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DLNESI - Godwin's Law: Preview

I'll cast my lot in with Germany; this really sounds like a good idea. The whole theory of a MicroNES contrasts nicely with the MacroNES.
Theoretical Statistic:

Name/Player: Erwin Rommel
Rank: Field Marshal
Position: Commander of Deutsches Afrika Panzer Korps
Branch: Army
Specialty: Desert Warfare, Panzer Tactics
Awards: Pour le Mérite, Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds.
Forces: 4 Panzer Divisions (This will be secret)
Location: Medenine, Tunisia (This will be secret)
Biography: The commander of the Deutsches Afrika Korps and also became known by the nickname "The Desert Fox" for the skillful military campaigns he waged on behalf of the German Army in North Africa.

Forces' Sizes:
Fire Team: 3-5
Squad: 6-11
Platoon: 12-30
Company: 75-149
Battalion: 150-299
Regiment: 300-599
Brigade: 600-1199
Division: 1200-2399
Corp: 2400-4799
Group: 4800-9599
Army: 9600+

You have to use spies/recon to get the secret parts of the stats. Let's say a spy gets into Rommel's army to find out his size of force. The best information the spy can get is like: 4 Panzer Divisions. But the commander will know exactly how many he has. Their success will depend on the instruction you give them.

And when purchasing units, they will come in median size at first. So when you buy 1 Regiment of infantry, you'll get 400 soldiers, and so forth. Even if you have 301 left, it's still Regiment.

Also, we're going to add a new thing: In-Game Awards. So like, if a general does something really good, then the player who's playing Hitler can award Knight's Cross or something (paid vacation?).

There'll also be a nation stats, and that will look just like the traditional NES's stats for nations.
Looks like this NES will be good old-fashioned wargames with intrigue and politics on the side. Not that there's anything wrong with that; it's a great formula which has worked well in the past. The most important part to the NES is the idea that it's micro. It also opens up several possibilities and new avenues of gameplay: Hitler will obviously need to protect his position against ambitious generals, and the generals in turn will play each other against one another. Counterintuitive? Certainly, but then again the Third Reich wasn't the perfect and well-oiled machine that history sometimes makes it look like.

I suppose that, unless Britain is being played by some very sneaky players, it won't be too exciting across the channel... then again, players who aren't under the desire to backstab one another may find their own faction is succeeding. Hm hm hm. Certainly, it's interesting.

I do believe you've opened up a new idea of faction-based NESing. If DLNESI gets off to a good enough start here, you might start a trend.
You may fill out the stats to reserve characters now (except Hitler and Churchill).

Name/Player: Can be anything you want (according to dialect), fictional or real.
Rank: Will be decided by Prime Minister (Fuehrer)
Position: Will be decided by Prime Minister (Fuehrer)
Branch: Royal Army (Heer), Royal Navy (Kriegsmarine), Royal Air Force (Luftwaffe), Commandos or Royal Marine (Waffen-SS or Gestapo)
Specialty: Fill it our accordingly.
Awards: None

Any nominations for Hitler or Churchill?
Name/Player:Erwin Rommel / MrPwn3r
Rank: Will be decided by (Fuehrer)
Position: Will be decided by (Fuehrer)
Branch: Heer
Specialty: Desert Warfare, Panzer Tactics
Awards: One of the most famous German field marshals of World War II. He was the commander of the Deutsches Afrika Korps and also became known by the nickname "The Desert Fox" for the skilful military campaigns he waged on behalf of the German Army in North Africa. (Thank you Wikipedia. :lol:)
Note: If you want to be someone important (like Montgomery or Rommel), then you have to be serious and skilled enough to handle it. If more than one person sign up for same person, then LF and I'll decide. So have at least 2 or 3 choices.
You may fill out the stats to reserve characters now (except Hitler and Churchill).

Name/Player: Can be anything you want (according to dialect), fictional or real.
Rank: Will be decided by Prime Minister (Fuehrer)
Position: Will be decided by Prime Minister (Fuehrer)
Branch: Royal Army (Heer), Royal Navy (Kriegsmarine), Royal Air Force (Luftwaffe), Commandos or Royal Marine (Waffen-SS or Gestapo)
Specialty: Fill it our accordingly.
Awards: None

Any nominations for Hitler or Churchill?

A special note: For specialty, please let it be something that you personally are good in. If you claim to have excellent desert fighting skills and then proceed to get crushed in a military debacle, well, you might get executed by der Fuhrer.

And nominations are recommended to get Churchill/Hitler. Although personally I'd be fine with das being Hitler.
A special note: For specialty, please let it be something that you personally are good in. If you claim to have excellent desert fighting skills and then proceed to get crushed in a military debacle, well, you might get executed by der Fuhrer.

And nominations are recommended to get Churchill/Hitler. Although personally I'd be fine with das being Hitler.

Even Rommel lost in North Afrika. :lol: Don't worry about it Lightfang.
But he didn't lose because he sucked.

Indeed. But if you look at it this way, no one here is on par with Rommel, Mongtomery or even Hitler. (Not even you military guys).

Not many people here have experience with military combat or tactics.
You aren't likely to find someone on this forum truly excellent in Panzer tactics or desert fighting.

But it doesn't mean I won't try or learn before you guys start.
I'll research it before this NES starts.
Name/Player: Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham/germanicus12
Rank: Will be decided by Prime Minister (Fuehrer)
Position: Will be decided by Prime Minister (Fuehrer)
Branch: Royal Navy
Specialty: Convoy protection; Excellent usage of Carriers.
Awards: None


Sir Andrew Cunningham saw service in WW1 and immediatly saw the importance of these new weapons they called, "airplanes". When the British introduced the first carrier in their navy Sir Cunningham immediatly asked for permission to be captain of it. It was granted due to his popularity within the government, during his tenure on the Carrier, Captain Cunningham learned alot about air capabilities and how the sea plays a crucial role in the survival for Britain.
He rapidly rose through the ranks to become Admiral by 1939, he knew WWII was just around the corner and all of his persistant demands that Britain focuses their new ships towards carriers have paid off, he now commands several of them and is known around Britain and Parliment for his aggressive stance with his carriers.
He was awarded the position of Grand Admiral of the Home Fleet, but before he could accept the offer, the government changed course and took back the offer, Admiral Cunningham now awaits his new orders.
@People: Try to stay away from choosing political people (meaning: don't choose them). This is supposed to be a tactical military focused NES. I can allow Hess, if he chooses to command Gestapo unit, but not Goebbels. If you really want to, then convince LightFang.

@Insane Panda: I recommend that you be Großadmiral Karl Doenitz.
Ok Britian who wants to be Churchill, I'd quite like to be a general or Admiral but considering the importance of supplies and logistics I might end up taking the PM just to take care of that.

So I'd nominate myself if I could get some votes :p
I'm with everyone else who wants Das to be Hitler.

As for who I'm going to be, I'm going to wait 'till a few more German applicants before I apply for a position. It is althistory, after all, and not being Rommel isn't the be-all end-all (or anyone else for that matter).
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