Music wars?
Well, you're asking for it now...



Sorry, couldn't find the one from the Simpsons that didn't have a copyright sticker and that was also intact before Smithers shot him

Yeah, I'm leading a zombie attack on the city. We just needed a little bit more chaos. :p
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Great, now I get to call the Eastern Union Capital "Ravenholm #1138" ;)
Why not stop using things from Half Life 2, before I add Tropico (Cuba) and I start using star systems and planet names from Supreme Commander for locations?
The last time I checked, I am free to use what I want in my comic. I don't see what the big deal using references to the game (HL2) itself. Heck I made references to other games and movies and no one complained.
Why not stop using things from Half Life 2, before I add Tropico (Cuba) and I start using star systems and planet names from Supreme Commander for locations?

How about you leave your crappy stuff out of the thread, k?
Why not stop using things from Half Life 2, before I add Tropico (Cuba) and I start using star systems and planet names from Supreme Commander for locations?

sorry but some of us who read this thread think CivG has the best contributions by far: don't be mad at how creative he is!
Sorry for the inconvenience, This Comic has been pulled for further development and expansion.
Styles, considering the size of your reference bag, I'd say CG has credit on you. Besides, what's done is past, and I don't think anything we're about to see is based on any story in HL2.

Parte the Seconde of the Battle of Parliament Hill:


As soon as you heard 'Duct Tape' you knew how this would end, didn't you? ;)

To fully understand this joke, you must know two things:
One, John Baird.
Two, John Baird in the House.
Spoiler background :
Any Canadians in the audience are probably R'ing OTFL. Baird stepped into the limelight after usurping former environment minister Rona Ambrose, where he quickly made a name for himself through... forceful 'speeches' in parliament. Within months, he layed waste to decorum in the House of Commons through insults and shouting matches with opposition party members, even being told off by the Speaker of the House when he made a personal attack against Stéphane Dion. Baird has since been muzzled by Harper, as his biggest asset (his mouth) is also his biggest liability.
If you still don't get the joke, re-read the first panel of Part I and the last panel of this comic.

Finally, if you sense something amiss in a Spetsnaz with a last name like Krieger, good job: you know your European cultures. I won't need to tell you, then, that Krieger is a noteworthy character.

@Thorvald, I hope you dont mind the Viking models that I used to represent you and Bjørn, when I found them in http://www.garrysmod.org/.

I can't find the Dwarf Fortress font anywhere and copying and pasting from the template took too long, so I said "Forget this" and used Terminal.


Everyone dies! Wasn't that fun?
We're nearing 1000 posts... why not end it like that? :D

Or you could just make a comic about how you were not struck down, it was just a flesh wound :lol:
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