number, it was beginning to become more open to the surrounding plains.
"Pericles has let me down, he should have helped me and built a boat, oh well, he does not get to reap the spoils then, Spain and Rome on the other hand are looking perfect, and their leaders have already been briefed. Tracnar pondered to himself. Here he stood, in the middle of the crater and summoning as much power as he could muster began forming a dense ball of Aether, more and more. The ground began to shake from his efforts, and a mountain rose inside the crater under his feet, outside of the city of Argos. Using powers no one had ever observed him using before, he rocketed the ball of Aether eastward, and scattering it across the ocean.
Tracnar decended from the mountain top and went to the harbors of both Spain and Rome, and began whispering tales of a great fog just off the coast, some say it leads to the end of the world, and beyond, perhaps someone should follow it.
Tracnar would be ready to go with the ship brave enough to journey out, across the sea..... and someday he would find one of his missing consciousnesses.

Across miles of ocean, Tracnar looked up with eyes of gold, he felt, something, familiar, reaching out across the world. He returned to negotiations with this leader of the civilization who had been encroaching upon the jungles of his home of the last centuries.
"You can be of use to me, GO forth, you know my story already, bring me the head of a immortal, if you dare. I will enchant your soldiers with my Aether to do my bidding, and I will not harm your people, as long as you do not bother me. Build me a city in the jungles. Then leave me. I will send my Aether out and help you, I will wither the jungles that make your new city's sick. Do we have a deal?"

"yes we do" the leader of the civilization bowed down before the beautifully golden glowing god of Aether.

Spoiler NFPE :
I changed the lake outside of argos to a mountain. I made a Fallout sea bridge from this continent to the other, and gave izzy and ceasar triremes with movement promo's set to sea explore at the beginning of the bridge... on the other continent, my other self has made an alliance with Asoka, apparently he wants asoka to bring him the head of an immortal so he can ascend..ya india going to war, and wiping a civ out.....so i gave them a upgraded dog warrior, and made a little winstownesque city for myself in the middle of india's lands, inbetween city's outside of BFC......i also deleted all jungle over on that continent... asoka should get some good citys running soon.
Pericles was relaxing in his bath, testing out some imported Russian bath-salts whilst pondering the issues of the day, when a small voice disturbed him.

"I know your secret!" it croaked.

"Huh?" said the Greek leader, looking around for the source of this interruption.

"It's quite a good one!" came the voice once more.

"Show yourself, knave!" cried Pericles, splashing his fist down into the bathwater.

"Not as good as mine, though!"

Finally, the immortal spotted the source of his irritation, a large frog sitting on the window ledge, grinning at him.

"A talking frog?! What sorcery is this?"

"My lips are sealed" said the frog, before hopping out of the window.

Pericles looked at the half-empty jar of Russian bath-salts, and resolved never to use them again.
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