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Do You Trust Your Fellow Citizens?

The how much do you trust others thing that surprises me is the tendency for people to get deliveries while they are not there, with the expectation that it can be left on the doorstep and will still be there later. I do not think I have ever lived somewhere where I would choose to do that, and I do not think I have lived in the worst places in the UK.
I can't imagine not.

I leave my road bike and my e-bike on my porch. Both are valuable, and I've actually had a different bike taken before. I still leave em both out.

It doesn't make sense to take them to my garage. The effort and time spent physically walking to my apartment from said garage probably exceeds the loss. It takes 2 minutes to and from, which adds up to 8 minutes per day. 8x720=5760÷60=97(hours)x16.5(present wage)=$1584.

That's actually more the the value of both bikes, and that's before calculating the cost of paranoia, which is basically incalculable, but conceivably, could have an opportunity cost in willingness to trust success, reducing likelihood of investment(either personal or financial, as in stock): imo cynical are less likely to succeed financially or socially.
This here depends on a) how many people b) have I met them c) do I trust them?
If it's only a couple and they seem nice people, then yes.
If it's a ton of people, or some seem suspicious, then not.

Again depends on where.
My home village of 1000 people in rural Germany: Yes. In one of the next villages one of the farmers sells eggs like that.
My current place of 500k+ people in a not-so-great neighbourhood? No way lol. I had a bike wreck without saddle and with broken rear axle, which I left unlocked with the hope it would get stolen. I doubted anyone would, since it was completely useless. It was gone within 12h.

First scenario is strangers.
Well got back from camping. Using a communal fridge we put a birthday cake, milk, booze and condiments in it.

Nothing was taken over a week.
Yes to all questions asked by OP, no problem with any of those. America is rapidly decaying into a low trust society but I refuse to contribute. I’m also maybe naive because over the course of 20 years of regular online shopping I have only had one package yoinked (and it was like a $10 import of curry paste lmao). But I refuse to be cynical yet.
Yes to all questions asked by OP, no problem with any of those. America is rapidly decaying into a low trust society but I refuse to contribute. I’m also maybe naive because over the course of 20 years of regular online shopping I have only had one package yoinked (and it was like a $10 import of curry paste lmao). But I refuse to be cynical yet.

I'm cynical on the merits of cynicism. Seems like it's more trouble than it's worth and I've actually had a mountain bike taken right off my porch.
When I was dating my wife I took her to my parents house and before going in I decided to start the old farm truck, as I figured it hadn't been started in a while. She asked why I wasn't going in to get the keys, I informed her they were probably in it, which they were. Shocked the heck out of her. Where I grew up everyone knew everybody and what cars they drove, so when a stranger came into the area, people noticed. My parents didn't lock the front door and most people in our town had guns hanging in the gun rack visible to all.

Now we've been married around 24 years and live in a much bigger town and we lock everything. Haven't had issues, but different environment. When I go back home, I leave the car unlocked.

I think the answer to the OP's question has more to do with the environment you're in, then anything else.
in denmark, in clubs and restaurants and such it's not uncommon to just have jackets hang on coathangers. there's that much trust and that little theft.
in denmark, in clubs and restaurants and such it's not uncommon to just have jackets hang on coathangers. there's that much trust and that little theft.
The Bowling alley i went to as a kid also had just coat hangers, where you would leave your coat and shoes.
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