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Dr.NES - The DOOM Project: The Sapphire of the Sea

"Arnold, shouldn't we at least scout out the area or attempt satellite imagery in order to determine the best plan of insertion?" -Spooks

Have you ever tried to sneak up on a large ship in the middle of nowhere ocean? It usually doesn't work. Unless you plan on swimming there.

And we aren't the CIA. If we had sattelite imagery, or at least a UAV, I am certain that Aetius would tell me that.
Bill: We should use 2-3 such teams per level, as there are two corridors and the staterooms. If we clear each floor door by door, room by room, we should do it doubly fast, as well as a response team down by the stateroom.

Wilhiem: For clearing staterooms we should have a recon and an assault role members: we should be able to batter the doors in or pick the locks without using ammo or explosives. The response team should have a medic, technicians, and/or explosives and other specialsits depending on need.

2-3 such teams per level might not be such a good idea as 2-3 such teams makes a lot more noise than 1 such team, which may alert anything in there worth catching a glimpse of.

Besides, we only have so much people, so little time, and so very much ground to cover. I would advise against clearing everything door by door. Considering that there are enough rooms in this ship to fit 2200 people, I explicitly think that is a bad idea. That would be like clearing out around, what, 80 room per person?

Edit: @Wilheim: Failure in hacking mission may cause the government to wisen up in our plan, and I do believe that is strictly against the Number 3 of our mission objective. I feel as if that is an unnecessary risk.
Kincaid looks around the room at his fellow teammates and takes a swig of his water before speaking.
"If the ship is in fact occupied by hostiles, landing on the top of the ship might not be a good idea, if the (assumed) hostiles do in fact have hostages they will probably be concentrated on the lower decks in the various huge rooms located from deck 5-7 or they will be on the top decks. Landing on the top decks will not only make us visible to the (assumed) enemy which wouldn't be an issue if there wasn't a possible hostage situation but will also give the (assumed) hostiles a chance to execute some of the hostages... If there are any. I think boarding the boat from a stealthier aquatic craft under cover of night would give us a much higher chance at success. I have been in an operation similar to this in the Persian Gulf and rubber speedboats worked perfectly."

Any other ideas?
Arnold smiled. "Can you put a silencer on the V-22's helicopter too? Maybe paint it and tha parachutes/line that our operatives would need to get onto the ship in the first place?

From Aetius

Well, I know Corporate arranged for the V-22 and all, and we'll have to use it to fly to the vicinity of the ship, but...there is more than one way to board a cruise ship like this one.

@Dreadnought: I haven't been added to the members list.

Spooks takes off his sunglasses and pulls out his silenced Glock 19 and his lethal injection kit. He nods to Josip and says, "Seems like the perfect job for me. I need to know though, which deck will be land on first? I might just take a boat to scout it out"

From Mod

Wow, that's odd. I counted out the number of characters, and it came out to 20, which is how many I thought there were. I'll definitely fix it.

I have a Satelite laptop, and so do some other teammates. Should we attempt using public, or hacking into military, satelite photos of the area? Can Corporate arrange for such photos?

From Aetius

That can be arranged, yes.

Kincaid looks around the room at his fellow teammates and takes a swig of his water before speaking.
"If the ship is in fact occupied by hostiles, landing on the top of the ship might not be a good idea, if the (assumed) hostiles do in fact have hostages they will probably be concentrated on the lower decks in the various huge rooms located from deck 5-7 or they will be on the top decks. Landing on the top decks will not only make us visible to the (assumed) enemy which wouldn't be an issue if there wasn't a possible hostage situation but will also give the (assumed) hostiles a chance to execute some of the hostages... If there are any. I think boarding the boat from a stealthier aquatic craft under cover of night would give us a much higher chance at success. I have been in an operation similar to this in the Persian Gulf and rubber speedboats worked perfectly."

Any other ideas?

From Aetius

Keep in mind, operatives, that the cruise ship is operating in deep Antarctic waters in the middle of winter. Night will last almost 20 hours where the ship is located.
From Aetius

That can be arranged, yes.

Hoh, that is very impressive.

OOC Edit: You will spoil us all with DOOM company's high-tech gadgetary, Dread :p
Mia occupied herself with the contents of the manilla envelope, her eyes scanned over the floor plan of the cruise ship, but her ears remained focused on her comrades; she remained silent, mentally taking notes of what each person had to contribute to the mission at hand.
We need at least two plans for the two basic possibilities:

1) The ship is full of friendlies, civilians that must not be harmed.

2) The Ship is full of Hostiles.

We must also work with the possibility that the ship is damaged and cannot move... Again, the memories that this brings... sabotaged ship, adrift at sea.
Yuri grinned as he read the contents of his manila folder. Once finished, he placed the papers back inside and rubbed his hands together happily.

"Oh boy!" he exclaimed, "I've always wanted to go on a cruise!"


Listening to the suggestions, Yuri tends to agree with Arnold's plans for dividing up the team, and Kincaid's infiltration plan.
If the ship is still full of unknowing civilians, I think it would be best to get on the cruise liner stealthily, then blend in as passengers or crew.
Jim frowned.

"I question where my expertise will be needed on this mission. However, given the close quarters of the ship, I'm sure I can at least prove mildly affective if we end up in a firefight. Or at least be a good meatshield for the rest of you. And hey, if everything goes well, maybe I'll just be dumb muscle I guess." Jim looked down at his biceps, chuckling a little.
If we can fit motor boats or other quieter methods, we can land at night, move in under cover of night vision, and board it via grappling hooks. We do not have to land with the V022.-Bill

From Aetius

I could arrange for drybags, quiet motorboats, and motorized grappling hooks to be loaded on the V-22. The motorized grappling hooks provide a silent means to pull the entire rubber motorboat onto the ship, provided that the path upward is unobstructed; just attack one hook to the bow, and another to the stern.

Also, I'm sending you satellite images of the cruise ship's location.

Cruise Ship's Location

Spoiler :

Satellite Image of the Ship Itself

Spoiler :
Wilhiem: It would be useful if your biceps can rip out doors.

Bill: It seems that we need to go to or around the South Orkney Islands with the ship on the return trip. Is there anything there that might compromise the mission that we should avod?

Wilhiem: We should do it as covert as possible, and come aboard with civilian or crew-style disguises over our equipment. I assume our fake IDs covers that?
Can we get closer resolution of the ship? I'd like to take a look, see if there are any people on Deck, and what state they're in.
"Zere is an 'ole in your logic, monsieur."

Mia spoke calmly and coherently considering that English was her third language, though she often found herself attemping to shrug off the stronger aspects of her French accent that permeated her speech so heavily when she conversed in English, particularly on her 'th-' sounds.

"If zere are 'ostiles aboard zee Sapphire, zen why 'aven't we 'eard anyzeeng about zere demands?"

Frustrated with her failing efforts to keep her accent in check, and guessing that her teammates may be unable to understand her natural Hebrew tongue, she sighed softly before resigning herself to aural defeat once more.

"Per'aps zee biteeng cold took it's toll on zem?"

The Israeli operative jabbed a finger at the satellite image of the ship's location, perhaps a little too angrily, though she hoped nobody would notice.
If the ship has been hijacked there will be no people on deck they will all be herded to the lower decks where a group of men can keep an eye on them, and keep them out of view of passing ships if any do pass.

I do not believe the ship was hijacked from sea, it takes a lot of manpower and the element of surprise to take a ship that size without a distress signal being sent. In fact the distress signal was not sent until 4 days after it disappeared, then it was quickly withdrawn. I have been on Cruise ships in the past and I know for a fact that every ship has 4 locations where signals can be sent, 2 if the Bridge was taken. There is no explanation for why the ship did not send or attempt to send a distress signal if it was hijacked.

An inside job appears most likely. Possibly by some of the crew, not the tourist, the crew would know exactly what rooms to take and put the ship in complete darkness in just seconds by placing themselves within striking distance at the appropriate time. Being crew members, no one really gave them a second look until it was too late. Once said ship was taken, a rogue crew could keep the passengers calm and easy simply by acting as Captain of the ship, therefore not requiring a large body of men to watch over the passengers. The loyal employees would be sent to the lower decks, possibly the cargo bay where a smaller group can watch them.

If the above scenario is accurate, then a strike at the Bridge is the most likely course, take out the leadership and the rest will fall like stones. The ship will be secured the loyal crew back in their positions and save for a few men with guns, the passengers would not be any the wiser.

Of course, much like war, things do not always appear what they are.

By the way we still need leaders.
They did send a distress signal though. They revoked it, however.
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