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Early Culture Generation - Warlords

G Julius Caesar

Nov 9, 2005
North East, England
Long time player, with no real progression.

Often getting stuck early game with making strategies work where I have no culture generation either from a leader's characterisitics, I've missed out on the first 3 religions or I dont build Stonehenge. So I am tending to either go for leaders with creative, go for a religion or build the henge. This is not always what I think I need to do eg if I'm trying an early rush to defeat a neighbour.

So then, what else can I do?

Do I try for the next religion (through Code of Laws I think) but this may mean I research somethings that are not a priority for the strategy.

I can try and build obelisks as a first build in the new cities, or libraries, neither of which depend on a religion but do take some time to build.
My suggestion is to bite the bullet and build monuments in each city. Use the whip as soon as the city hits pop 2, just as the previous poster said. CReative trait is very nice, but your missing out on alot of the game by limiting your leaders.
CReative trait is very nice, but your missing out on alot of the game by limiting your leaders.

My apologies, what I meant was, creative is one way to get culture generated early on. But actually I dont limit myself to creative leaders - in fact I play other types of leader more often than not and so get stuck with either racing for religion or building stonehenge.

However, as you both point out the way to go in such a case is whip a monument. Many thanks - I'm sure my civ's are going to love you for it, but at least their deaths will be for the good of their city ;)
1 chop will build a monument too.

And if you run caste system, a few turns of an artist specialist. handy trick if spiritual.
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