DocT Discussion Thread

Hi Doc. I'd like to get in on T4. I'm currently playing RoR on a random map w/continents and average temp, climate, and age, with 8 civs. It's 1470, and I'm near the end of the industrial age. 3 civs have been wiped out. The 5 civs left are fairly close to each other on the tech tree.
Oh, I meant to apply for DocT5 not DocT4 (if that wasn't clear). :)
Ok, let's see what we have:

DocT3: (ugly start, 4 or 5 players)
Doc T
Romeothemonk (?)

DocT4: (RaR TG; 7 - 8 players)
Doc T (trainer)
Pfeffersack (trainer)

DocT5: (Deity RaR; 5 - 6 players)
Doc T
anarres (I was quite sure you meant this one ;) )
* filled *

Lurkers: (infinite)
Turner 727 (You are welcome :lol: )

Then there is Gyathaar in either T3 or T4 (or both?); you're welcome in any of them, but please confirm which one exactly!
Did I miss anyone?

I want to wait with the RaR games until we have sufficient feedback related to the modern era, if possible Space victories; shouldn't be later then end of the week, I'd guess.

DocT3 will be posted within the next hours.

@all: Thanks for the interest :) !
Well, Doc, I'd love to play. Just my schedule means I can't. I don't even remember the last time I got on to C3C! I think it was a week ago.
About T5 space race: I am in for a space race, if the team wants to - I don't have a strong feeling that way or another. I am not for prolonging it unnecessarily with the requirement of future tech, though. As I said, I would hope us to play a continent rather than a pangea map.
grs, I don't necessarily want to go for Space, anything but diplo (unless we technically have won by that time anyway) is fine for me. I only want to see if modern era bugs show up; naturally, this era was tested by far less during beta.

Continents, why not? Or, we could play on a 80% water large map with continents, to make ships even more important.

About the Civ for the Deity game:
Unless Archipelago, AGR is a must-have.
So, we have Mali (+COM), Celts (+REL), Iros (+EXP), Sioux (+MIL), Babylon (+SCI), Egypt (+IND) and Siam (+SEA).

* Mali is out since we played Mali inTJ02, and AGR/COM is choosen all the time anyway.
* Of the remaining 6 Civs, only the Gallic and the Sioux MW are even second-tiers, the other 4 UUs are useless for a high-level game. Most of them will be already outdated when we manage to connect Iron or Horses, and we do not want an ultra-early GA by Archer UUs. But SCI/AGR, REL/AGR (and SEA/AGR for the correctmap settings) are superior trait combos.

For a continent map, my ranking would be:
1) Celts. Mediocre UU (we won't build any Swords before the AI runs around with Knights, but with move 2 and enslavement still useful). REL is much more important in RaR - we need to revolt at least twice, but 3 or 4 times is more realistic for Space victory.
2) Babylon. Completely useless UU, but SCI is another really great RaR trait. But then, Sumeria is played over and over again anyway.
3) Siam. UU is a 4.1.1 Sword, pretty bad. But SEA is a killer trait as well, especially for late game research, and commerce. Top choice for archipelagos.
4) Sioux. 4.2.3 MW with enslavement...(note Knights are 5.2.2, and Chevaliers one tech later 6.2.2 for more sp). Would be my second favorite for pangea.

Note my bias to any of this 4 is small, I'd play them all.

Egypt and Iros are out.

Edit: Gyathaar, then you will be in both. What level are you familiar with, btw? Never seen you in a SG (but IIRC in CotM). Doesn't matter for the RaR TG, but DocT3 is about DG difficulty.
Sign up for RaR (DocT4), like good old times.
Doc Tsiolkovski said:
Edit: Gyathaar, then you will be in both. What level are you familiar with, btw? Never seen you in a SG (but IIRC in CotM). Doesn't matter for the RaR TG, but DocT3 is about DG difficulty.

In normal single player epic games I think I can handle SID if I consentrate, thou usually I just play DG. Have never actually finished a game at higher than AWDG difficulty (usually because I have grown bored with the games thou)
I assume that if we get a start with no food bonus and no river, then we will wander until we find one?

I am going to vote for the Sioux. I like fast units and have played the other 3 civs before.

I started a trial RaR game. Its going to be too easy to give me a real feel for diety though. I only went for emporer and got 2 science leaders before Dynasticism (stonehenge and sphynx), combined with a 4 and 3 food squares in the capitol radius.

Doc, Chichen Itza can't be built right? It is in the civopedia and it expires, but has no tech to build it. (I did post this in the beta-ng).

Are we going to play at DocTS difficulty? :joke:
@Greebley Actually, you can build Chichen Itza... but by the time you can build it usually it is worthless (I had India (backwards) build it in my RaR game) because you'll most likely have the tech that makes it expire.

@Doc In Doc4, should we go for a special kind of victory? Im thinking space race/domination on large map. Mainly due to the fact I got 9 (YES!) SGLs on Monarch and I got a cultural victory in the middle of the Industrial Age. Plus, maybe we should turn off SGLs... maybe. :rolleyes:
9 SGLs? :eek:

Don't think we need to turn them off; I played really a lot of games during beta, and hardly got more then 2. And while the chance is higher with more techs, there are also a lot more wonders, making all but one (Great Library) worth much less and pretty redundant. And even the GLib - if you research in that direction and built up a city to complete it ASAP, it is safe up to DG anyway.

Victory condition: Exactly that. Late game domination and space, but I in general want to play in a way we would win diplo as well.
Conquest doesn't allow to scout the mod, and culture means focusing right from the beginning. But in a TG you should just play into it.
I'm happy with any civ -so Sioux sounds good. I'd like Siam too, just to name an alternative.
Map? How about Archipelago (or continents, if that's too extreme) with max land?
I wouldn't mind an islands map with max land actually. I'd vote for the Sioux too or Siam for islands.
I would prefer a standard map as my experience with Dyp is that if the game lasts too long the roster disintegrates. People who have spare time this month don't necessarily have the same free time next month. I'm a case in point :p

I'm still in favour of a Space Race - the future tech requirement was just an idea to force us to look at every tech.
Not that I have any problems with the suggestions on landform, but my inital Pangea was dumbed since everyone wanted to see the ships in action. With max land islands/continents there is no need for anything but Longships...
And I don't think a large map with max water needs significantly longer than standard/max land.
btw, I'm keeping out of the R&R discussions only because I know nothing about it yet.

I am also appreciative of being last on the roster. If I were high up I would have asked to be swapped. :)
I'll be out of town until 10/12 in case DocT4 starts. I'll be able to start as soon as I get back.

I'm not too picky which tribe we play as, although I'd prefer it to be something new and maybe religious (limited anarchy on revolts). As for the map type, maybe continents so we can try out the early land military and use seapower & later land troops on the other continent. I'd like a late game victory goal like space race, although maybe a domination where we didn't start on the other continent until the modern age would be fun.
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