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Dr.NES - The DOOM Project: The Sapphire of the Sea

@Team: That WOULD fullfill our contract, would it not? As long as they can promise to give us Birch back, I don't see why we shouldn't accept that.

Surprisingly a good deal. I would accept it.

"Aah, yes, your contract. As far as we are concerned, that would fulfill it, now wouldn't it? Of course, we can't just have you freely roaming the ship, so your detainment would have to be arranged; and it would be no good to have you still armed, so you will be forced to relinquish your weapons. You'd proceed to separate rooms, one by one, to be detained in our chosen manner. Agreeable?"
"Aah, yes, your contract. As far as we are concerned, that would fulfill it, now wouldn't it? Of course, we can't just have you freely roaming the ship, so your detainment would have to be arranged; and it would be no good to have you still armed, so you will be forced to relinquish your weapons. You'd proceed to separate rooms, one by one, to be detained in our chosen manner. Agreeable?"

"Ah, see, this is the reason why I normally never accept a contract until I read all the small print.

For your information, we mercenaries are a men (and women) of our word. If we say that we aren't going to kill you, we aren't going to kill you unless you try to kill us after that.

You see, unless you are willing to trust us, we can't trust you. If we relinquish our weapons, we can't be sure what you would do to us after that. So how about we all try to stay out of each other's hair?

Alternatively we can just fight each other to the very end. Probably result in some big explosions and this ship sinking beneath the waves and all of us dying."
"Ah, see, this is the reason why I normally never accept a contract until I read all the small print.

For your information, we mercenaries are a men (and women) of our word. If we say that we aren't going to kill you, we aren't going to kill you unless you try to kill us after that.

You see, unless you are willing to trust us, we can't trust you. If we relinquish our weapons, we can't be sure what you would do to us after that. So how about we all try to stay out of each other's hair?

Alternatively we can just fight each other to the very end. Probably result in some big explosions and this ship sinking beneath the waves and all of us dying."

"Mercenaries? Soldiers for hire? The only impetus you have for arriving here is for money?"

The man again smiles. "We're sorry for getting your hopes up, but there will be no surrender. We do appreciate your unnecessary disclosure of information; please feel free to tell us your entire strategy for the rest of your expedition on board this vessel."
"Mercenaries? Soldiers for hire? The only impetus you have for arriving here is for money?"

The man again smiles. "We're sorry for getting your hopes up, but there will be no surrender. We do appreciate your unnecessary disclosure of information; please feel free to tell us your entire strategy for the rest of your expedition on board this vessel."

*smirk* "That's all I need to know."
F#ckin' MERCs. Not a single one-a you wants to know what happened here? No one thinks something's pretty danm f#cked up about this whole excursion? You all just want your money, no questions asked?

F#ck that. We head to port, I'm scuttling the ship. Let's at least see what's on the camera before we make any rash decisions.

"If you're serious about this I'll have to stop you... I'll try to spare your life. Think. Our pirmary objective here is to get the ship back in port where it can be checked thoroughly. Blowing it up would achieve nothing except killing us all. I won't let you do that and I think I'm not alone on that. We can tolerate an extra casualty if you're being stubborn."
"If you're serious about this I'll have to stop you... I'll try to spare your life. Think. Our pirmary objective here is to get the ship back in port where it can be checked thoroughly. Blowing it up would achieve nothing except killing us all. I won't let you do that and I think I'm not alone on that. We can tolerate an extra casualty if you're being stubborn."

That C4 is there for a backup in such situation that the demise of entire team is more than likely. And if things really go that badly, I really don't care if I die drowning or do I get my head bashed in like that poor fellow before.

"They are negotiating with us only because we now control the engineering, just like the dudes who got killed by our assault. And if we give up our weapons and give them the control of engineering, they really have no reason whatsoever to keep us alive. Bad treaty."

lowering his voice, Yoyriu says:
"Am I the only one concerned that these guys are aware of our contract?"
"If you're serious about this I'll have to stop you... I'll try to spare your life. Think. Our pirmary objective here is to get the ship back in port where it can be checked thoroughly. Blowing it up would achieve nothing except killing us all. I won't let you do that and I think I'm not alone on that. We can tolerate an extra casualty if you're being stubborn."

You'd stop me? You'd try to stop me? I'm a gotdamn walking piñata stuffed with TNT. You take one step at me, and I start firin' warning shots at your face. I gotta 'nuf C4 on me, I just gotta lean against the hull and let you do the rest. Come at me, bro, and I'll sink this boat, women, children, and all. It'll be like Christmas, like . . . damn.

Ach, aye. I promised that after Dublin, I'd not kill another innocent, another ... kid. Ye lot ain't particularly smart, or noble, but ye ain't the monsters here. I'll stand down, and if ye lot want to bring this boat home, I won't interfere. But at least warn the Argentinian military and the US DEA what we're bringing ashore.

And if any of you come down to Engineering, you better be singing into your radio loud and clear, because I see anyone coming our way, I'm painting the walls with 'em and damn the consequenses.
"They are negotiating with us only because we now control the engineering, just like the dudes who got killed by our assault. And if we give up our weapons and give them the control of engineering, they really have no reason whatsoever to keep us alive. Bad treaty."

@Yoyriu via backup frequency

"Zere is no negotiation between zem and us; we surrender to zem or they attack... zere is no inbetween."
@Yoyriu via backup frequency

"Zere is no negotiation between zem and us; we surrender to zem or they attack... zere is no inbetween."

"Indeed. There are really only 2 options for us. We either fight to the bitter end, or just kill ourselves. I suggest we start to gather some ammunition here and get rolling."
Bill: Should we hold Engineering as our bargining chip? How many of them are there in this cruise ship? And finally: do they have Quorom sensing or hive mind here?

Wilhiem: I say we blast the lot. The Cameras will show that we killed the hostiles, and not innocents. Any innocents we do find will be helpful unless it is one of those weird science thingys.

Bill: the Hive mind isn't weird! The Borg uses them!

Wilhiem: May the Fourth be with you. Starwars beats star trek any day.

(internal blickering for fun)
Update is in the works, to be done either tonight or tomorrow, depending on the chaos of Mother's Day.

It would be awesome if I could get some more input about what to do with Birch; what are you guys thinking about that? He had a post on the page before this one, so any input would be invaluable!
I too am curious as to the plan to rescue birch.

@mod: Sarge will move the ship to warmer waters before stopping. He will also assist in defending the bridge if necessary.
Update is in the works, to be done either tonight or tomorrow, depending on the chaos of Mother's Day.

It would be awesome if I could get some more input about what to do with Birch; what are you guys thinking about that? He had a post on the page before this one, so any input would be invaluable!
I posted a plan of sorts on page 33. But more importantly I don't think we can help birch this turn, we are just getting ourselves into better position.
Jarkko will protect the bridge from his usual position. He will be on the lookout for any operatives coming to reinforce the bridge. If anyone else approaches, he will shoot to kill.
Jim will keep his gun on our talkative friend in the infirmary. If he makes any sudden moves, shoot to kill. If he's just laying on the ground, put an extra round in the head to be sure. Other than that, follow orders from McCoy.
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