Does saying 'no' to an AI request still result in a diplo hit?


Jul 6, 2012
I only noticed a while ago that if an AI asks for money/lux gift and you say no there is no longer the 'you refused to help us' hit. I was wondering if that was still there and has become one of the 'hidden' modifiers you don't see until you tip the scales.
Good question. I've never seen any diplomatic repercussions from refusing an AI request. Supposedly it's supposed to break the friendship, but I've never seen that either. I don't check every time though.
I don't recall ever seeing 'you refused to help us' as a diplo hit. Was that back in vanilla?

Also, I'm pretty sure refusing requests doesn't break the friendship, because you can do so and still denounce/be denounced and it will result in a backstab.
I've seen it listed recently in a game. But typically it's never there. I always refuse.
If you refuse a denunciation request they will denounce YOU.
I don't recall ever seeing 'you refused to help us' as a diplo hit. Was that back in vanilla?

Yes, that was in Vanilla.
You no longer recieve a penalty for not giving half of your gold to them, you do however still recieve a reward for giving them a gift.

There is however a scenario where if they want you to denounce, you're forced to pick sides, if you refuse to denounce, they'll denounce you instead, if you denounce someone else, well, you'll denouce someone else.
"Maybe the combination of our denunciations will....." I forget the rest but I am sure it is the text you get.
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