DocT Discussion Thread

I do want to try rise and rule. However, all I have done so far is install it.

Really not up to a variant of a variant at this time. I suspect there are several people out there like myself simply looking for a straight RaR game.
I would be interested in the "Modern War" game...agree there is usually far to less room for extended modern warfare and the special rules sounds interesting.I guess difficulty would be Emperor or Demigod?
RAR 1.04 "pre"-beta

The file:
RAR104 preBeta

("pre" because I did test the gameplay extensively, but not the file distribution; i.e., if you encounter a crash, it's most likely me forgetting to include a file....)

Note I'm deliberately hiding the file here, since I don't want to get flooded with too many 'How do I install' etc questions, expecting everyone coming here has some basic knowledge about the Civ file structure. :D

How to install:

Inconvinience #1:
Unzip it, and manually put all files into the corresponding directories; replace existing files, add new folders etc. I'd better abstain from using 'unzip to...'; this may cause folders to be replaced.

Inconvinience #2:
Go to the Firaxis Inquisitor folder (in your \\Conquest\Art\Units directory), and copy all files in that folder into the new RAR Priest animation folder.
Go to the Firaxis Longship folder (in your \\Conquests\Conquests\Middle Ages\Art\Units directory), and copy all files in that folder into the new RAR Longboat folder.
(Needed to remove those files to keep the upload small enough)

Inconvinience #3:
To be able to play games in previous versions (including already started ones!), you need to either switch the pediaicons.txt file every time, or better:
Go to \\Conquests\Conquests\WW2 in the Pacific\Art\Units, and copy the following unit animation folders into the RAR\Art\Units directory:
Combat Engineer, Light Tank, MG Btln

Major Changes:

Worker Speed and Anti Air issues fixed; you now get 'Skilled Barbarian Raiders' from Goody Huts; Theocracy and Feudal Monarchy governments strengthened (Theocracy gets a nice Gov-specific Small Wonder - Blood Cult -, the FM trait-specific improvement Manor now is really useful); bombardment values of most planes reworked; transport capacity of later ships drastically increased; some UUs rebalanced (Jaguar Warriors, Conquistadors, Javellineer); Berserks can no longer be build, but can be spawned by a victorious Norse Axeman; Social Democracy unit support costs increased to 7gpt; partially updated Civilopedia;....

For more details, see the changelog.txt file (more than one hundred changes total :) ).

Edit: As of 04/12/07, quite some RaR SGs have been played in 1.04, and a considerable number of other users seem to have downloaded this patch also. And, it looks like everything is working well.

So, if you've found the way here - forget the entire section about swapping the txt files, unless you need to complete a 1.03 game before.
And, since I seem to be the last one of the RaR developers regularily checking this board - this patch is as 'official' as any post-1.03 version can be. Could even happen to be the final RaR version...
Wow, I forgot this thread existed. Sorry 'bout not showing up for the RaR succession game. :o
If I do the Pediacon swap things work fine. However, trying to load a pre 1.04 game results in the below.

This seems outside of Inconvenience #3 that I did put the fix in place for.
Doc Tsiolkovski said:
That's weird. You get that with the 'old' pediaicons.txt file? :confused:

I get that with the 1.04 version if I try to load a 1.03 game.
I have encountered the same problem.
No problem if I swap out the pediaicons everytime I swap versions, but if I have the 1.04 version in, and load a 1.03, I get the same error LK does.
Just installed it, all looks good. Thanks for that Doc.

Had a read of the changelog, Hospitals look very, very attractive now. Good to see the media buildings made useful too.
What's the easiest way to get this mod? Should I download the 1.02 (120MB) install, and then patch with 1.04prebeta?

Edit: sorry...meant to post this in the RaR thread.
Edit2: I figured it out.
Doc, you got closer with the fix entry. However, I now stop with the below trying to load a 1.03 game:

seems we now need to manually rename the pediaicons.txt file whenever we swap from 1.03 to 1.04 and vice versa. Well, once those 1.03 games have ended, it isn't an issue any longer.
I haven't had any problems with the Doc's Fix. I actually sat down and couldn't get up and played 1.04 for 6 straight hours today. It was the first time in almost a year that food was missed due to civ.
Got it working, looks great.

Any chance of grabbing an extended version somewhere Doc? :) Trying to start up an extended RAR MP game, would be great to try 1.04beta instead of 1.02.....

Newbie J
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