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Dune Wars Mod

Interesting comment about spice being like forest.

What if spice proliferated or "blew" like forest growing and was "chopped" by harvester units, and instead of hammers it provided gold. Then techs could increase the gold created (like chopping).

That would make the mod more dunelike and possibly solve the economy problem.

I would prefer that solution too (see this post: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=8153624&postcount=264).
I can't find any advantages in the current system. You still have to collect the spice one by one, but this time you need some kind of corporation. I played a game and most of the time there wasnt any spice inside my culture boarders, leaving me with a money malus (from corporation). To make it worse there isnt any reason to go into deep desert, it's just a yellow ocean now.

At a high level I agree with you. I seem to get stuck in the details of the exact units, bonuses, and where they go in the tech tree. It seems to be a large (re)design. Do you have any specific suggestions?

This is something I'm currently thinking about. I will try to come up with a list in next few days.

This looks really great!
But ... if you want to make a truly perfect sandworm, there is still one thing left: thunderbolts.
Mmmm. Maybe one for the next iteration.
Would be a great worm sign... ;)

1) We do not have Rivers/Fresh Water lakes adding commerce to otherwise commerce-less tiles. It is not appropriate to have Rivers in Dune, but we need to compensate for that somehow.
Maybe we can add 1 commerce to all tiles having water (=connected to windtrap).

I also think that the current coast terrain (+2 commerce, +1 hammer) is problematic. In vanilla civ4 you have to decide between money (water tiles) and hammers (land tiles). Now in dune it's a choice between money and food. AI surely prefers food (and me too), making the commerce bonus from desert waste pretty useless. In general there is not enough food, especially at game start. In my current game 45% of time is up and most of my cities have 2-5 pop. :eek:

I'm also not sure if I like the current improvement levels. Everytime i had finished building improvements in my terrain, a new improvement type showed up and i had to start over again. :sad:

That made things worse, according to the total commerce statistics. At least part of the problem is that now several civs begin spamming light hovers, for no apparent reason, and put all their money into that.

The ai calculates danger that comes from the sea. If danger is high, it will prefer building domain sea units. Try disabling sandworms, spice blows and sandstorms and check if ai still spams light hovers. Only a guess...
I will try to look further into CvCityAI::AI_ChooseProduction, maybe I'll find something.

Some general observations from my last games:
- sometimes the storm seems to stuck on a tile. I had a storm next to my city that didnt move any further. After a few turns it slowly disappeared.
- my rover killed a sandworm too (like deliverator reported), gave me 14xp!
- the barrel cactus still needs a road to be connected
- ai loves to build space ports, sometime 5-6 times in one city
- what is the purpose of the city wind trap?
I've updated the previous post with my spice graphics - take a look.

@Koma: if you are looking at units and the tech tree please consider this post about melee units.

Also, I still think there's not enough spice appearing on the map with the first spice blow - I've not seen anything like 25% coverage. It's patchy - you can either be really lucky and hit the motherlode or get nothing. We also need to have a method for extracting revenue from spice that is outside your cultural borders.

I think the food issue could be helped by reviewing bonuses as I said earlier. I'm not sure that the bonuses are balanced in terms of the numbers that give food/hammers/commerce or in terms of prevalence and placement.
First off, I think we all agree the mod needs a lot of tuning. We really need many players, with sometimes conflicting opinions, to make this mod "great". As always, "this sucks" is helpful, but not as helpful as "let's try this instead".

jefmart1 said:
What if spice proliferated or "blew" like forest growing and was "chopped" by harvester units, and instead of hammers it provided gold. Then techs could increase the gold created (like chopping).

Koma's previous suggestion was to chop the jungle terrain. I think chopping the spice blow is excellent and skips over the corporation step. The only problem is that it destroys the spice, which puts more stress on the system to generate it. We may be able to tune that. Maybe something like pillage, which can change one linked improvement to another? Anyway a worker action.

In patch 1.1.3 I fixed a bug with spice blows getting "stuck". So I recommend you upgrade if you haven't. If anybody is interested in directly tuning the amount of spice, it is a one line change to a python file. In assets/python/DuneWars.py, find the following code:

	# Add new spice blows
	def BlowAdd(self, iSpiceCount):
		pBarb  = gc.getPlayer(gc.getBARBARIAN_PLAYER())
		xmax = CyMap().getGridWidth() ; ymax = CyMap().getGridHeight ()
		# Compute the number of blows to be added
		iBlowWant = (xmax * ymax / 150) - (iSpiceCount / 8)

The 150 is a simple divisor. To make twice as much spice, make it 75. I just locally changed it to 50 but I haven't played yet. Using notepad to edit this file is fine, just be careful to keep exactly the same white space (spaces and tabs) at the start of the lines.

I surely prefers food (and me too), making the commerce bonus from desert waste pretty useless. In general there is not enough food, especially at game start. In my current game 45% of time is up and most of my cities have 2-5 pop.

Deliverator has pointed out that the bonuses seem weaker, somehow, compared to vanilla. I strongly agree. I started a vanilla (revdcm) archipelago game last night. It had much more decision-making than the current dune wars. This definitely needs to be improved. At least part of the problem is my own fault, or at least, I have made bad recommendations about changes. There are several big changes I am rethinking:

a. I suggested giving work boats movement 1 to avoid spamming them as explorers. Right problem, wrong solution. Instead, scouts should be DOMAIN_SEA units with a TerrainImpassable for ocean, unlocked with a later tech. Then put back work boats to move 2.

b. I suggested moving hovering later in the game to avoid spamming light hovers. Having a 6/3 unit as a first level tech is definitely bad. But, I suggested moving hovering much later in the tree. Now, there is no way to get a colony on another "island" until you have that tech, which has many prereqs. I am not sure of the solution. The vanilla galley, at an early tech, seems like the right answer but it is not Dune-Like to have this type of unit. Any suggestions on how to enable colonies on other islands, sooner? Moving just the hover transport to a lower tier tech may solve the problem, but it doesn't feel right.

The ai calculates danger that comes from the sea. If danger is high, it will prefer building domain sea units. Try disabling sandworms, spice blows and sandstorms and check if ai still spams light hovers. Only a guess...

That is a good insight. All three of those units have ridiculously high strength. It is definitely worth an experiment. As it happens, all three of those units are defined as DOMAIN_LAND and the Python code is in charge of moving them; I am not sure whether the AI thinks of them as ocean threats or not.

The worm needs an actual combat strength so that late game tanks might defeat them. The storm and blow need to be units, so that they do not accidentally remove features or improvements; but what I want is to make them unattackable. The blow can have "defend only" but the storm cannot. If removing these reduces light hover spam, then I can add python so that the game doesn't realize the storm kills units, by taking over its attack and defend routines.

Does anybody know if there is a way to make a *unit* unattackable?

- sometimes the storm seems to stuck on a tile. I had a storm next to my city that didnt move any further. After a few turns it slowly disappeared.

I can certainly make some improvements to the storm travel AI. It won't move through cities, so if your city is directly east of the storm, I can see it might get stuck. By any chance did you have the "house shield" wonder, which prevents barbarian movement? I have noticed that this prevents storm movement, which I did not expect. I think the game has hard-coded the behavior somewhere at a much lower level, and I am not sure I can override that.

- my rover killed a sandworm too (like deliverator reported), gave me 14xp!

Like I reported to deliverator, this must have been a very early game, your first or second barbarian encounter anyway. Please edit your xml/gameinto/civ4handicapinfo.xml; find the section for your chosen difficulty level; find iFreeWinsVsBarbs and change it to zero. If this does not fix your problem let me know.

Should we change this handicap so it is always zero even on easy levels?

- the barrel cactus still needs a road to be connected

There is a bug where "badlands" terrain prevents connection. Is it the same problem? In xml/technologies/civ4techinfos.xml, add TERRAIN_TUNDRA as a TerrainTrade for TECH_TUNNELS.

- ai loves to build space ports, sometime 5-6 times in one city

Multiple space ports? Or things like Spice Convoy, Nutrient Convoy, etc? I love building those convoys also, +2 health or +1 happiness is very significant.

- what is the purpose of the city wind trap?

It operates the same as the improvement. Maybe there is no need. I added it, since the AI does not understand that the windtraps give fresh water to start irrigation chains. I was afraid that the AI might not build windtrap improvements, and then get stuck by having little fresh water. The improvement is high value now and the AI seems to build it; so maybe the city version can be deleted.

In other news, I grabbed some screenshots from Children of Dune part 2. I got a better Leto 2, an adult Alia, an "old" Stilgar, and Ghanima. I added Ghanima as a copy of Leto; probably we could find a better solution. We definitely need a better Duke Leto and Fenring; also Beast turns out to be lower res than I thought, but I already returned my rental of Dune 1984. See attachment for files which are not already in patch 1.1.3.
Also, the barbs need to be toned down. There are more smugglers then civs on the map. Worms and random Fremen should be the biggest threats, but not attacking cities constantly.

Missed this before. I do not have this problem. Sorry if it is obvious, but do you have the raging barbs option turned on? Also Dune Wars is built on top of Rev DCM and a number of its features may be "on" by default. I scrolled down to the bottom of the long options column in "custom game", and turned off all the Rev DCM options down there such as barbarian minor civs.
hey guys....
wow...you really wrote alot...so here we go:

the spice by deliverator - i really like the colors and genral appearnce,
but - it somehow you can implement that the art will blend with the terrain - and wont be square like - it would be better - like the terrain .
also - i think you need to make the color difference from one spice kind to another = right now the difference is minor.
the sandstorm looks nice, maybe emphesize its color to be a bit more dark shande then the sand.
good job.

well the desert should have lots of spice i belive, the spice kind should be like:
dense spice - mostly on deep desert
trace -on badlans and desert
third one - on mainland, each give a higher gold bonus.

also we should increase the appearance of those.

right now, i think using the corporations system as a spice consuming mechanism is the best we have,
as much as i like it, i dont think micro manage of unit collection of spice is realalistic for civ4 game.

i suggested it before - and frankly - i dont know how it is at the current patches you guys made,
but - can you guys make that spice within cultural borders will dispensary after a while?
(cause the empire that it is in its borders - consume it right?).

about improvements:

one of you mentioned he doesnt like the upgrade system, but,
i know thres a few techs now - but when we will add more techs - it will take time untill you can build level two.

do you guys prefer the improvement levels will grow like cottages instead? would it be a better solution? - less micro manage of harvesters.

in the handicap, worldinfo and speed files ive increased the barb levels - its reasonable to lower them now since we have worms and sandstroms.

also - i will raiseworm power to 1000, should be unbreakable - only by nukes,,,
ive made them as a suicide units - so they attack they create massive damage and go away - perhaps we should add it collateral damage - it should affect all units in the tile...

why wont the cactus barrel connect to cities with the tech trade??
can you elaborate?

about space ports - you sure it space ports and not different buildings that using harbor art?

as for hovers and unit placement on the tech tree -feel free to state where each should be placed.

im pretty sure i can overcome economy problems guys,
as i said - tons of ways to boost economy, but i want most of it to be linked to spice with the corporations at least until we get some skilled sdk coder on our side.

im gonna erge all the patches you guys did up till now,
wont be able to test it though cause i have 3.19.....still waiting on revdcm woc 3.19.

dont worry guys,
this mod will need alot more balance,
every week that passes you guys help bring it to a better place.

Light Hover spam

Koma suggested the light hover spam is due to high strength barbarian units. This is correct! I turned off storms, blows and worms, and the spam was gone. I turned on just worms, and the spam was back. Knowing the reason is a big step forward. The solution may take some work. I tried adding "defensive only" to the blows and storms. This makes the spam stop, but now the storms only destroy improvements and not units. So I will have to write some new python to make the storm destroy / damage units, without attacking.

For the sandworm, it clearly needs to attack. Damaging units without attacks spoils the whole point of the animations. One possibility is actually in version 1.0 but we took it out; originally there were four variants of the sandworm unit with successively higher strengths. So in the early game, maybe the worm only has a strength of 20, but then as higher strength player units start to appear, those worms get replaced with higher strength units.

I tried reducing the worm strength to 20; this did remove the spam. The only risk is that some exceptionally strong, or high promotion early game unit may get a lucky kill. This has already been the cause of some feedback although fixing the handicapinfo "free kills vs barbarians" I mentioned above solves the existing feedback. I will add the other variants with higher strength, and add some python code to switch. But if the worm strength gets out of sync with the AI unit strengths, this spam problem will re-appear.

Spice harvesting via "chop"

Jefmart/Koma suggested to make spice harvesting like "chop". I experimented and part of this I can do, but part I cannot. Unfortunately a build action can only add hammers, it cannot add gold/commerce. The build action has a "iProduction" field. If it had an iYield group, with food/hammers/gold inside, then we could add this easily. Of course an sdk modder could add this. I can hack around this in python by intercepting plotFeatureRemoved; I am having some difficulty but this should be solvable.

The problem is the AI will not react to either an SDK or python hack for this. We need the worker automation and AI to realize that the "harvest spice" action will yield significant gold. The human player can do it, but without worker automation and AI, it will not be "fair".

So for now, I will tweak the corporations a little. I will reduce the gold maintenance cost to zero, and make each spice plot give some huge commerce bonus like +5. In patch 1.1.3 it gives +2 gold bonus and +2 commerce. The gold bonus turns out to be less helpful since you cannot spend it on research, so I will focus it on a commerce bonus.

If anybody can think how to fake chopping so the automation and AI will catch on, let us know.

Bonus / Improvement tweaking

I will have to focus on fixing the light hover spam in python. Will anybody have a chance to take a serious look at bonus / improvement tweaking? I had thought of making a spreadsheet comparing vanilla vs dune wars. The key point is at which tier (x-axis position) in the tech tree does the bonus become visible and workable, and what benefit does it give. We all agree that the benefits from dune wars are much less, but we need to study it and then tweak it. It should be a small project to get the facts, which would really help the early and middle game.
it somehow you can implement that the art will blend with the terrain - and wont be square like - it would be better - like the terrain .
also - i think you need to make the color difference from one spice kind to another = right now the difference is minor.
the sandstorm looks nice, maybe emphesize its color to be a bit more dark shande then the sand.

Am I right in thinking Koma made the terrain textures? If so perhaps he can help me out with some textures that blend in more... otherwise I'll keep trying things. This is the first time I've done this sort of tile work.
I'm not sure on the color difference. The spice is meant to be different densities of the same stuff - I don't mind subtle differences in shade, but I think dramatically different colours will spoil the look. From having a play around I think communicating the density via the visual density will work OK.

The Sandstorm I can definitely improve on at some point. This was just to get away from the green with red blobs. It has crossed my mind to take a look at how that awesome Fall From Heaven Blizzard graphic works. A recolour version of that would be much more impressive, but i think it is implemented as a terrain improvement or something.

The vanilla galley, at an early tech, seems like the right answer but it is not Dune-Like to have this type of unit. Any suggestions on how to enable colonies on other islands, sooner? Moving just the hover transport to a lower tier tech may solve the problem, but it doesn't feel right.

I think we need to crack this one. Basically, for getting around on the sand sea you either have to fly or ride a worm. This is where we have a tricky situation because the mod doesn't really start with the same situation as the books. You don't have the Fremen able to ride worms and everyone else able to use thopters. From what I've seen of it the existing tech tree is pretty good and I get that we need technological advancement over a much longer timeframe than the Dune story arc. But if was loading up a Dune mod I'd probably want something that starts off somewhat similarly to the book. The best I can think of is make Ornithopters to be an early tech as Koma suggested. When I port this graphic, flying units around in it will get people into the Dune vibe straight away.

also - i will raiseworm power to 1000, should be unbreakable - only by nukes,,,
ive made them as a suicide units - so they attack they create massive damage and go away - perhaps we should add it collateral damage - it should affect all units in the tile...

As much as I like the worm, I do think heavy tanks/artillery should be able to take one down - even if it's a low chance.

Edit: Just read david's post on the worm which sort of deals with this. Perhaps we could link worm strength to the game eras somehow so that the strength is appropriate.

We definitely need a better Duke Leto and Fenring; also Beast turns out to be lower res than I thought, but I already returned my rental of Dune 1984.

My copy is on its way from magical Ebayland so I'll have a go.

Spice harvesting via "chop"

I know I suggest the RTS style spice collection, but i've come around to thinking that it's always going to be more hassle than it's worth. I think you should be able to build a spice refinery/harvester improvement on any patch of spice anywhere providing you can get to it. Then, would it be possible to actually reduce the density of the spice every X turns that the improvement is on the spice bonus - i.e. you are actually consuming it. When the spice is exhausted both spice and harvester disappear and you need to redeploy. If you make the X turns long enough so that it is not painful micro and give a popup when the spice is exhausted if could be OK.
koma13, I think there is another change needed somewhere in the code you have written, to deal with all-terrain vehicles correctly. Using your latest dll, and any recent game version, I am able to build all-terrain *hovers* in landlocked cities, but the all-terrain workboat (deep harvester) does not show up as a build option. In coastal cities, I can build the deep harvester, but not in a landlocked city. Is there one more safety check somewhere to take out, specific to worker units?
@Koma: if you are looking at units and the tech tree please consider this post about melee units.

Yes, melee units will be part of it.

a. I suggested giving work boats movement 1 to avoid spamming them as explorers. Right problem, wrong solution. Instead, scouts should be DOMAIN_SEA units with a TerrainImpassable for ocean, unlocked with a later tech. Then put back work boats to move 2.

Ai using work boat as explorer can be disabled in sdk, but then we need another early explorer unit.

b. I suggested moving hovering later in the game to avoid spamming light hovers. Having a 6/3 unit as a first level tech is definitely bad. But, I suggested moving hovering much later in the tree. Now, there is no way to get a colony on another "island" until you have that tech, which has many prereqs. I am not sure of the solution. The vanilla galley, at an early tech, seems like the right answer but it is not Dune-Like to have this type of unit. Any suggestions on how to enable colonies on other islands, sooner? Moving just the hover transport to a lower tier tech may solve the problem, but it doesn't feel right.

I already said this, but I would lighten desert restrictions for most units (at least for desert waste). We already have these sandworms limiting free passage in deep desert.
To give flying units (eg. hover, thopter) an advantage over land units, they should be ignored by sandworms.

Does anybody know if there is a way to make a *unit* unattackable?

I think ffh has a fear promotion that prevent units from being attacked.

It won't move through cities, so if your city is directly east of the storm, I can see it might get stuck. By any chance did you have the "house shield" wonder, which prevents barbarian movement?

Both. City is in the east and I have house shield. The storm is counted as barbarian unit. And can you make the storm movement a little less predictable? I already learned where to put units safe next to a storm. :)

A spice blow message would be nice, too.

There is a bug where "badlands" terrain prevents connection.
Yes, barrel cactus is on badlands.

Multiple space ports? Or things like Spice Convoy, Nutrient Convoy, etc?
Ok, you are correct. They only have the same 3d graphics.

But if the worm strength gets out of sync with the AI unit strengths, this spam problem will re-appear.

Another solution would be excluding certain units from ai danger count.

Jefmart/Koma suggested to make spice harvesting like "chop". I experimented and part of this I can do, but part I cannot. Unfortunately a build action can only add hammers, it cannot add gold/commerce.

I already made a patch that replaced hammer bonus with gold for jungle terrain. This patch also has a new automation type that makes the work boat collecting spice/jungle on its own. You only have to protect it.

Am I right in thinking Koma made the terrain textures? If so perhaps he can help me out with some textures that blend in more... otherwise I'll keep trying things. This is the first time I've done this sort of tile work.

Its trial and error, for me too. Just paint different things and see how it looks ingame. :)
I would lighten desert restrictions for most units (at least for desert waste). We already have these sandworms limiting free passage in deep desert.

I tried this and it is helping a little. For scouts and settlers, only, I have made them land units, bCanMoveAllTerrain, with ocean and coast initially locked with TerrainImpassable. At an early tech, these two units unlock coast with TerrainPassableTech. At a later tech, they unlock ocean. But only for these two units. A scout (str 4, defensive only) should be enough to protect a settler. I am trying some autoplays to see how this works.

There is an unexpected bug. Apparently nobody ever made features on water before. I have a unit which has bCanMoveAllTerrain and a TerrainImpassable for coast. It can walk on features, which are on coast. It seems to ignore the TerrainImpassable if there is any feature. I can use FeatureImpassable also, but there is a complicated side effect. I need to play with it a little more, but this may be a good approach.

Can you make the storm movement a little less predictable? I already learned where to put units safe next to a storm. :)

Actually, your comment is exactly what I am aiming for. I made storms completely random before and I decided I did not like it. Now they are slightly predictable on purpose; they always move east, and get slowed down by peaks and hills. I *want* you to take this into account with unit/city placement. I am sure real desert people use the terrain, and I am sure Fremen would also. This is a predictable effect you should use.

A spice blow message would be nice, too.

Right now you get a generic "Enemy detected", and the red hover icon, like you get for any enemy. Same for storms and worms today. Do you think there is special information about this which makes it need its own message? If so, I can split them up into separate messages.

I already made a patch that replaced hammer bonus with gold for jungle terrain. This patch also has a new automation type that makes the work boat collecting spice/jungle on its own. You only have to protect it.

I did not notice before that your previous patch gave *gold*. Did you make changes inside the sdk for that? If the hammer bonus is zero, and there is a secret new gold bonus, does the worker automation and AI notice this? That is, do you see automated workers and the AI performing this chop? That seems to be a key requirement. (EDIT: oops, your original post says there is automation. But does the AI player ever use it?)

If so, that is very cool; could you patch that into the current code with the all-terrain improvements? I can connect it to the spice blow generation code easily.
Just a quickie. The blizzard from FfH2 went straight in as a unit - I think I can work this into a much better sandstorm. It even has lightning effects - although they are not that amazing.

Spoiler :


  • blizzstorm.jpg
    67.1 KB · Views: 211
Koma13, is the AI_MIN_FOUND_VALUE code from post #135 also included inside your all-terrain AI fix from post #280? I am not sure why it took me so long to notice, and it is possible I have screwed something up locally. But, in every game I have autoplayed recently, the AI never founds colonies on another continent. We had this problem a while back and your AI_MIN_FOUND_VALUE code should fix this.

In version 1.1 and patches 1.1.1-1.1.3, there is no change to GlobalDefines.xml. Therefore we are not setting your new parameter. I am sure your code must use the default 600 instead of the recommended value 20, if it is not given in the xml file. In patch 1.1.2 and 1.1.3, I have used the dll from your post #280.

But when I add the following code to GlobalDefines.xml, there is no change. Furthermore, when I add a made-up name, I do not get any error. So I am not sure how to tell whether your AI_MIN_FOUND_VALUE code is there in the post #280 dll or not. This will make a huge difference in all the runs I have done to collect economic data.

        <!-- Dune Wars: patch by koma13: don't reject poor colony sites -->
So I am not sure how to tell whether your AI_MIN_FOUND_VALUE code is there in the post #280 dll or not.

I removed it. AI_MIN_FOUND_VALUE in current version is useless. I can make some test if a lower ai_min_found_value helps ai in colonizing.

Just a quickie. The blizzard from FfH2 went straight in as a unit - I think I can work this into a much better sandstorm. It even has lightning effects - although they are not that amazing.

Right now you get a generic "Enemy detected", and the red hover icon, like you get for any enemy. Same for storms and worms today. Do you think there is special information about this which makes it need its own message? If so, I can split them up into separate messages.

My territory is full of red icons, i missed that spice blow quiet a few times.

But does the AI player ever use it?

Yes, but sometimes ai use work boat for exploring. And I still would have to find a way to make ai protect it.
I removed it. AI_MIN_FOUND_VALUE in current version is useless. I can make some test if a lower ai_min_found_value helps ai in colonizing.

OK, that answers my question; but I find that the AI's never colonize on other continents anymore. Do you find the same thing?
OK, that answers my question; but I find that the AI's never colonize on other continents anymore. Do you find the same thing?

Yes, in my current game there are 2 civs that started on 1-tile islands and only have one city in midgame.

For scouts and settlers, only, I have made them land units, bCanMoveAllTerrain, with ocean and coast initially locked with TerrainImpassable. At an early tech, these two units unlock coast with TerrainPassableTech. At a later tech, they unlock ocean. But only for these two units. A scout (str 4, defensive only) should be enough to protect a settler. I am trying some autoplays to see how this works.

This should help ai settling on other continents.

EDIT: I made a quick test and reduced iMinFoundValue to 20. It didn't help, ai still won't settle. When was the last time it worked?
This should help ai settling on other continents.

I agree it should help, but it did not. This is a serious limitation.

EDIT: I made a quick test and reduced iMinFoundValue to 20. It didn't help, ai still won't settle. When was the last time it worked?

Good question. I will try backing up to the post #135 dll, and I will try backing up to the 1.1 release, and then update.

(EDIT1: Maybe multi-continent settling is just "unlikely", rather than "impossible". With my current setup, 40% of the AI's spread to multiple continents. I turned off all the ocean threats and 20% spread to multiples. I think there is noise in the results and a larger sample set is needed. But I can see multi-continent settling happening "occasionally" when I look for it. We will have to solve this problem; but nothing in the setup makes it impossible. One theory may be, the AI only pursues settling on another continent when it sees a good resource there. This doesn't happen with our current bonuses setup, so the AI never bothers. It is a theory, anyway.

I will pursue the new python code for worm changing, and storms with "Defensive only", so that light hover spam will decrease. Hopefully others can work on retuning bonuses, and retuning units, in parallel.)

(EDIT2: backing up to the dll in post #135 crashes on startup. I'm not going to pursue other backing up experiments since it does seem to happen "occasionally".)
@Koma, it sounds like your gold for chopping patch, plus your all-terrain ai, would be a great thing to test out.

@The_J, thanks for the tip about bPrereqBonuses on the workboat. That fixed it.

Tonight's post is about cleaning up the resources and bonuses. Yes, I know this morning I said I wouldn't have time to do it. Today was a slow news day, I guess. I did the first part of three parts:

1. Clean the reveal techs and prereq techs so enough bonuses are available early

2. Make sure the magnitude and distribution of the food, hammer, commerce, health, happiness benefits of the improvements is good

3. Change the distribution of the bonuses so there are enough of them around

I counted up how many early game techs are visible at the start of a vanilla game: 25, with only three more becoming visible after the start (horse, copper, iron). Today in Dune Wars, 12 are visible at the start, rising slowly to 22 by tier 6. I did not go beyond tier 6, so in vanilla, things like aluminum, coal, uranium are not counted. So I eliminated all the early game reveal techs except on soostone, ore and crystal. Now the number of visible resources is almost the same as vanilla.

I counted up how many different early game improvements there are, and how many bonuses are associated with each. There are four tier 1 improvements (farm, mine, fish, camp) each with 3 associated bonuses, so 12 bonuses have improvements available in the very early game. By tier 6 (calendar), 27 of the 28 bonuses have improvements, the last one is whales at tier 7. Today in Dune Wars, only 6 bonuses have improvements at tier 1, rising slowly to 22 by tier 6. So I moved a couple of bonuses to different improvements and then moved Enclosure and Soil Enricher down to tier 2 and 3. Now the rate at which improvable bonuses appear in the tech tree is almost the same as vanilla.

In the next day or two I will probably make more changes for #2 above. Checking #3 above will involve a python function to count up how many of different bonuses are available, compared to vanilla, and then I will boost up the random numbers till things sort of match.

These changes are independent of any unit changes; the main files I am changing are bonusinfos, improvementinfos and buildinfos, with some small changes in techinfos. If anybody else is also making changes we can merge easily.
Good work, david. (I was going to suggest I'd write a little Java program to swing the contents of the bonus xml into a table/spreadsheet of relevant information, but I guess you're on it now)

In the next day or two I will probably make more changes for #2 above. Checking #3 above will involve a python function to count up how many of different bonuses are available, compared to vanilla, and then I will boost up the random numbers till things sort of match.

If you are working on #3 (prevalence of bonuses), I've found by trial and error that the most effective way is to alter the 3 values iConstAppearancei, iRandApp1 and iRandApp2 proportionately, so if you double the first, double the other two, etc. I can't remember the exact formula (there are threads on it, quoting the line from the SDK) but I think it is pretty much:

Amt of bonus based on map size x (iConstAppearance + iRandApp1 + iRandApp2)

That said, if you want a resource to be as prevalent as another - the best starting point is probably to copy the settings for it.

Also, given that the Dune terrain model is quite different, making sure <bFlatlands>,<bHills>,<TerrainBooleans>, <FeatureBooleans> and <FeatureTerrainBooleans> are appropriately set is important. If we have bonuses set to only appear in grassland forest or tundra hills then increasing the prevalance factors won't help as the terrains/features they can appear on is too restrictive. If you want a pure probability system you could pretty much allow any bonus to appear anywhere.

Also, bonuses are placed according to <iPlacementOrder>, so everything with 1 is placed first, then everything with 2. Vanilla uses this to make sure critical things like Copper, Iron and Food bonuses get down first. There may are things that are more critical to us - due to the different nature of Dune - so we will probably want this tweaked too.

Maybe we can add 1 commerce to all tiles having water (=connected to windtrap).

I like this idea - is this possible? The Fremen use water tokens for money so it is appropriate.
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