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Divine Intervention-The Newbie's Gambit

Awesome! Are the settlers on Tambyen Isle or the mainland?
And you do know you can give me Fast Worker units since I am India, right?
I call next, by the way, I think you overlooked my 'Louis XIV has to go' quest.
Sam was having a nice Elephant Punch in his palace when a horde of wild barbarians rushed in, killed his bodyguards, stormed to his throne and... bowed.
After them came Strados, the great god of Nature. When he came close to the killed men, the wounds disappeared and they stood up like nothing happened.
'Good day, king Sam! I have another quest for you. These poor barbarian men were driven out of their homeland, the Strados Highlands, by a horde of vile, cruel, civilized warriors. I want you to lead them back and help them restore peace at their isle. I will show you in a dream where you should send their Viking Longboat. Raze the camp to the ground, and attack the first civilization which would be so brave and stupid to settle there IMMEDIATELY with the tribesmen.


Spoiler :
Take the longboat, the Savage and the Nomad to the Strados Highlands, raze the barbarian city there and attack the first civilization to settle in the Strados Highlands and raze the city they founded there.

Changes (NFSSE):
Spoiler :
Added some mountains to the Coast Bridge, because I thought an unnatural bridge of coast in the ocean was unnatural. Feel free to remove them again.
Gave every civ except for Sam and Louis a galley, settler and swordsman, because they were behind in settling.
Added some random islands.


  • Strijder20's changes BC-0860.CivBeyondSwordSave
    194.1 KB · Views: 47
If I seem to be overlooking a quest, it is because I am on a Large map in the middle of a forest on MARATHON speed. I'm sorry if you get forgotten, but I take it one at a time. I will prepare my army to take out Louis next update, and I will attack the update after it.
If I seem to be overlooking a quest, it is because I am on a Large map in the middle of a forest on MARATHON speed. I'm sorry if you get forgotten, but I take it one at a time. I will prepare my army to take out Louis next update, and I will attack the update after it.

It's no problem, but I thought you summed up all quest somewhere and didn't mention mine. You have all time, though :p
If I seem to be overlooking a quest, it is because I am on a Large map in the middle of a forest on MARATHON speed. I'm sorry if you get forgotten, but I take it one at a time. I will prepare my army to take out Louis next update, and I will attack the update after it.

Don't worry, I'm a relaxed, peacful god too. As long as you eventually finish my quest, I'm happy.
Turn 276-Strados's quest #2 completed!

Turn 301-:king:

Turn 330- Let there be money!

Turn 351-:king:

Turn 371- Here I end, my stack of mounted doom on the edge of Louis' border. 10 Horse Archers, 1 Numidin Calvary, and 3 Elephants(and a Spy to revolt the stronger cities instead of catapults destroying the walls).

Strijder, I ask of 2 things for completing your quest-please, give my mounted units Woodsman 1-3, so I can kill the infidels quickly; and give me 3 axemen with Shock and Cover.

Researched-Philoshophy(Lightbulbed), Monarchy, Mathematics, Construction, Calendar, Code of Laws(trade), Alphabet(Trade)
Built-Great lighthouse(forgot picture:()
Quests Completed(Partially)-Strados's Quest #2
Strados heard Sam's requests, and granted them. But instead of axemen, he send some of his forest warriors, swift and deadly as a kitten.
He also gave the Monarch another quest: an expedition which searched for El-Dorado was in grave trouble. Sam had to lead them to the mysterious settlement, where more information could be found, but fierce warriors stood in the way.


Spoiler :
Lead the six (It doesn't matter if some die, but at least one has to survive) Woodsman3 troops to the mysterious settlement (go north on the peninsula and raze it. There you will find further instructions.


Spoiler :
Added some barb cities.
Gave Sam 3 WM3 troops near the border with France.
Added the peninsula.


  • SamSniped AD-0210 DI Strados.CivBeyondSwordSave
    261.8 KB · Views: 52
Tambien saw that a civilization was being invaded. To protect the diversity of the world he made a canal around it. He left a small bridge onto France Isle, however. (DO NOT MESS WITH THE BRIDGE. THIS GOES FOR Sam TOO) Then he saw that Barbarians had constructed large camps, and that they were invading many lands. In his rage he accidentally called up the waves and sunk half of the Indian continent.

Those were my changes.

I have no quest.
A small group of barbarians, envious with civilizations and their culture and walls, settled on a mountains to avoid invasion. They have a belief that the only way to destroy their envy towards civilization was to overtake it with culture.

Spoiler :
I have built a barb city called Neuw Tibet on a mountain. The only way to take it is by culture fliping.

And now, a quest! (to add to the insane amount of quests)
Spoiler :
Culture flip Neuw Tibet.

Okay Tambien was right, so i toned it down a little (at least i think thats what he meant)
View attachment SamSniped AD-0210.CivBeyondSwordSave
well, they can in RFC :p
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