
I can't tell you. There are young, impressionable children who read these posts and I don't want to corrupt them.
My favorite dream is where I'm standing on top of a pyramid in sun-god robes with thousands of naked women screaming an throwing little pickles at me. . .
Originally posted by Turner_727
My favorite dream is where I'm standing on top of a pyramid in sun-god robes with thousands of naked women screaming an throwing little pickles at me. . .

I'll report this post to your wife;)

And stop stealing MY dreams.
I dunno, a calming drem I've had fpr years is just this image, from my pointy of veiw of looking up, and seeing classical columns and a sunny blue sky dosent lasyt for long, but its peaceful, and tranquil, and I like it :)
oh yes, and then there are the ones involving females :goodjob:
when large-chested bisexual/hetrosexual women get really horny and i'm the only guy around. the only problem with these dreams is that i always have to wash my sheets the day after. ;)
As oppesd to everyone else here I don't like the naked women dreams (or any other good dream) because waking up from them only to find out they're not real makes me feel miserable.
On the other hand, waking up from a deathly nightmare makes me appreciate my small life.
I once dreamed I shot my mother.

I once dreamed I shot myself.

I once dreamed I murdered someone with two kitchen knives.

I once dreamed I was being held captive in a basement.

I can't choose which was my favorite though.
Originally posted by Alone

I'll report this post to your wife;)

And stop stealing MY dreams.

Did I say thousands of naked women? I mean, thousands of clones of her! ;)

I'm surprised someone hasn't said, "Hey, I saw that movie too!"

Don't like dreaming. . . it's never consistant for me. I always get disappointed. Here lately, I don't remember them.
I once reamed a kangaroo kept punching meincessantly...He just wouldn't stop.:(:confused::lol:
Besides the obvious inappropiate dreams, one of my favorites was a dream I had while I was awake. It was very simple, just me playfully pushing people around in my high school hallway, but the most amazing part was that it was more like a memory than a dream. But it never happened.

I made a thread about it, search for it.
I was with my father and brother at a restaurant in some country I do not know, reminded me of Cuernavaca (beautiful city in Mexico.

Anyway, I don't remember this girl coming up to me but I remember I was with her, we were sitting on these steps coming down from the main dining area (it was open to the outside). We were sitting leaning towards each other, our heads close, speaking softly to each other, blocking out the rest of the world (even though the surrounding area was quite beautiful). The girl was Mexican and I could speak Spanish in the dream, fluently, without thinking, more clearly than I can now speak English. It wasn't really like we were speaking though, it was almost like we could understand each other without words, the words were just there so we could hear each other melodious voices wash over each other (I suppose we didn't progress right away to the heavy petting due to our public display, not that we were thinking about that at the time). It was a great feeling.

That was from quite a few years ago. Hopefully I'll have some more great dreams like that in the near future.

- Narz :king:
Originally posted by sims2789
when large-chested bisexual/hetrosexual women get really horny and i'm the only guy around. the only problem with these dreams is that i always have to wash my sheets the day after. ;)
Whoa! More than I needed to know! :starts looking at sims funny:
My favorite dream was really weird. In my dream my country/state/city whatever was being invaded by a forigein power. Eventually I went into my basement and died in a nuclear blast, then the dream started over again and I died in the same way several times after that. Eventually I got so mad that I decided not to die, so I didn't and became a ghost and scared enemy soldiers. I don't really know why I liked it but when I woke up I thought that that was the greatest dream ever.
Unfortunately the content limitations of this forum prevent me from describing them.
Here is a waking dream I had:

Yesterday, after I finished my homework, I lay down on the floor listening to a Medeski, Martin, and Wood CD. They are a new-age jazz/techno type band, very interesting.

Anyway, that is not really the point. As I lay there, awake but sleepy, a very strange thing happened to me. I started to dream while I was awake. I was definetely awake, because I was concious, but I was dreaming. It was a strange feeling, because the dream wasn't really a hallucination. The only thing I can describe it as is when you remember a visual image, you see it in your mind's eye but not really in your visual eye - you see it, but not really. In this kind of "mind's eye vision" state I saw myself, in first person, playfully pushing people around in my high school hallway. At first I thought this was a memory, but then I realized it never happened. It was like deja vu, only instead of getting the feeling that something happened, I had a memory/dream that never actually happened.

Once I realized what was going on, and thought, "Wow, this is really cool." the dream stopped, and I came out of semi-concious state. Overall, it was a very cool experience.

And one interesting dream that I had twice. In fact, the only dream I remember having twice.

I had a very long dream last night. I haven't dreamt in a while, and this one seemed meaningful. It was part of a dream I've already had, part new. Its long, but I'll transcribe it in full:

It started with me chasing Jack Black (the actor) through movie theatres, all of them empty, all of them showing his new movie, School of Rock. [This part is probably meaningless.] After a while I chased him outside a door, and he disappeared.

Once through the door, I entered an old dream I had. In this old dream, which I was re-dreaming, the world was a gigantic forest with no bottom, so if you fell, you fell to your death. There were huge redwoods everywhere, and mankind lived in treehouses and bridges connecting the trees. At this point, I unexplainably had a girlfriend/wife with me.

Then something went terribly wrong. The air became unbreathable! If you were stuck in the air for a few seconds, you would die. So my girlfriend/wife began running around the forest, finding these magic leaves and fruits that allowed us to breathe for a few minutes, until we needed another.

Anyway, we ran around like this for a few minutes when we came across a gigantic treehouse that was a city. The treehouse had an open roof, but for some reason the air "inside" was breathable. The only entrance was a door. The door was across a gap, so we had to jump to get there. I leapt across and made it easily, while my girlfriend/wife jumped and only caught herself by her hands. So she is hanging there, and at this point the inhabitants of the treehouse-city had opened the door to let us in. Now, this was the last refuge of humanity (I knew this in the dream, and I don't know why). Everyone else had died except for me, my girlfriend/wife, and the people inside. They were holding open the door for us, telling us to get in quickly before the bad air got in. I had to make a split second choice: do I try to save my girlfriend/wife, or do I leave her and get inside?

Now, in my old dream, when I first dreamt it, I tried to save my girlfriend/wife. They held the door open for us. I pulled her up, turned towards the door, but it was too late. The door was open too long, and everyone died - me, my girlfriend/wife, and the inhabitants of the city. By trying to save my girlfriend/wife, I killed the last remaining people.

But this didn't happen this time. I left my girlfriend/wife, told her that I had to leave her to save mankind, and let her die. I ran inside the door and closed it behind me, and mankind survived.

[Note: Don't ask why the inhabitants didn't just close the door and let us die. This was not a logical option in my dream. It was either I try to save her and kill humanity or save myself and save humanity, no other options.]
Don't really get into a lot od sex dreams. A lot of dreams, I'm fighting, either certain people or generall yin a war. Probably because I've done a lot of fighting in actual life, often against more than one person at a given time.

There are some nice dreams, pleasant ones (and I'm not talking about TV-MA or X).
Mainly I have dreams of Redheaded Chics. Would it be true what Sigmond Freud said that "Dreams reveal our uncoscious desires"? :hmm:
In general or in your case?
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